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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. Yeah, they got some people. What happened to the cam they had on top of Top Thrill?
  2. Park doesn't look too crowded right now. As Liz Lemon says, "I want to go to there."
  3. Just remember....they took out the already awesome KCKC for this thing.
  4. I'd hate to see the way KI maintains a parking garage. They already seem to have a hard enough time maintaining the flat lot they have now.
  5. Cool pics. Reminds me of when I was crazy excited about it while it was going up. That all changed when I rode it.
  6. Nice TR. Those crazy angled pics are making me a little woozy.
  7. Glad there was never any talk like this for the Smurf Ride. It always gave a smooth ride. I'd dare say it was B&M-smooth. It was like the original Diamondback. Just had a smaller hill. Need to build an SOS "Son of Smurf"!
  8. I think George Leigh Mallory said it best, "I ride it, because it's there." I may have butchered that.
  9. Yeah, I read it on another post. Something about fanny packs and other park coaster shirts. You can't forget the coaster patches. You have to be a skilled tailor to be in ACE with all the patches you have to sew to your jackets, or vests. Or vest jackets.
  10. Like everyone else, amazing pics. I'm in agreement that the conductor one is the way to go. You just can't get those moments very often where someone is just doing their job and you capture a moment of their life like that. Plus there's a sweet freakin' coaster in the background.
  11. I really like that pic of the sun popping through The Beast lift. That's my fav. I didn't think moles could stare into the sun like that. Must have hurt your little sensitive eyes.
  12. I hear you. I like to go no-feet as well. When going over a hill, I found it pretty fun to straighten my feet out in front of me with my hands up through the airtime.
  13. Uh oh, the table umbrellas are out by Diamondback. Getting ready for some ERTers.
  14. I'm a Beast baby too, though I was born July 4th 1979. I got The Beast and fireworks for my birthday.
  15. I marathoned when I was a kid on The Beastie. Just couldn't stop running back. My little brother and I marathoned Gemini one day at CP for a few hours and got around 30 rides in a row which gave me an idea that maybe 100 rides could be achieved in a day. I then helped get the Gemini 100 event started over on the Point Buzz site (I couldn't make it because my car broke down) but a bunch of members over there marathoned on Gemini and got 100 rides in one day. No, they didn't get to stay in the same seat, they had to get off and run around to get back on.... 100 times! So sad I couldn't go. One of our members here (RaptorJo) was one of the Gemini 100 folks.
  16. Thanks Kawana. Figured since I didn't have pictures, I had to do something, lol.
  17. Great TR. This makes me long to go back to HW. Aren't their bumper cars the best though? They're so fast and hit so hard. And they're really freaky with their light-up eyes.
  18. I am trying to make a point to wear my First Time Rider DB shirt every time I go to KI this year, but I noticed a lot of other people wearing them on Sunday, so good luck finding me, lol. I look just like my avatar, except I have a beard. And I'm not bald. And my hair's brown. And my eye brows are smaller. And so is my nose. And I have more than 1 tooth. And I'm more tan. And I'm not a cartoon.
  19. They should stamp you on your forehead. Then everyone would look like Rimmer (Red Dwarf?..... Anyone?..... *Crickets*) I got a stamp on Sunday (though I had no intention of going back that day). I wore it all afternoon and evening just to see if it would get washed away through my normal activities. It survived very well. When I went to wash it off before bed, I did noticed that it cleaned very easily compared to other stamps I've had with just a little water.
  20. Well, when I rode on opening day, it wasn't warm yet, so that could have something to do with it as well.
  21. I didn't feel it at all in row 1. Row 10 is where I felt it the most, but it was only really bad on my 2nd ride in row 10. I didn't think to notice which colored train I was on both times so it could be a certain train. Opening day I was in row 14 and I noticed a slight vibration, but nothing major. You're right, might be a middle of the train thing.
  22. Yeah, I was surprised how empty it was early on. I see in other reports that it got crowded later on. I hope there are a couple more Sundays like this left. Hopefully what you said about the vibration is true. I noticed it a little on Opening day but it wasn't bad, it just wasn't as smooth as glass like I'd been used to with other B&M's. I wonder if anyone else has noticed it.
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