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Everything posted by kingsislandfan1972

  1. My parents had bought Gold season passes for Kings Island in October, but we somehow lost them. Will Kings Island replace the passes since we gave them all of our information in October?
  2. https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8p6lDh9TyRsA4uKJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTI0Nzk1ZWw5BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANlOGViNjE3OTFiMzY4YjY4ZDJkZTY0MTA5MDY2Zjk0YwRncG9zAzEwNgRpdANiaW5n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dthe%2Bbeast%2Bkings%2Bisland%2Bstand%2Bup%26n%3D60%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr%3Dsfp-img%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26spos%3D12%26nost%3D1%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D106&w=1024&h=696&imgurl=img40.imageshack.us%2Fimg40%2F9826%2Fnpnkibeast38.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.KICentral.com%2Fforums%2Findex.php%2Ftopic%2F24872-flashback-till-opening-day-2012%2Fpage-2&size=139.6KB&name=Delirium13+%2C+Oldiesmann+%2C+luff+and+4+others+like+this&p=the+beast+kings+island+stand+up&oid=e8eb61791b368b68d2de64109066f94c&fr2=sb-top&fr=sfp-img&tt=Delirium13+%2C+Oldiesmann+%2C+luff+and+4+others+like+this&b=61&ni=128&no=106&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12st7veav&sigb=14k54kka1&sigi=11fgomj6p&.crumb=kDb/ILK7Ih5&fr=sfp-img I dont know if anybody has seen this picture of The Beast at Kings Island, but I thought it was pretty hilarious. Its a little hard to see, but I think you will see it clear enough to understand why it is funny.
  3. Well since there is two theaters in the action theater, I think another movie should be playing in the other theater next to DInosaurs 3D. The other theater has been vacent for some time, and I think its time to finnaly time to put a new attraction there.
  4. I am glad that The Bat is returning to Kings Island, hopefully it will last longer than the original Bat coaster.
  5. Ok I understand what you are trying to say, thank you for telling me. Please point out any other mistakes that might occur when I am here.
  6. I already have a season pass for Kings Island but my friend doesnt and I dont know if the price is higher now then it was in October, does anybody know how much the season passes are and when is the last day you can get them?
  7. Have you ever stopped to think how much change is in The Race For Your Life Charlie Brown Ride ( Log Ride), White Water Canyon, and Congo Falls, in the water all together? Also which ride do you think the most change is in?
  8. I think that people are lazy, but I think the bathrooms should be made bigger especially when there is big crowds.
  9. I might be mistaken, but when I rode The Beast last year, I noticed the dark music was not playing when you first go up the hill in the beginning of the ride. If I am right, then why was the music not playing?
  10. Legends at Kings Island such as Tram Girl, Tower Johnny, and Racer Boy, has been rumored to roam Kings Island as spirits. I have personally never seen any, but there I have read story's online that the spirits are real. Do you think that the legends are true, or do you that the spirits are just in peoples heads? You decide!
  11. Im soooo excited about going to Kings Island this 2014 season!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. In my personal opinion I think Cedar Fair made a BIG mistake by replacing Scooby Doo with Boo Blasters On Boo Hill. Boo Blasters is really dumb and the storyline SMAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ride looks really crappy now and people all the time complain that Scooby Doo got taken out. Everybody loves Scooby Doo (especially me ), and Scooby Doo has been with Kings Island since 1972, until removed in 2010. Now people tend to disagree with me when I say this and people say that the Phantom Theater should return instead of Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle, but I have a solution to that problem too. Now recently the Crypt has been abandoned at Kings Island leaving it empty, it looks like the perfect place to set up a Haunted House Ride the solution being a ride called Return of The Phantom Theater, now I think these are good ideas because if The Bat can fly again at Kings Island this 2014 season, then why cant Scooby Doo, and The Phantom Theater make a return to the 2015 season?
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