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As both I and others have stated here before (and correctly), King Cobra was the first of its type in North America AND was composed of Japanese steel.

You bring up an interesting point.

If the steel used was substandard compared to US steel, why would they even try and sell the ride knowing it would not last?

Everyone in the industry would have to know the same information as yourself, and others. If this is to be correct, Paramount had a serious integrity issue.

Paramount not using sound judgement?

Who would have thunk it!?!?!?!

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Industry knowledge is not evenly distributed. There are many things that others know that I have not a clue of. And, I'd like to think, at least, there are many things that I know that at least a good portion of the industry hasn't a clue of. That's the way the world works. Information is not evenly distributed, and even it if were, it is not uniformly applied by those who have it...

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