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Coaster EXT at Kings Island?

Young Gunz

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I doubt it...given how that event is scheduled, I can see a later beginning, with perhaps a later ending in the night, too. . .The whole point of the EXT thing was to add something to the Cedar Point event for the attendees at another Cedar Fair park...and changing the day would make the tradition of travelling from park to park a bit less easy, I particularly can't see them scheduling the event before Coastermania...too many people actually DO work, and investors, not just park and coaster nuts, go to Coastermania.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Makes me curious as to how it will affect some of the coaster clubs that are more expensive. One costs $60 and another costs $20. If you're just in it for the events, the decision is clear.

I have been an ACE member since 1998. I signed up just for CoasterMania. The following year I signed up for GOCC and have been a member since. I still stay an ACE member but specifically for the exclusive KI events years past (ACE SOAR and Beast Bash)

But since the rumors are flying we may say ba bye to those events (and knowing Cedar Fair I don't doubt it) I don't see any reason to spend the $$ for ACE when it won't benefit me any more than GOCC does.


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How old do You have to be to be an ACE Coaster Member?



There is nothing I can see on their websites about age restrictions but I could have missed it.

Back to the CoasterEXT discussion--

Wondering if such a good idea if KI has it the day after CoasterMania? Reason being to have EXT at GL after Mania was only an 1.5 hour drive from CP, that made sense. I am not so sure alot of people are going to be willing to drive the 4+ hour drive from CP to KI.

I hope KI is aware of the (lack of) crowds who even bothered to go to GL the day after. I for one was ALWAYS there (LOVED Dominator :rolleyes: ) and there were a few regulars but by far nothing like the crowd at Mania.

I personally think a separate event on a separate day.

Any one else's feelings?

And I sure hope that both parks do an actual Mania/EXT t-shirt for us. GL always had the most awesome EXT t-shirts for us. Last year CP did a combo CP/GL/KI shirt thanks to Con but they were kinda lame (sorry Bryan) and by far not what most of us had in mind.

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