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parking lot construction


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And parking garages are inherently expensive to construct. To the tune of about $10,000 per SPACE! Surface parking lots (like KI`s) cost only a couple hundred dollars, and have considerably less maintenance issues then what parking garages have. Due to the high cost of parking garages, that is why most seasonal amusement parks rely on cheaper surface parking instead of space saving parking garages.

And besides, it is not like Kings Island is short on space for new attractions.

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I think that if we do ever see a parking garage...or more regular spaces at that, they will not be put out front of the park where the current parking is now, but rather off to the side of the park...or behind it...

There sure would be an aweful lot of flat "dont have to do much with it" land out front of the park to expand on.

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  Browntggrr said:
^ You can also see the area where IJ currently is located as well as where Vortex is at as well.

But what does an old 1974 picture have to do with a parking lot construction?

It seems there used to be more "attention to detail" in the parking lot in years past.

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I think the parking lot is in a dire need of being resurfaced and new parking lines painted. I do not see a parking garage being constructed due to the expense and taken away of the view it would create. One thing I would build are new parking toll booths. As it is now we are at the mercy of the weather and my biggest fear has always been a huge gust of wind blowing the money out of the cash drawer. :o


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Yes, I would concur with your sentiments about the parking lot needing a repaving. Some areas the asphalt has just about deteriorated to the point where one can clearly see the soil base underneath (mud). It is especially treacherous with potholes and haphazard repair jobs by the South exit of the parking lot.

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  WHODEY2007 said:
Those poor little parking lot security guards would have a heck of a time peddling their bikes up a parking garage! LOL!

Of course, most parking garages do have elevators.

On the other hand, I have seen some security/police officers with Segways, in one of the UC garages.

While most of us have conceded that we'll never see a parking garage for Kings Island, I still dream of there being moving sidewalks (like those at airports) throughout KI.

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True, around here they were using Impalla's for a while but all the newer one's are Charger's. Which believe me they are plenty of them around here. Too many in my opinion. Of course I think they have too many red-light camera's giving out tickets and soon to be work zone speeding camera's. I've yet to get a ticket in the mail though so I guess it's all good. It's crazy how much money they make off those camera's I'm sure that's part of the reason we're seeing so many new police cars down here.

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  AintNutinElse2Do said:
If I'm not mistaken they no longer make the Crown Vic. Police tend to like the bigger wheel rear drive vehicles and at this point Charger is about the only one left in a good price range at least.

You are mistaken. The Crown Victoria is still in production, but ONLY for police and fleet use. The Grand Marquis, its Mercury twin, is in production and available for purchase by civilians. Both are assembled in Canada.

As for why the Chargers, it is highly likely that Dodge underbid Ford. They are trying to take the Vic's market. Until recently, most all law enforcement cars were Crown Vics.....

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Thanks for letting me know... of course I had to go double check any time I'm proven wrong. ^_^

Around here it used to be all Chevy Caprices then it went half and half with the Crown Vic's then about half went to Impalla's then now to Chargers. Depending on the city around here some still have all of them. Heck there's even a city that has a Chevy (will always be a GEO in my mind) Tracker police vehicle.

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