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Update: New Names for KD Attractions Announced

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One thing to keep in mind about theming is that it can make or break more than just the ride itself or other attraction. When a typical park goer sees theming not kept up it does give a bad impression not only for the ride but for the park as well. If their not keeping up the theming what else are they not keeping up with? Just as if you went to a restaurant and the dining room wasn't kept up you'd wonder about the kitchen. It doesn't mean that the kitchen is jacked up and it doesn't mean that it's a bad restaurant. It will however create a negative effect and back in my marketing classes it was always said... that a guest that has a great experience will tell one person, but a guest that had a bad experience will tell ten people.

For years I had a negative impression of SFOG due to a lack of upkeep throughout the park. It wasn't til my visit this year that I felt they had redeemed themselves, somewhat. Same with a particular fast food chain around here, nice thick burgers but one round of food poisoning and I don't plan on going back. I know there's differences in the situations but I think the basic principle is the same.

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^I would highly doubt that you could tell how clean a restaurant kitchen is judging by their bathrooms. Do you really think the same people clean the bathrooms and kitchen? Trust me. It's not the same people. Usually, your cooks clean the kitchen and a bus boy or dishwasher cleans the bathrooms. Maybe a janitor.

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