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SFOT now selling beer...

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It also does not show those families with children that are under the age of 3 that get into the stadium for free. Whereas in NFL stadiums, everyone has to have a ticket, regardless of age.

That would certainly alter that median as well.

I can't think of many times I've seen anyone under the age of 3 in a stadium of any sort?

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^ Boy these people in Texas are really dilusional.

Where do they get some of these ideas that alcohol in the park is going to do everything they claimed in those letters?

For those that work at KI:

How many incidents have you seen in the park that are alcohol related?

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Without getting into details, I must state that alcohol use at Kings Island has made for some laughs, confusion and some behavioral issues among some patrons. The issue is not overwhelmingly dissatisfactory and incidents is a strong un-detailed word, but when working and visiting I have seen a few. Now mark that I have not seen any drawn out fisticuffs, I have seen no man so intoxicated to get into a brawl. It certainly is an interesting situation though.

I as much as I do not agree with alcohol use, do not believe that it is a bad thing at parks. It is controlled well at KI, and Im sure would be at these other places. Also for many people coming to the park after a bad day at work, I'm sure alcohol and rides becomes their muse, which is certainly better than two people going at it because they have had bad days.

The one component of alcohol seems to be obscenities, I have seen some ranting drunks at BGA.

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It is controlled well at KI, and Im sure would be at these other places. Also for many people coming to the park after a bad day at work, I'm sure alcohol and rides becomes their muse, which is certainly better than two people going at it because they have had bad days.

That is just it.

Any park that I have been to has controlled the sale of alcohol like the Soup Nazi. Where the few folks in Arlington get the idea that alcohol sales are going to harm public safety and get kids run over in parking lots is rather unbelievable.

And nowadays, with the liability that comes with alcohol sales, any establishment, needs to keep it under control for fear of lawsuits.

On a side note; both BGA and BGE have had the most lax rules on alcohol that I have seen as they allow you to bring your frosty beverage into the queue lines.

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(SFOT) Star Telegram: Alcohol Sales Gross Out Third Graders


(Note: Why do so many consider it right for schools to indoctrinate little ones to spout views that are actually those of their keepers?)

It's very poor parenting skills.

It always seems to be as a result of radicalized parents feeling that it's good and proper to teach these things to their children. It's like those people from Westboro Baptist Church that bring their children to demonstrate at the funerals of soldiers and parents that have their kids hold the pictures of aborted fetuses at abortion clinics.

What are people thinking?

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This story just gets worse as the days go on.

Little Susie and Billy's dad can't purchase a beer at SF, but when mommy goes to the grocery story, she can get a bottle of Jack and a case of Bud as a chaser.

Let me explain how that works....

Many if not most that gripe about this type of thing are huge hypocrites. If not, they're certain busy bodies. Anyway, they will pick that up at the grocery (any day but Sunday) and consume behind closed doors. They will deny that they drink at all, but the ever present beer belly is a dead giveaway.

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Star-Telegram Editorial: A family-friendly park, yes; a place to park kids, no

...Here's the part of the parents' arguments against beer sales that just baffles me: Some of the same people who are concerned about the bad influence on children should they be around adults enjoying a cold beer don't give a second thought to unloading their own kids at the park gate for a day of unsupervised fun.

"Previously, I never thought twice about dropping off my teenage children for a day of fun at Arlington's amusement parks. But if alcohol becomes available, that will stop," wrote Cary King of Fort Worth in a Thursday letter to the editor.

Excuse me? "Never thought twice"? ...


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^ That's funny.

Even though I don't agree with his comment of kids under the age of 10 waiting for a ride at the end of the night. I honestly hope that to be an exagerration. My oldest daughter will be 7 in April, and I would not consider letting her go off with friends in the park even if I was at the park, let alone dropping her off.

What those people in Arlington need to realize is that people are not going to be treating SF like a corner bar. They did not pay admission to get into the park for the right to sit at a bar and consume overpriced beer.

Even when I go to parks, the only time that I will sit at a bar is usually at the hotel during the kids snack/ wash-up time, or after the park has closed (or when my wife was doing her duty and feeding the kids, but that was years ago). And those places are outside the park.

(My favorite place would be TGI Fridays at Hotel Breakers on the beach at CP. Try an Ultimate Long Island Tea!)

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State Holds Hearings:


Some Arlington council members unhappy with mayor’s stance on beer sales at Six Flags:


In his letter, Cluck raised concerns that underage employees at Six Flags might not be equipped to handle intoxicated adults or minors attempting to drink at the park. He also said intoxicated people may vomit on others during rides or make poor decisions and choose rides they might otherwise have avoided because of medical conditions. Cluck wrote that the parks are near Texas 360 and Interstate 30 and that alcohol sales may contribute to increased traffic accidents.

WooferBear is wondering if this "Chuck" has ever been to an amusement park.

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Six Flags takes heat from resident over proposed sale of beer:


Beer ban pondered for Texas Six Flags:


Citizens, Mayor Protest Six Flags' Alcohol License:


Six Flags Alcohol Opponents Cite Safety, Vomiting:


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