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New ads on this site, it seems

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So, I just noticed some of the ads at the top of the page and they all look new. Did you (admins) sign some new advertising agreements or are those all through the DDN? They are very low key, and not obnoxious, actually brings a little color to the forums, lol. This is the first site ive been to without an advertising pop-up or noise.

Just wanted to bring that up, I was wondering if they are new.

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^please try and get rid of "oops" before you hit "Add Reply"! Or, as soon as you post, edit, before anyone reads a mistake that you have made! You won't get torn up about it so much if you do.

The pen to paper is a powerful tool, when used wisely, and by no fool!

Or well, a message board on the internet as it were.

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