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Interesting Signs


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I was in the area around the park and was taking some of the back roads posted in other places. The most interesting thing that we found that you all may be interested to know (for those that don't already) was located behind Great Wolf Lodge. We were back up behind the lodge looking at Top Gun to see any signs of potential paint--none--and noticed something very interesting....

Well, what do ya know. There was a sign just inside the gates that are located back there by the Kings Island Greenhouse that very clearly said "Construction Traffic" and had an arrow pointing toward SoB. And what...might I inquire...would they be constructing if the 09 coaster is just a rumor and there is nothing coming for 08????? Interesting!

By the way, if you look in JUST the right place, the lift hills for The Beast can be spotted through the trees at this time of year from the bike trail at Fosters' Park if you go up on the bluff trail! We were extatic!

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That could be due to any type of construction, which happens every off-season. It could be a new building, new cement being poured, a new game being installed, new bathrooms or anytype of renovation.

I would not consider this to be any type of Earth shattering news or events.

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Awesome! It looks like construction of Metal Madness is almost underway. Have the Huss engineers shown up yet? Let me know when the tower cranes are in place, I want pictures! 500 feet. Man, that's going to be cool! [friend slaps thrill_biscuit...'wake up...wake up...you're drooling] :huh:

Just kidding...

Seriously, it is cool to be able to see the hybernating, oft-hidden Beast. It really is a majestic coaster.

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I would not consider this to be any type of Earth shattering news or events

It might not be earth shattering, but it is interesting.

It was more interesting to see The Beast from different angles. The lift hill lights were on when we left, which was neat in itself. Kind of like he was saying "HI". If you go to look, take your binoculars or telescope. :rolleyes:

If the leaves were on the trees, there would be no way to see The Beast from behind. It would be completely hidden with trees.

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So tell me, was this construction sign on a public road or were you trespassing on KI's property?

I was with dare-to-fly on our exploring trip, and we never crossed over any gates or passed any no trespassing signs. Actually, where the sign was we didn't even have to get out of the car to see it. Pull into Great Wolf Lodge, drive all the way around to the back where the road ends, and the sign is clearly visible through KI's gate. You do not have to trespass at all to see any of the sights that we saw.

If we were going to take a chance trespassing, we would have something more interesting to report than an "Construction Entrance" sign.

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So tell me, was this construction sign on a public road or were you trespassing on KI's property?

:o Uh oh! Get Chris Hansen on the phone!

Tonight on Dateline: To Catch a Theme Park Tresspasser

I just saw the report on CNN of this transgression against the park.

Report is that they're focusing all local FBI and CIA agents to investigate.

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To the left of that "gate/trespassing point" is the old campground, I'm not sure if that section of land got sold to GWL when they sold them the land to build the lodge, regardless you probably were trespassing on either GWL's or KI's property.

Not saying you were wrong in doing so, there is a public road right there and no signs indicating the property line.

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Oh my, what would you do if he said he did trespass boddah? call the cops? i suppose you probably sit outside your house with a radar detector and write down the license plate numbers of speeders and send them to the cops as well. people actually do that here in the Indy suburbs.

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I can't really tell you from that picture if it is 100% correct or not, but there are several drives to GWL that enter from the road that you have marked, and they are well beyond where you have the Gate point. If that is true, then the only way back there would be to trespass. Also, why would they have a road that is "trespassing" on their property but not have an official gate for another quarter mile? At any rate, you can clearly see the sign in question from the paved portion of GWL parking lot back by Top Gun.

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There is absolutely no reason for a jacka$$ statement like that House.

Bodda has a good relationship with the park. There is no reason to jeopordize that due to someone that quite possibly could be breaking the law by tresspassing and then flaunting it here.

It was a simple question. And one that was answered.

If you want to be a jerk, go do it somewhere else.

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I wasnt being a jack ass im dead serious. if he decided to trespass thats his business if was caught thats on him. its stupid to sit on a message board and cast stones over something like that though. there is no reason to act like a bunch of ninnies because this guy came across something that excited him. as for you, get over yourself. you are calling someone an idiot in your sig, now that is being a jack ass.

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I wasnt being a jack ass im dead serious. if he decided to trespass thats his business if was caught thats on him. its stupid to sit on a message board and cast stones over something like that though. there is no reason to act like a bunch of ninnies because this guy came across something that excited him. as for you, get over yourself. you are calling someone an idiot in your sig, now that is being a jack ass.

Hey House-

Do you not realize that Bodda is a moderator here? If he allows someone to post information illegally, then the park can cut ties with KI Central. If that were happen, events like KI Central hosted this summer will not happen again.

There is absolutely nothing different with tresspassing illegally and taking on ride photos illegally. Parks do not take kindly to such things.

And as for my signature. It's due to people like you that it was added. Go troll somewhere else.

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I actually saw the sign too last Thursday. I went to apply at GWL and was driving in the back to see Flight Deck and was on my way out and saw a gate open and I thought it was a way out. I realized I was on park property and backed out and left GWL at the normal exit. I think that sign is for every year and a good easy acess for crews to get into the park year round.

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House, I'd really start listening to anymore warnings given to you by a moderator or admin, and yes brown is a prize, its a real treat having him on these forums as he is a respected member who constantly posts excellent information and contributes conversation.

Back to the topic at hand...

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Well, in reviewing code, what I gather is that Ohio sees trespassing in a couple ways. Ohio generally views trespassing as both a civil and a criminal offense. (Depending on the circumstances and location.) From the report, this would or could be a civil situation. In turn, the owner could only sue only for damages that are caused to the property and injuries that may be caused or inflicted on a person by the perpetrator. They would also be able to collect for any expenses that are associated with removing the trespasser.

The owner can bring criminal charges for a violation and can obtain an order that restrains the individual from further trespassing. It's very similar to when a store or a restaurant restrains someone from their property.

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this reminds me of something that happened earlier this season..not to myself, but a friend who told me about it later...he was using his trusty GPS...it took him off the Kings Mason Rd exit (i think that's what it is) off of I-71...long story short..it guided him through the KI back roads...after a minute or two he realized what happened but decided to keep going out of curiosity....it took him to the parking lot, but it was a side entrance that had a gate that was unlocked!!!

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