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Return of the King

The Interpreter

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People go to amusement parks for the rides, not shows. This “KICentral.com” website is full of nutjobs that let their lives revolve around Kings Island and will be more than happy to tell you that these shows are just as good as getting a new ride. Of course you have to weed through the high school age moderators chastising people. I also remember there being a plethora of shows during paramount parks tenure. If i want quality live entertainment, Kings Island would not be the place i go
Could this be JacksonPKI? :rolleyes:
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"I think the fact that it was owned by Paramount had something to do with (Kings Island's) popularity," she said. "Rides like Top Gun refer to movies, and I think it's a possibility that it will get less popular."

Obviously some people like to ride rides because of their names and not the actual rides themselves. It's not like Top Gun had such extensive theming that we're going to really care that it's renamed Flight Deck. So....they took out the movie posters and the music? Who cares? It's still going to be the same ride. And it's been years since I rode Top Gun to where I actually waited through the part of the line that was 'themed' so really. Whoever said this is an idiot. It's the same coaster whether or not we see Tom Cruise before we go on it.


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People go to amusement parks for the rides, not shows. This “KICentral.com” website is full of nutjobs that let their lives revolve around Kings Island and will be more than happy to tell you that these shows are just as good as getting a new ride. Of course you have to weed through the high school age moderators chastising people. I also remember there being a plethora of shows during paramount parks tenure. If i want quality live entertainment, Kings Island would not be the place i go
Could this be JacksonPKI? :rolleyes:

I bet that is just someone who is upset that they got banned for talking about stupid things in the forums.

I also liked the girl who said people only went to the park because of the "Paramount Themes". :rolleyes:

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>>I also liked the girl who said people only went to the park because of the "Paramount Themes". :rolleyes:<<

Exactly! Apparently she thinks that Paramount is the only one that ever owned Kings Island. Some people are just stupid. Like I said who really cares about the Paramount themes? The only rides that actually had 'themes' were Top Gun,TR, and IJ. Tomb Raider will actually probably be better this year. I couldn't stand watching the pre show...I hated the movie Tomb Raider anyway! Although....does anyone know if the music they used to play when you actually walked in and got on the ride was from the movie? I liked that music ;)

Drop Zone & Face Off weren't exactly themed after the movies they were named after either.....

And Top Gun....I could care less if I never see another poster with Tom Cruise on it again....although I love LOVE that movie I can't stand him anymore so it's fine by me!

The only thing I am kind of sad about is the music they play now during the fireworks. I always liked hearing the Top Gun music,etc. during the fireworks and the one time I actually payed attention during the fireworks last year the music was LAME! Other than that...meh. I don't really care who owns the park as long as they do a good job with it!


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Lilian Baker, 17, of Dayton said she is excited about the opening, but skeptical about some of the changes.

"I think the fact that it was owned by Paramount had something to do with (Kings Island's) popularity," she said. "Rides like Top Gun refer to movies, and I think it's a possibility that it will get less popular."

It's not her exact statement but that is what she was getting at.

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Haha the only thing I'm going to miss is singing Highway To the Danger Zone. One time the ride broke down and my friend an I got the entire train to sing. LOL Obviously we were bored. :P

You can still do that. ;) Just sing it anyway and the people who knew that it was ONCE Top Gun will sing it with you!

This is kind of random but do you remember those certain nights when you would get on The Beast (it might have been during the anniversary) and the people who worked the ride got everyone so pumped and cheering the whole time? Those were some fun times........one of those nights they let us stay on and ride again which is probably the only time that's ever happened to me on a roller coaster.


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I still remember Roars as you go up the lift hill. I only ever heard them while riding at night or maybe thats just when I noticed them.

Same for me! I thought they had the roars last year when I rode it.....although when I try to think back I can only remember them at night. Then again we try to only ride at night so I'm no help!

Remember when the vending machines in line for The Beast were only 1.50 for a 20oz? ;)

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Aren’t they like 3 now?

My friend paid for a pop 20 oz for 3 then drank half of it threw it away....I was like are you kidding me, then I drank it.

I don't know how much they are now....but 3.00 sounds pretty accurate. I don't buy pop from the vending machines when I go.....I get the free ice water all day and then we refill our souvenir cups for dinner.

It's pretty outrageous how expensive it is that's why if they have something free, I go for it! Besides water always tastes better esp on those lovely 90+ degree days Ohio gets..lol.

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I still remember Roars as you go up the lift hill. I only ever heard them while riding at night or maybe thats just when I noticed them.

Same for me! I thought they had the roars last year when I rode it.....although when I try to think back I can only remember them at night. Then again we try to only ride at night so I'm no help!

Remember when the vending machines in line for The Beast were only 1.50 for a 20oz? ;)

Remember when you could buy drinks and food in line for The Beast from a real person? The food would be hot, and a hot dog and a 44oz drink was about $2.50.

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"I think the fact that it was owned by Paramount had something to do with (Kings Island's) popularity," she said. "Rides like Top Gun refer to movies, and I think it's a possibility that it will get less popular."

I wonder if her feelings would change if she knew that Flight Deck a.k.a. Top Gun was not planned by Paramount and was supposed to be called Thunder Road.

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Many many people don't know what they're talking about. I responded to the guy's shot at us which was quoted above. Many people go to KI for the shows. You can love or hate the concept but when it comes down to it, it's VERY expensive to do these six shows and it would have been cheaper to install a moderate sized ride instead. They took the show route because it made proper business sense, not because they wanted a cheap way out.

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Many many people don't know what they're talking about. I responded to the guy's shot at us which was quoted above. Many people go to KI for the shows. You can love or hate the concept but when it comes down to it, it's VERY expensive to do these six shows and it would have been cheaper to install a moderate sized ride instead. They took the show route because it made proper business sense, not because they wanted a cheap way out.

Yeah I saw he took a shot at you and the rest of the mods too. Jealous much? LOL Kids these days. No Respect

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I still remember Roars as you go up the lift hill. I only ever heard them while riding at night or maybe thats just when I noticed them.

Same for me! I thought they had the roars last year when I rode it.....although when I try to think back I can only remember them at night. Then again we try to only ride at night so I'm no help!

Remember when the vending machines in line for The Beast were only 1.50 for a 20oz? ;)

Remember when you could buy drinks and food in line for The Beast from a real person? The food would be hot, and a hot dog and a 44oz drink was about $2.50.

You beat me to the punch. I remember Beast Drinks used to be quite a profitable little venture, in fact.

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I still remember Roars as you go up the lift hill. I only ever heard them while riding at night or maybe thats just when I noticed them.

Same for me! I thought they had the roars last year when I rode it.....although when I try to think back I can only remember them at night. Then again we try to only ride at night so I'm no help!

Remember when the vending machines in line for The Beast were only 1.50 for a 20oz? ;)

Remember when you could buy drinks and food in line for The Beast from a real person? The food would be hot, and a hot dog and a 44oz drink was about $2.50.

You beat me to the punch. I remember Beast Drinks used to be quite a profitable little venture, in fact.

Many many people don't know what they're talking about. I responded to the guy's shot at us which was quoted above. Many people go to KI for the shows. You can love or hate the concept but when it comes down to it, it's VERY expensive to do these six shows and it would have been cheaper to install a moderate sized ride instead. They took the show route because it made proper business sense, not because they wanted a cheap way out.

Correction, people came to KI for the shows. It's going to take some time to get back to that point and the park is going to have to be patient in getting those individuals back. And essentially to do this they're having to rebuild a department that was decimated. This is certainly not an easy or inexpensive thing to do.

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This is kind of random but do you remember those certain nights when you would get on The Beast (it might have been during the anniversary) and the people who worked the ride got everyone so pumped and cheering the whole time? Those were some fun times........one of those nights they let us stay on and ride again which is probably the only time that's ever happened to me on a roller coaster.


I remember that time we were in line, and it was one of the last rides of the season, and they were having cheering contests, and giving away thing out of the Lost & Found! That was one of the best times I've had while waiting in a line!

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People go to amusement parks for the rides, not shows. This “KICentral.com” website is full of nutjobs that let their lives revolve around Kings Island and will be more than happy to tell you that these shows are just as good as getting a new ride. Of course you have to weed through the high school age moderators chastising people. I also remember there being a plethora of shows during paramount parks tenure. If i want quality live entertainment, Kings Island would not be the place i go
Could this be JacksonPKI? :rolleyes:

Probably not...it was too well written :)

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....And Top Gun....I could care less if I never see another poster with Tom Cruise on it again....

So, if you COULD care less, then you do care some about seeing another poster with Tom Cruise in it....I suspect you meant you couldN'T care less.

Terpy, trying to help, because he does care

Awww Interp! You have a soft side. lol

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