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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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  The Interpreter said:
And Cedar Point is a park you simply must get to, whenever you can. It's an incredible place.

I'll definitely have to agree with you on this one. My first trip to Cedar Point was this last July and I didn't ever want to leave. I was extremely PO'ed at my friends though, the only ride I didn't get to ride was Maverick. They didn't want to wait the hour and a half. Yeah they heard it from me the whole entire 5 hour trip back to Indy.

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  The Interpreter said:
Cedar Point is a park you simply must get to, whenever you can. It's an incredible place.

I second that. It is worth the 3 hour drive from where I sit.

I'm going on closing day (after being harassed by many ;) ), and I don't care if it's so cold I have to wear a down coat and gloves.

(hey, I made it to enthusiast status! w00t!)

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Conversation with someone on the bus:

Kid: Jackson, are they taking down The Vortex next year?

Me: No, The Vortex is safe as always.

Kid: Some kids told me it's gonna get demolished and replaced next year

Me: They say that every year since 2002. It's fine.

Kid: What's it gonna get replaced with?


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  beastfan26 said:
They're still calling it Top Gun

They're amazed at the Paramount removal

I refuse to call them by their new names. Hell, half the time i can't remember the new names :P

I know i'm such a rebel right? :P

  KI-ORIG-EMP said:
I work in the kennel most of the time and I have guests come in thinking that we have dogs on display for them to view. I just say no, we have the kennel so that they might bring their pets and have a place to keep them while they are at the park. So keep this in mind when you come to the park. Why keep them home by themselves and let them tear things up.

where the hell is there a kennel?!?!

  The Interpreter said:
Yeah, but this monster wasn't only a people...but also a park employee. Employees really shouldn't be using the old names. Somehow, I doubt Cedar Fair would be...uh...wait for it.....amused.

You can't blame the monsters. Some of them are only there to work the haunt. They don't get the whole "ok these are the new names you are not allowed under any circumstances to call them by the old ones or forever rue the day when you lose your job on the spot" speech :P lol

  pikeman77 said:
What is ride on the ttd like?Never been to Cedar Point yet.

If you love coasters you HAVE to visit America's Roller Coast :P lol I'm going to admit here i love it way more than KI (but i'm partial cuz i'm originally a Northerner plucked down in Cincy. but CP is pretty much amazing *sigh* <3

  The Interpreter said:
. . . and that, at least in some seasons, is Uncle Henry's job!

HAHAHAHAHAHA I literally LOL'ed at this!!!

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^ Not unless you hear 2009 season talk from the GP.

It'll be interesting to hear what they say about Diamondback.

I can see it now:

"Diamondback was testing and the supports on the first helix crashed and sent the train flying through the air only to crash through SOB's structure, over Top Gun (you KNOW they'll say it), and into one of GWL's slides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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I think I have said it before, but I don't want to go back and find it.

On Magnum

Girl in front of me: "Look at the ocean at how beautiful it is."

Standing near the Diamondback mini-me up front:

Random guy: "That's MF but painted different."

Random woman: "I hope it doesn't go THAT fast."

Park employee(sweep):

"It's not going to be that great of a ride anyway."

I hate when they say Firehawk is "Brand new", when it is actually a hand-me-down.

Funniest thing i heard all season,

Guy talking about Diamondback's missing track parts:

"I hope they don't leave it like that!"

From the parking lot looking at F/O's lifts.

Female: "That one has two tracks."

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  The Interpreter said:
Before your time...they lived back between Thunder Run and Penguin's Blizzard River...and they were LOUD!

I remember seeing something about them, but can't remember if it was at SFKK or at another park I was looking up, but yeah. Those things do seem annoying and pointless.

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