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Should Congo Falls and Wings Diner change names?


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I noticed this season that Cedar Fair dropped all references to Paramount from the park. Well, almost. Congo Falls is still Congo Falls, inspired by the 1995 film, Congo. It used to be called Amazon Falls.

Wings Diner is still Wings Diner. It was named after the 1927 film Wings.

Why didn't Kings Island change the names of these two establishments?

In this poll I want to know if you think that Kings Island should change their names.

Best regards,

Italian Chef

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I don't really see any direct connection to the movie Congo, most people just think it "has something to do with Africa." And like Interp said, Wing's copyright ran out. Neither seem to be that big of a deal.

What's your opinion Italian Chef?

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i know for a FACT that they were tying to rename Wings and it use to Wings Montgomery Inn Ribs, cause I worked there when it was that, then the next season the 'honeymoon' season of 2006 it was just called Wings and this year with an 'Old world feel' or a down home mom and pop place, the new name is Wings Dinner Buffet. I don't know what they were trying to change it too. but I know they were trying to change it.

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^^^So you are expert # 4515, I was wandering who you were. By the way the word "FACT" should be used very lightly around here. Some people care where you get your info and will ask you to state your source, and others will just laugh at you.

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On a slightly related note, why not change Wings to Famous Dave's? Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Perhaps, but only on Fridays.....

Terpy, running for the door (and just ribbin' ya)

Ugh. :rolleyes: You sleigh me Terpy.

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^^^So you are expert # 4515, I was wandering who you were. By the way the word "FACT" should be used very lightly around here. Some people care where you get your info and will ask you to state your source, and others will just laugh at you.

My source is that last season I worked at Wings at post season. Then they were telling us they were thinking of changing the name. They were also thinking about re theming it. Last season at EOS clean up, we were putting the booths in a pick-up truck and who knows were they went. They also took a lot of are chairs and tables and used them for wood during the haunt. That is what I know and I'm sticking it too it. And sorry one last thing they gave us a slip pf paper with all the name changes on it and Wings was on there and under named changed it had ????, that means even as late as 3 weeks befor the park opened they were thinking about a name change for it.

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Perhaps because people remember the fabulous, well-prepared food that Columbia Palace served? And the service it offered? Perhaps that is too much nostalgia even for Mr. Kinzel.

Columbia Palace had just the best fried chicken that I'd ever had in my life.

But then, when it was a full service restaurant, the gormet burgers were pretty awesome, as well.

But then, the ribs were always tasty. With the Grill House you could smell the Ribs all through Rivertown.

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Perhaps because people remember the fabulous, well-prepared food that Columbia Palace served? And the service it offered? Perhaps that is too much nostalgia even for Mr. Kinzel.

Columbia Palace had just the best fried chicken that I'd ever had in my life.

But then, when it was a full service restaurant, the gormet burgers were pretty awesome, as well.

But then, the ribs were always tasty. With the Grill House you could smell the Ribs all through Rivertown.

And why can't we bring that back?! That's exactly what KI needs. A signature restaurant.

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Remember, Paramount didn`t do all bad things to Kings Island. Afterall, they were the ones that installed Delirium and Flight of Fear!

they were also the ones who were going to remove Flight of Fear. ;)

Well, if you want to be technical about it, the park was no longer under the same owners as when Flight of Fear was put in in 1996. Back then, Paramount Parks was owned by Viacom. In 2006 when the parks were sold to Cedar Fair, the parks were no longer under the umbrella of Viacom but CBS. It was CBS`s Paramount Parks that was going to relocate both Kings Island`s and Kings Dominion`s Flight of Fear rides to Carowinds and Canada`s Wonderland (or at least that is what rumors suggested). And keep in mind that Kings Dominion`s Flight of Fear was closed much of the 2006 season, until Cedar Fair reopened the ride in August of that year.

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I think Wings should keep the name because most people have never even heard of or even seen Wings the movie so it can stay.

Congo Falls should go back to Amazon Falls or like The Plunge or something along those lines.

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Did someone say something?

Terpy, who could have sworn we listen to that someone to the same extent he reads threads before and after posting in them....not to mention that certain someone wrote the book on PARAMOUNT'S Kings Island...

Oh my gosh! I was just thinking the same thing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I understand what everyone's saying about "Congo" being a place in africa but if you wanna be that technical, Drop Zone, and Face off are just simple words, they don't take the logo, nor any theming from their respective movies. And Tomb Raider is a freakin video game series! So if you really wanna be technical, the only things that should of changed is Top Gun and IJST. So yes in that regards, Congo should come off the waterfall! Seriously I've hated that name ever since they renamed it anyway! Amazon falls FTW

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I understand what everyone's saying about "Congo" being a place in africa but if you wanna be that technical, Drop Zone, and Face off are just simple words, they don't take the logo, nor any theming from their respective movies. And Tomb Raider is a freakin video game series! So if you really wanna be technical, the only things that should of changed is Top Gun and IJST. So yes in that regards, Congo should come off the waterfall! Seriously I've hated that name ever since they renamed it anyway! Amazon falls FTW

If you wanna be technical, you have no knowledge of the negotiations or agreements Cedar Fair had with Paramount Park (and chose not to purchase from Paramount Parks) to use the theming. Tomb Raider: The Ride was themed directly after the movie by Paramount Motion Pictures, hence when Cedar Fair chose not to use or purchase or extend the rights to the licensing the theme went bye bye. Congo Falls never featured any direct theming or movie related references to the movie "Congo." The only thing indicating that the ride and the movie were related was a movie poster for "Congo" hanging in Action Zone, the poster has since been removed. Congo was the name of the movie, not Congo Falls, whereas Drop Zone and Face/Off were the same exact names of the Paramount movies of the same name, hence why they were changed. So in theory, it was not just IJST and Top Gun that had to have names changed, it was all Paramount references and names that had to be changed.

For the sake of eliminating the presence of Paramount, I really think that CF should have changed the names of Wings and Congo Falls. But does anyone listen to me???

No offense Chef, but why would they? Oh, why am I asking, you never read a thread again after you post in it. :P

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If you wanna be technical, you have no knowledge of the negotiations or agreements Cedar Fair had with Paramount Park (and chose not to purchase from Paramount Parks) to use the theming. Tomb Raider: The Ride was themed directly after the movie by Paramount Motion Pictures, hence when Cedar Fair chose not to use or purchase or extend the rights to the licensing the theme went bye bye. Congo Falls never featured any direct theming or movie related references to the movie "Congo." The only thing indicating that the ride and the movie were related was a movie poster for "Congo" hanging in Action Zone, the poster has since been removed. Congo was the name of the movie, not Congo Falls, whereas Drop Zone and Face/Off were the same exact names of the Paramount movies of the same name, hence why they were changed. So in theory, it was not just IJST and Top Gun that had to have names changed, it was all Paramount references and names that had to be changed.

Actually if you really want to get technical, you really have no knowledge of Cedar Fair's agreement with Paramount Pictures either. I get what you're saying and it does make a lot of sense, but you still don't know for sure if that's why they chose to change the names or not.

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I never claimed to, I was pointing out that its obvious why certain names were changed. Drop Zone and Face/Off are not just "words" like Cor claimed, but registered trademarks of Paramount Motion Pictures, and as is confirmed and has been see....all Paramount references and theming have been removed from the acquisition parks by Cedar Fair.

Wasn't trying to be rude to you Cor, just pointing out that Cedar Fair obviously chose to remove all the movie references (and announced they would be doing so in conference calls), and in doing so names like "Drop Zone" and "Face/Off" had to go, since being trademarks of the movie studio.

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