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5/11/08 Trip Report!


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Well , me my mom, and my sister(Ashers on this website) got to the park at 10:15, and find the park almost completely empty today. It was a wet, and cold day. But it turned out to be fun!

-First we go to Drop Zone because it had just opened up, and that's always a good starting ride. It was COLD up there!

-Next, we went to Firehawk to meet my cousins, and we pretty much walked right on it.

-After Firehawk we decided to go on Flight of Fear, which like almost every ride today was a walk-on. This was running good today, except almost stopping right in the middle of the ride.

-After coming out of FoF we went on the Scrambler, we were the only ones on, so that was pretty fun!

-Then we went on The Racer. 3 of us went to the Red Racer, 4 of us went to Blue. Of course we lost on red, because red always loses!

-Adventure Express was a walk on as usual, and this is still one of my favorites.

-Next we went on Viking Fury. It had been a while since we went on this last, and it's still a really fun ride!

-Then we went on Delerium, it made this terrible grinding noise when it first started that I had never heard on it any other time we've ever been on it. Any clue what this was?

-We all started to get hungry, and it was about 12:00 by this time (I know we got on ALOT in just 2 hours!) So we went and grabbed some lunch at Outer Hanks. They were out of chicken so we had to wait there for like 20 minutes.

-Then aftwer a pitstop at a bathroom we went over to The Crypt, which was broken down. My cousins decided they were done for the day so they went and headed home. Then we went on The Beast, and rode in the very back car. And while waiting we saw Captain Nemo. The ride on The Beast was very fun! It was a little painful because it started raining, and it felt like razors in my eyes lol.

-Then we went to The Crypt since it had reopened. I keep telling myself that The Crypt is better than TRTR, but in reality, I liked TRTR alot better. It was better when it was Tomb Raider. The program seemed almost dulled down since I rode it a couple weeks ago! But it is still a fun ride to go on.

-Then we went to check out the construction on the train. It looks like it is going to go over the train bridge, or under it, which would be really cool through that ravine.

-Next was Scooby Doo, I actually had a gun that worked, and got 1200 points on it!!!! Normally I only get like 300! So this was an awesome ride on Scooby Doo.

-Then we for some reason went on Son of Beast in the front seat while it was raining, and it was a painful yet funny ride. I had my sweatshirt pulled down so I wouldn't hurt my face too much!

-Slinghot had a 5 dollar special so we decided what the heck, and rode that, and it was so much fun! That was only my second time riding, and it is a totally different experience in the rain!

- We were all getting a little too cold and tired so we decided to just ride Adventure Express as our last ride.

- Then we left the park around 4:15ish, and had a cold, wet, and rainy trip to KI. Yet it was one of the best because of how many rides we got on! Hope I didn't bore everyone to death with such a long TR.

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^^It was a good time!

In an almost deserted park, Outer Hanks was out of chicken? For 20 minutes?

What did you end up eating? How was it?

We finally got the chicken, they just had to finish fying it or something. It was nice and hot though lol.

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Has it done it any other weekend so far? It sounded pretty bad, I mean you could just feel the entire arm vibrating. It was weird. I also noticed a few seats on Delerium, now have almost all black restraints with a small section of red. When did this change occur?

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Has it done it any other weekend so far? It sounded pretty bad, I mean you could just feel the entire arm vibrating. It was weird. I also noticed a few seats on Delerium, now have almost all black restraints with a small section of red. When did this change occur?

I rode Delirium on 4/26 and 5/3 and every time when the ride reaches the top or near the top, (I can't really tell) it shakes. It's weird but I figure KI knows about it. At least I hope they do.

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Maybe someone should bring it to there attention, just in case they don't know. But I'm sure they do.

Yeah, I'm not really worried about it until I start getting hurt from it. Until then, It'll be fine. Even so, I'll probably say something the next time I'm down there.

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