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My Japan Trip


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On October 8th I flew to Japan with Mrs. Chef and Baby Chef.

We arrived on 10/9 at night.

On 10/10 we did practically nothing.

On 10/11 I visited INUYAMA CASTLE, Joan Tea Arbor, the Inuyama Artifacts Musuem, the Ohgata Shrine, Meiji Mura, and the Naritasan Shrine all in Inuyama.

On 10/12, Columbus Day, Mrs. Chef and I renewed our wedding vows in a Catholic Church and Baby Chef was baptized.

On 10/13 Mrs. Chef and I went to Gifu City - Cincinnati's sister city. We visited Gifu Castle, the Gifu City Musuem, the Dai Buddha, and many more places. Plus we took part in ukai fishing.

On 10/14 we went to Gero Onsen which didn't quite appeal to me.

We came back on 10/15.

On 10/16 Mrs. Chef and I visited Little World Amusement Park and went around the world in a day.

On 10/17 I visited Monkey Park and rode all of their roller coaster plus more rides - and I saw all primates there.

On 10/18 I shopped a little.

On 10/19 I went to Sakae in Nagoya to eat Shabu Shabu with a friend and shop.

On 10/20 we were hit hard by a typhoon and stuck indoors.

On 10/21 I came back today!

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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  Scooby_Doo said:
Wow sounds like you had a nice trip is japan a nice place to visit?what are there cartoons like do they have cartoon network or Nicktoons?

Based on how many animes i've watched, their cartoons include lots of blood, gore, violence, language, love, and nudity.And no, they don't have cartoon network of nick.

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Japan does have animae and childrens cartoons. The former includes nudity, violence, etc. The latter doesn't. Folks I met in Japan have no idea what H-B or Nick is. I do have plenty of pictures to post, but don't know how to get them on this site.

Have a great day!

Italian Chef


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