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I went to Carowinds a few weekends ago (during some middle school choral group day...big mistake), and the line jumping was absolutely out of control. I couldn't believe I didn't say anything to these kids' faces as they just pushed right past me and my buddy SEVERAL times throughout the day. I gave several dirty looks, but it seemed like they did not understand the concept of cutting past other people waiting for their turn in line.

The smoking was the other thing that bothered me...regularly living in Ohio, I got used to the no-smoking policies throughout the state, and began to love them. But do I understand correctly that all of the CF parks are supposed to be smoke free? If so, the park had absolutely ZERO control over people lighting up, whether these patrons were walking a midway, eating in a benched area or waiting in a queue. Very disappointing. I recall at KI last year (and CP) that the smoking bans were taken very seriously by park guests and I can't remember of anybody violating the rules.

I know I'm not alone in this (along with others here), but why should I have to take time out of my park stay to find someone from security, explain the situation, and then help security find the perpetrators? Smokers rights? How about non-smokers rights???

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Guest kwindshawne
I don't think they hire aggressive enough security guards. They all seem pretty passive aggressive.

I went to the Knievel jump with my dad. He didn't have a pass so we had to stand outside of the designated area. So many people were jumping the fence. The lady near where we stood tried chasing about 2 people down before just giving up. If she had kicked them out maybe she would have set an example, but she did nothing but chase the people down, thus taking her eye off of her patrol area and causing 20 or so people to flood into the area.

I'm not saying that I really care about that particular thing, because it's not like the viewing area was even near full, but you would think they would hire aggressive people to the job of security, not people who are just going to let things slide.

One thing I think people fail to realize is that if you have a bunch of "thug" security guards in place, you can have a riot on your hands pretty quick if you take the agressive route, especially in a situation like Saturday. Before going that way, you should always try to diffuse it with words. I went to Hara Arena in 1985 to watch The Firm, and the security there was horrible. First of all, it was festival seating. My friend and I got pushed against the stage-when The Who tragedy was still fresh in MY mind anyway-and the front of stage people had to physically pull her out. I started to get fuzzy because I couldn't breathe, so I managed to get out-I still don't know how. My original point, I went to one of the security guards and tried to ask him where they took her, and all he did was jump in my face and throw a few F words at me-which I retaliated in same. That right there, is how a situation gets out of hand. Security is instructed to be friendly with all guests regardless of how much verbal abuse is thrown back at them, and I challenge anyone on this board to have that for a few hours and continue to smile.

Also keep in mind the media was all over the park Saturday and those guys were in the international spotlight-any "riots" that happened, well, I think you can figure the position the park would have been in with that.

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Guest kwindshawne
Well it will become a problem for smokers soon i'm sure if there is enough complaints watch and see because it can happen because why would they make a smoking ban law in the first place.

And another thing-the rudeness of the smokers is what caused the ban in this state. Take it for what it is.

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That last comment the rudeness of smokers is what did the ban for a good vote: Also I'll tell you now Carowinds not enforcing it that's weird? Had'nt been down there in a while but wow the other Cedar Fair parks enforce it for sure!!!

I think the best smoking areas away from stuff i've seen so far was ky king dom: and they do good enforcement: for a clean park!

and the staffers wear polos and on the back of them this is a non smoking and clean facility my family comes here too:

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That chain that numbers its flags is taking guest conduct very seriously nowadays. They want to make the parks family friendly places, and rowdy/rude conduct is not tolerated. Offenders are ejected without refund, the first time.

Well that is due to backlash, I'm certain.

It was not too long ago that families did not feel safe walking around SFOG.

Now, I can't imagine anyone does not feel comfortable and at ease.

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Personally as a smoker I enjoy the designated smoking areas, cuts down on the snizeling and fake coughs. The patrons who don't play by the rules are junkin it up for the abiders, and I think this should stop along w/ the rest of us. As for line jumping its pretty bad on The Vortex. It sucks to walk through the barriers just to have someone jump them at the stairs, But all in all we all have made stupid desisions in our life and to forget this is also a part of life. The good w/ the bad is my motto. Expect all walks of life with this many people in one place. This year alone I learned its not a good idea to D.P. and I'm sure these patrons will learn in there own way.

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The smoking thing is pretty annoying. I don't mind smoke at all but I get tired of the disrespectful smokers. I was on the railroad today and someone was smoking the whole time, even during the no smoking announcement.

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I have never seen more smoking violations than I did today. The worst was in Rivertown where some redneck was playing the basketball game with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. The kids running the game did nothing

When exactly did Redneck become an appropriate slur?

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I have never seen more smoking violations than I did today. The worst was in Rivertown where some redneck was playing the basketball game with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. The kids running the game did nothing

When exactly did Redneck become an appropriate slur?

How else do you describe a man who is wearing a tank top that used to be white (I will not describe it in a manner that may be a slur against those who engage in domestic violence :) ), covered in tattoos and who looks as though he hasn't bathed for a considerable period of time?

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I have never seen more smoking violations than I did today. The worst was in Rivertown where some redneck was playing the basketball game with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. The kids running the game did nothing

When exactly did Redneck become an appropriate slur?

How else do you describe a man who is wearing a tank top that used to be white (I will not describe it in a manner that may be a slur against those who engage in domestic violence :) ), covered in tattoos and who looks as though he hasn't bathed for a considerable period of time?

Well as I understand it, the term Redneck comes from those that would put in considerable time working in the fields. As the sun can be quite strong while in that situation, the workers would often wear hats and long sleeved shirts and long pants. The long pants and shirts were to protect during the the work. The only exposed part would be the back of their necks. The sun would beat down and make their necks read.

Soooo, if you're indicating that the person was a hard worker.... I completely agree.

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I have never seen more smoking violations than I did today. The worst was in Rivertown where some redneck was playing the basketball game with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. The kids running the game did nothing

When exactly did Redneck become an appropriate slur?

How else do you describe a man who is wearing a tank top that used to be white (I will not describe it in a manner that may be a slur against those who engage in domestic violence :) ), covered in tattoos and who looks as though he hasn't bathed for a considerable period of time?

Well as I understand it, the term Redneck comes from those that would put in considerable time working in the fields. As the sun can be quite strong while in that situation, the workers would often wear hats and long sleeved shirts and long pants. The long pants and shirts were to protect during the the work. The only exposed part would be the back of their necks. The sun would beat down and make their necks read.

Soooo, if you're indicating that the person was a hard worker.... I completely agree.

In that case, my neck got pretty red working at south tolls on Saturday. For that matter, my left arm and the side of my face was also red. That is what I get for being a red head!


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My policy on smoking is that if you have paid admission you should smoke in the designated areas but if you dont then you have your right.

My policy on line jumping the culprets should be removed from the line and taken back to the line entrance.

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Well, first of all, I should have used "scumbag" rather than "redneck." But, as I have said before, I smoke and follow the rules, so it angers me when people blatantly violate the rules with impunity. Sorry if you took that as a slur, but most of the words I thought of when I saw that happening would violate the KIC Terms of Service (following the rules again :) )

But, you are correct about the origin of the term "redneck:" however, I believe the modern slang usage of the term connotes something quite different, is somewhat humerous (ala Jeff Foxworthy), and provides a benign substutute for terms that are far more offensive.

This is especially true, because. when it comes to rednecks, I am one........

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I had a guy in the Boomerang Bay train station try to run me over from behind with no excuse me or anything. As Gordon and Nemo can attest, I'm a rather large fellow, so it didn't phase me. Then he has the gall to stare me down like he's going to take a swing at me or something. It was funny but I really didn't know what was going to happen because well, you never know.

On a side note, I know that if you witness a guest line jumping or smoking, you are supposed to notify the attendants. For example, on Sunday at The Beast, there was no one at the entrance to the queues, nor was there anyone once you enter the station. If you do see someone smoking or line jumping, once you are able to notify a park employee, it's too late. I think that security should make visits through the queues, that might cut down on the shennanigans.

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Well, first of all, I should have used "scumbag" rather than "redneck." But, as I have said before, I smoke and follow the rules, so it angers me when people blatantly violate the rules with impunity. Sorry if you took that as a slur, but most of the words I thought of when I saw that happening would violate the KIC Terms of Service (following the rules again :) )

But, you are correct about the origin of the term "redneck:" however, I believe the modern slang usage of the term connotes something quite different, is somewhat humerous (ala Jeff Foxworthy), and provides a benign substutute for terms that are far more offensive.

This is especially true, because. when it comes to rednecks, I am one........

Jeff Foxworthy lives in Alpharetta.


A good portion of Alpharetta makes Indian Hill look like the slums.

.... Just FYI

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Guest kwindshawne

It is impossible for the ride ops to do anything when they are busy in the station, so whatever happens in the line is usually not seen. I think there should be security in all the lines to prevent this from happening, but I know the number of people it would take to do that would be astronomical. That is the only way to stop it from my viewpoint.

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Another park chain had serious guest misconduct problems. They dedicated large amounts of money to security, came up with new guest policies, enforced them uniformly and strongly, and no longer have the problems they once did. Some problems? Yes, certainly, but its parks are far cleaner, nicer and less unruly than ever before. Cedar Fair needs to study and think about that. They seem to understand the importance of park cleanliness better than anyone else in the business, but security? It seems less so...

These problems can only be solved when top management makes them a priority...as opposed to walking through the parks completely ignoring smokers outside designated areas, as I have personally seen the top two people in the Cedar Fair chain do on more than one occasion in more than one park...These things are either important to them, or they are not. And by their actions, they have shown us which it is...for now, at least.

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Guest kwindshawne

I agree. It needs to be a priority and now. I am personally very tired of the riff raff that is there only to cause trouble-because they know they can get away with it. The environment of the park is being ruined by this behavior.

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You have to remember that these security guys and gals can be as young as 18 years old. Yes, we consider that age an adult, but I am sure that it can be a little intimidating to go up to someone alot older than them and enforce polices. Though working in a security position you should be able to handle this type of situation, you have to remember that some of them are just kids picking up some extra money before school starts again in the fall. I am actually kind of impressed with security because I don't know when I last saw a major felony occur there (other than that Nascar Craftsman Truck Driver with dope who they caught!) Give them a little credit for that! I will endure the people who smoke where they aren't supposed to and the disrespectful line jumpers because of that, because it seems petty in the grand scheme of things.

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I have never seen more smoking violations than I did today. The worst was in Rivertown where some redneck was playing the basketball game with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth. The kids running the game did nothing

When exactly did Redneck become an appropriate slur?

How else do you describe a man who is wearing a tank top that used to be white (I will not describe it in a manner that may be a slur against those who engage in domestic violence :) ), covered in tattoos and who looks as though he hasn't bathed for a considerable period of time?

Ooh, hobo, hobo!!

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The reason for all the bad behavior is that fewer and fewer people have any respect for authoritah...I mean authority. We're about three generations removed from the days when parents could correct their offspring without fear of being shunned by society for 'bruising their kids' egoes'. Now, those unbruised egoes are doing whatever they want, careless of whatever others think. If they can get away with whatever they want growing up at home, what's going to make them obey a sign, or someone with a radio and a badge?

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Guest kwindshawne

Isn't that the truth. Back in my day, we were held responsible for whatever we did-good or bad-and the fear of what was waiting at home was enough to keep me in line. Right or wrong, I wouldn't mind going back to those days-the public in general was better to deal with.

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