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Diamondback Construction Thread (Updated 3-19-09)


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Since when is Crypt a coaster? And since when does Flight of Fear have bad capacity?

My thoughts exactly.

Now can we get back on topic? Half of this thread is arguments, nested quotes, and kids chit chatting back and forth for pages and pages about things that have nothing to do with DB, KI, or even coasters in general. Let's get back to Diamondback please. Thank you.

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I'm still all hyped up on caffine after going to the midnight showing of Quantom of Solace...so I feel the need for a pointless post, considering I'll be at school in roughly 5ish hours. Sorry for the pointless post.

Anywho, I'm quite pumped about DB.

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^^The back, no question!! I just hope they don't start out by assigning seats!!!

Yeah, I'm sure that they will assign seats. =[

Heck, BLSC still does. But it'll only be like that for DB for the first year.

Yes and no. Some days the crew would assign numbers, some days not. It was very inconsistent.

I think it is quite interesting that a majority of the que will be to the right, then you cross over and enter to the left. Reminds me somewhat of.......


Umm, when exactly do you cross to enter on Maverick? If anything you cross under when you exit. Most, if not all of the queue is on the boarding side of the station. I'm confused.

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There's a lot fo activity today... of course it's not as exciting as when the other crew is working on the actual track but it's good for a Fri. The augger was running and there was a cement truck on the former 'beast island' so we should see some new footers. A crew was working on the station too... looked like they were doing srtuctural stuff.

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It was a nice day yesterday afternoon so I decided to go driving. I ended up going from Kettering to KI just to see DB and it looks so cool now that the first drop is finished. Now I can't wait to see the 2nd hill rising out of the trees. There is a LOT of track in the parking lot.

And where are your pics?!?! :blink:

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Reminds me, for your first ride on DB, where will you sit??

Now I know that most, if not all of you, will go to the front.

Though it will fell great to have the back of the train push you down the hill, but on the otherhand, the back will be awesome because you will get pulled down.

I'm thinking 2nd to last car back seat. :D could just be me tho

^^The back, no question!! I just hope they don't start out by assigning seats!!!

Yeah, I'm sure that they will assign seats. =[

Heck, BLSC still does. But it'll only be like that for DB for the first year.

And I haven't seen BLSC assigning seats. I actually got to ride in the front when I went because they weren't :D

and so now, i totally forgot i took these over a week ago, and again, crappy cell phone but make out what you will. I give you Diamondback... from I-71S :P




and Firehawk boy, quit moving your deleting your pictures :( I can't see them anymore :(

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I didn't get to take any pics but we drove by KI on the way to the Blue Jackets vs. Canadiens game in Columbus with people that didn't go to KI this past season. They thought DB really looks like it is going to be fun and are going to with me next year on opening day!

Totally off topic, but I enjoyed the game and liked the area around the arena in Columbus with the restaurants/bars. Really cool area but crappy weather.

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i agree the TTD quele is so confusing i havent ridden it for a while since opening year and it was so weird.

How is it confusing? Pick right or left, then line up for a row. Only way it's different is that there's 2 trains loading. I actually like TTD's station, it really hypes you up for the ride. Ready to Go was the perfect song for that ride!

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^^It's not "confusing" per se, but it's just not very streamlined...I mean, the queue for the front row for the right/further back loading point just flat out sucks, and oftentimes you have to guard against people cutting for the front row like a mad Canadian goose protecting a nest.

Likewise, the left/front loading point also has a tiny front row queue, and usually the long line against the back rails of the station backs-up to the left side entry turnstile, which unnecessarily holds up the line down the ramp.

Similarly, the line for the back row on the left side also backs-up to the turnstile and holds up the left ramp. In addition, the station is very small, so it's hard for people to move around, and easily backs-up the ramps and allows for people to pulse the line at the turnstiles if they want. While I'm in favor of that to a degree, many times it gets pulsed for too long by people wanting for the front, which can be frustrating when queues for other rows start to dwindle and I start seeing empty seats go out.

Bottom line, it sucks and leaves much to be desired, especially when the station layouts for Ka and Storm Runner are designed much better!!

Thankfully D-back's station should be pretty roomy!! :D

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