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Animatronic snake on Adventure Express?

Gordon Bombay

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So I was talking with a friend last night who hasn't been to Kings Island in say 5 years. He asked me how the effects on Adventure Express were holding up. In particular he asked if the "giant moving snake" was still in the last tunnel. I had never heard of this but he swears that in one of the tunnels there was once a moving, animatronic snake. I first rode the ride in 1997, back when they still had the old black and white on ride photos (I have one of me and my dad, I should post it some time). However, I don't remember any animatronic snake, does anyone else?

Things I remember working that no longer work:

-The bell and flashing lights before the first tunnel.

-The fog.

-The spears in the tunnel before the first lift hill.

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Wait till you get SOBTOM in here. He will write you a novel.

Haven't heard from him in a while...

Gordon, I too seem to remember a large snake but it would have been so long ago, that I can't say for sure. There are so many attractions that have the theme similar to that of AE that I have ridden, so they all begin to run on each other. I seem to remember it being in the same tunnel as the moving spears.

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I was just talking to my mom about this and we got into discussion about it. she said that she never remembered seeing a snake even on the ride. I havent been riding this for too overly long but I also do seem to remember someone talking about the spears. I am currently going to look at the original on ride video of Adventure Express (if it is still there).

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I remember one VERY large python that was along the ceiling, and wall it was HUGE, it was like half the lengthe of that tunnel. This snake has been removed for quite few seasons. This may be the snake your friend was talking about, only they may be mistaken about it moving. But there were snake noises in that tunnel at one time.

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Guest TombraiderTy

I recall a large snake in the second tunnel... I don't remember if it moved or not though.

Anyone think that Cedar Fair will ever step in and fix up Adventure Express some? I'm not asking for too much, just:


-Good lighting in final tunnel

-Bell and lights at front of first tunnel

-Spears working again in the second tunnel

-Making the third tunnel actually seem like a volcano

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Guest TombraiderTy

It tilted, yes. Mass improvement.

Another thing I forgot is that the chain-lift in the last tunnel is too loud to hear the guy. And the way his eyes change from red to blue to red to blue again and again at first is just confusing. If it is supposed to be an effect, it's a terrible one.

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It tilted, yes. Mass improvement.

Another thing I forgot is that the chain-lift in the last tunnel is too loud to hear the guy. And the way his eyes change from red to blue to red to blue again and again at first is just confusing. If it is supposed to be an effect, it's a terrible one.

along with the drum beats in sync but none of the drummers hitting the drums at the same time. :lol:

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"Now you will pay!!!!!...another 2.55 for a small dip n' dots please, or you may make checks payable to Cedar Fair..."


all I know is that when you ride AE, you have to do the same Arm thing that the people do at the end of the ride, AND say YOU WILL PAY! YOU WILL PAY...


I remember bells when I was little, lights? No don't remember them....

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The Fog/Mist will not likely make a return as they were rusting the track.

Actually the fog was not rusting the track, it was confusing the smoke detectors and fire alarm system.

Didnt that pot at the top of the second lift hill drip water at one point?

Yes at one point it did drip water until a couple of guests complained about getting water in their eye.

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Guest TombraiderTy
The Fog/Mist will not likely make a return as they were rusting the track.

Many roller coasters use fog, such as SheiKra and Revenge of the Mummy, both in Florida.

Didnt that pot at the top of the second lift hill drip water at one point?

Yes at one point it did drip water until a couple of guests complained about getting water in their eye.

Why haven't they turned off the water on White Water Canyon, Congo Falls, or WTRA yet? :lol:

did anyone else notice that the guy that "pours" lava on you at the end of the last tunnel was actually working this year?

And his eyes are blue this year. Weren't they red before?

They switch from red to blue at the beginning.

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Guest TombraiderTy
When I rode AE on saturday,the guy before the first chain lift was holding a Vitamin water.Its the skeleton guy that has a spear.I guess he needs his vitamins!

He also has sunglases in one of his hands.

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