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The Entrance to The Beast (Bring Your Camera)


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As many of you know, Kings Island's Diamondback will change the landscape of Rivertown. As part of that, the 230' steel monster will intrude on someone else's space... a Beast's space. That's right, part of Diamondback's track will be in the vacinity of where The Beast entrance is now so it will be gone after the park closes on November 2nd. Of course, this means that The Beast will have an ALL NEW entrance area for 2009. So make sure you bring your cameras the next few weekends and get shots of The Beast's entrance queue before the season ends because next time you see it, it will be changed... forever!!

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As many of you know, Kings Island's Diamondback will change the landscape of Rivertown. As part of that, the 230' steel monster will intrude on someone else's space... a Beast's space. That's right, part of Diamondback's track will be in the vacinity of where The Beast entrance is now so it will be gone after the park closes on November 2nd. Of course, this means that The Beast will have an ALL NEW entrance area for 2009. So make sure you bring your cameras the next few weekends and get shots of The Beast's entrance queue before the season ends because next time you see it, it will be changed... forever!!

Hmmm...BLSC at Canada's Wonderland, anyone?? Of course, The Beast is much more iconic!! Imagine William Peterson's face when he sees the new digs! Or...even Montel Williams!? :lol:

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Man that kind of makes me sad. I mean not seeing a new coaster going up but knowing that the face of our beloved Beast station will no longer be there and it will have a new entrance. Now does this go for the whole entrance plaza like where The Beast sign is or just where the drink machines are. Because i would love to see the new entrance look like a torn down building with Beast claws sticking through it.

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Very sad!!! It has changed some since 1979 though.....But I will always have the memories of the completely full queues and the lines stretching out onto the midway in the late 70s. The actual concession stand in line, the disgusting but funny gum tree, the lake (even when it smelled like vomit on hot summer days). The water flowing through the theming, when the second tunnel was two tunnels, soft seats without seat belts and seat dividers..... the list goes on and on.... I will be taking pictures this weekend!!!

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Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose.

Robin Williams

oops sorry wrong one.

I think this quote explains it along with the last quote in my sig.

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.

Robin Williams

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could someone give me an example of how they could change the entrance to The Beast? because i can't think of any other way of getting back to The Beast, unless they take out laroses and have the line start in there

I think you might be looking too much into this announcement.

I think that they will probably move the entrance more towards the existing exit as those first set of queues are rarely used anymore except for extremely busy days.

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