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Along with Probably several other rides, I see almost all of the crowds at D-Back though so it might be a good chance to hit the others that may be open.

This has also been confirmed in a podcast interviewing Don Helbig. I think we can see Beast open for sure.

Where can one find this Podcast?

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As I`ve said before, visiting Kings Island is NO reason to skip or be pulled out of school. Diamondback will be running all season. What difference does it make if you ride it at 2:30 or 5:30? If I had kids, I most certainly would not pull them out of school simply to go to Kings Island. And depending how my studio workload is that Friday, I might not make it up to KI that day until 6pm (as my studio typically ends at 5pm).

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As I`ve said before, visiting Kings Island is NO reason to skip or be pulled out of school. Diamondback will be running all season. What difference does it make if you ride it at 2:30 or 5:30? If I had kids, I most certainly would not pull them out of school simply to go to Kings Island. And depending how my studio workload is that Friday, I might not make it up to KI that day until 6pm (as my studio typically ends at 5pm).

If the school doesn't mind pulling kids out for something like sports, what's so different about riding Diamondback?

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And, as Joecartoon stated, some may in fact be on spring break anyway. Easter in 2009 occurs on Sunday, April 12th. Any school district that has a week off following Easter will be on spring break that Friday, April 17th. That means one thing. Long lines and a very crowded park are a very real potential, especially if the weather is nice. If its colder, then lines could be shorter.

There is a video up on Youtube showing the length of Behemoth`s line a couple hours after it opened on the season preview night. All the queues were full, and it still stretched nearly half way around the park. I`ll search for the video later tonight and post a link to it if I remember (if not just ask me again if you can`t find it and want to see it).

Incidentally, for anyone keeping track, April 17th is exactly four months away from today!

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As I`ve said before, visiting Kings Island is NO reason to skip or be pulled out of school. Diamondback will be running all season. What difference does it make if you ride it at 2:30 or 5:30? If I had kids, I most certainly would not pull them out of school simply to go to Kings Island. And depending how my studio workload is that Friday, I might not make it up to KI that day until 6pm (as my studio typically ends at 5pm).

If the school doesn't mind pulling kids out for something like sports, what's so different about riding Diamondback?

Sports teach life lessons, how to suceed, how to fail, how to embrace competition, how to push yourself to the brink, how to build teamwork. How to recognize something bigger than yourself. Sports teach you oh so many more things than riding Diamondback ever will.

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This is awesome!!! I have to wonder if the extended hours is to help spread out the demand more evenly?? Without question a 2:00 pm rope drop and 1:30 pm (if not earlier) gate open will definitely help to minimize up-front demand, as well as people attempting to "camp out"!

However, looking at the school calendars...Kings spring break is 4/6-4/10, Mason is 4/13-4/17 (YIKES!!!!), Loveland is 4/6-4/10, Sycamore is in March (whew!), CPS is March, Fairfield 3/30-4/3, Middletown is 4/13-4/17, Lebanon is 4/6-4/10, Milford is 4/6-4/10, Forest Hills 4/6-4/10.

So the only one that scares me is Mason, which I believe is a big school district and includes West Chester. However, April 17th could be an unused built in snow day closed day (but unlikely with this current winter so far).

There is a video up on Youtube showing the length of Behemoth`s line a couple hours after it opened on the season preview night. All the queues were full, and it still stretched nearly half way around the park. I`ll search for the video later tonight and post a link to it if I remember (if not just ask me again if you can`t find it and want to see it).

I've seen these vids, but the thing to remember is Behemoth's queue is tiny, relatively speaking. Definitely more on the order of Firehawk's queue in size, and definitely smaller than anything at CP. So the lines are a bit misleading.

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^^Actually, as of 9:00 am this morning it still said 2:00 pm!?! :huh:

Either way, me thinks it still might be 2:00 pm instead of 5:00 pm just given how much demand for this day I believe there will be....but I think publicizing the times this far in advance was not something that was fully approved yet, I'm guessing?!

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Lots of discussion regarding skipping school just to ride the new coaster. I have another take on this: What do you think your boss would say if you came up and ask, "Is it ok if I take off work or leave early so I can go to Kings Island and ride that new coaster?" I bet he/she will say, NO! There is nothing worth skipping school for any reason (health reasons excluded) just so you can take in the new ride. Even if you are off school that day, is it worth waiting in a very long line just for the honor of riding it? When I go to the park as a guest, I will never wait in line more than 90 minutes for any ride. I go to the park to ride the rides and not wait in lines.

On a side note, when I went to Kings, we only had off Good Friday and not a week for spring break.

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What do you think your boss would say if you came up and ask, "Is it ok if I take off work or leave early so I can go to Kings Island and ride that new coaster?" I bet he/she will say, NO!

Like Kawana, I'm taking a vacation day that day, just as I did for the DB announcement. And it's already been approved by management!

Sports teach life lessons, how to suceed, how to fail, how to embrace competition, how to push yourself to the brink, how to build teamwork. How to recognize something bigger than yourself. Sports teach you oh so many more things than riding Diamondback ever will.

I recognize that Diamondback is bigger than myself, so it's taught me that already!

Don't be a fool, stay in school! It makes the line shorter for the rest of us! :lol:

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I highly doubt that your school encourages kids taking off school for vacations. Rather, they likely realize that it is inevitable that parents will occasionally pull their kids out of school to take family vacations, and those absences will be counted as excused absences.

And kids do get vacations from school. National holidays are just one example. Spring break, and Christmas break are two other examples of vacations that kids get from school. And depending on your profession and company that you work for, you get more or less vacation days. And it is also based on seniority, ie the longer you work for a company, the more vacation time you get.

I still stand by my original statement. You should not skip school just to ride Diamondback on its first day. Education is far more important than riding a roller coaster on its first day. Kings Island and amusement parks should NOT be placed ahead of school work and attaining a successful education. After all, it is that education that will eventually help you get into a good college program and get a good paying full time job that provides vacation days, so that some day in the future when Kings Island adds that new ride or coaster when you have your full time job, you can use one of your vacation days to visit the park.

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I'll be taking a paid day off for the 17th, but I've earned that privilege. Just like I earned the privilege to attend the announcement, I've worked to earn those days, and I'll be rewarding myself. I'm glad I'm not in school anymore.

Yep!! That's a vacation day for me. Just like August 6 was last year when DB was announced.

And for those who want to skip school. Don't!!! The coaster will be there for a very long time and if you go to school and wait a week or two to ride it for the first time, you will look back on 2009 in ten or twenty years when you have spouses and children, and that one or two week wait will be meaningless to you.

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^ I fully agree. Education is much more important! For those who want to skip, realize that!

School Intercom: "Oh My God! Attention students! We're closing at the end of this period! Diamondback preopening, baby! Get to your lockers and get out!"

That'd be the only exception, IMO. And what are the chances of that? :P

EDIT: Post #600

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