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Different jobs at kings island


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I thought merch was a lot of fun - enough that I did it for two summers. At the time, I thought there was no way I'd ever want to be a ride op, because it seemed like the most boring and repetitive job ever. But merch can be pretty stressful or boring, and I think I'd enjoy being a ride op now. However, you don't feel as much a part of the park in merch - it's just like working in any other store, but with the added benefit of a free season pass and if you're lucky, time to ride the rides immediately after you get off work. I think that being in another department I might have felt more a part of the action.

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I actually thought about applying for a job at Kings Island this summer, I have a few questions though...

How do past or present employees enjoy working at the park (any position)?

If you work at the park, do you still enjoy going to the park?

What is the average pay for a new worker?

Can you request days off, do you have a specific schedule, or do you have to be able to work any time of the week?

Is it fun?

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I actually thought about applying for a job at Kings Island this summer, I have a few questions though...

How do past or present employees enjoy working at the park (any position)?

I enjoyed it enough that I'm considering it again, even though it was 6 years ago that I last worked there.

If you work at the park, do you still enjoy going to the park?

Absolutely. It's like you get to know it in a more intimate way. I knew where all the cheap pop machines were, the cut throughs, and little tidbits about the backstage areas that non-employees generally don't know. You also get to know other employees, in all departments, which is fun and it's nice to know the ride ops for your favorite rides!

What is the average pay for a new worker?

Expect minimum wage, feel priviledge if you get more.

Can you request days off, do you have a specific schedule, or do you have to be able to work any time of the week?

They'll ask you your availability straight off The Bat, since most of their employees are students. They're understanding about scheduling, because they'd rather not schedule you than you not show up on a scheduled day. When I worked there, I'd say less than half of the people in my location had unlimited availability. I wasn't able to work mornings because I was taking summer classes before noon, and they put me in the water park because the closing shift was 2-10 pm which was perfect for me. If you need a day off, at least when I worked there, you had to write it in the request book in the scheduling office, and it was first come first serve as to who got the day off, so I always put my name in there as soon as I knew I needed it. Never once got scheduled on a requested day off during my two summers there.

Is it fun?

Yes! As long as you keep in mind that it's a job, so you have to take it seriously and take the bad with the good, it's a great job. Out of the many jobs I've had since I first started working at 14, I can definitely say Kings Island is one of two jobs that I can say I enjoyed.

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I worked in the rides department for the post season mostly for 2008 on SoB and Flight Deck. However, I was terminated because of safety violations (left up a lapbar in an empty seat twice) but I get to come back to the park and work as an Admissions Associate. It was the most amazing job ever. Everyone on my crew were really nice and I had tons and tons of fun.

I wish I could go back to rides but I can't for a couple years but I am still very grateful to be working in Admissions because of the free season pass and I just love Kings Island so much I would work in any position.

They give you schedule request forms and you put down days you cannot work. But if something comes up and you can't work, you can find someone and switch shifts with them just by filling out a form and getting a sig. from a supervisor. I worked at SoB but I took a shift at Delirium after I was trained there.

Fun? YES! I looked forward to working every single day. I worked from park open to park close on a Halloween Haunt night when the park was open until 1 am. Our crew was always the last rides crew out so we would leave around 2 on those nights. But hey we were getting paid!

I highly recommend it. I couldn't believe I was getting paid to operate a roller coaster!

But remember to take it seriously, it is a job concerning the safety of the public.

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I've always thought it would be neat to work at KI. Even now, even though I'm in my 30's, I've thought about working there during the summer (I'm a teacher), but I couldn't make enough to pay for the gas there and back.

There was an older guy that worked in the Action Zone with us. He was a lot older than 30 that's all I know. Well if you work enough hours and maybe get promoted, it could be worth it. I only live about 20 minutes away though so it doesn't make a difference for me.

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Yeah, the pay vs gas money was the biggest reason I didn't try and go back last year. When gas was running at $4/gal and I lived 40 miles away, it wouldn't work. The two years I worked there, gas was hovering around $1/gal and I had a slightly more fuel efficient car at the time. Though, the 50 minute drive with no cruise control and only AM/FM radio really stank!

If the job I interviewed for last week doesn't go through, KI or possibly CP this summer will be a big possibility. My husband's starting a good paying job on the 2nd, so any pay I get will just be extra and can go into savings, so minimum wage won't be an issue.

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Thanks for answering the questions I posted guys! I don't have my license so if I could possibly convince my 17 year old cousin who currently doesn't have a job, to work there with me, then we could car-pool and split gas money! I would apply for Ride Operator I think.

If you are a Ride Op. and it's your first year, you don't get to choose what ride you work do you?

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Thanks for answering the questions I posted guys! I don't have my license so if I could possibly convince my 17 year old cousin who currently doesn't have a job, to work there with me, then we could car-pool and split gas money! I would apply for Ride Operator I think.

If you are a Ride Op. and it's your first year, you don't get to choose what ride you work do you?

Yup you do get to choose. When I interviewed in July right after I turned 16, she asked what kind of ride I wanted to work at and I said "roller coaster" and she told me the openings and there was an opening at Son of Beast and Flight Deck crew so I took it. My first Ride Associate job and I got to work at the tallest roller coaster at the park at the time! They don't train you to "drive" (actually operate the ride) at first. You check bars and d co-dispatch for the longest time. I knew people that worked there all season and didn't get drive trained. But I started working August 20 and was drive trained on both coasters by early October. I was trusted that much but they still won't let me come back to rides. :wacko: I don't get it.

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...but they still won't let me come back to rides. :wacko: I don't get it.

What don't you get? You stated earlier that you had two safety violations that were within weeks of each other. It's not that hard to figure out. :)

yea they can be strict about them safety violations as they should be. All the points have been hit pretty much. Just one thing to know ... Hours and lots of them.

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...but they still won't let me come back to rides. :wacko: I don't get it.

What don't you get? You stated earlier that you had two safety violations that were within weeks of each other. It's not that hard to figure out. :)

Yeah I know but you don't really know all of the picky details. I do get it, I just have that attitude because I loved it so much. Besides, the same thing happened to a guy earlier in the year and he was able to stay. Oh well, can't change it.

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