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Tomb Raider- Like or Dislike?


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I was only able to make it to PKI three times last year, and every time we were there the line was HUGE. I think the last time we went, we decided to wait out the line and give it a try and as soon as we started going into the turn styles, an announcement came over the intercom saying the riding was having problems and they appreciated everybody's patience, yaddy, yaddy, yaddy. We ended up leaving the line and didn't even try going back. I wouldn't know if the ride's good or bad, but from the look of the line, I'd say it's pretty popular. Hopefully this year it won't be quite so green and will be running a little better.

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I would say we will probably see a few changes in the ride this season. Especially with the fact that there is a new Tomb Raider movie due out in 2003, and that they could even add a few more effects and lengthen the ride a bit. I'll bet there is a new teaser flick in the Ante Chamber, with scenes from the last Tomb Raider, as well as the new one.

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The first time we went to ride it. my mother had to rent a locker to put her purse in. The perse was smaller than a fanny pack but we still had to get a locker.

Question: Why did we haveto get an overpriced locker if the "Vehuicle" had those little lockable bags that you could but stuff like that in there?

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I remember when wer first rode TR. They took all our stuff and held it until we got off the ride. The bags then had velcro and little plastic clips, which apparently didn't work like they had hoped. Next time we rode it, they weren't accepting anything, and there were zippered bags on the seatbacks. I am happy that you can noe carry a cell phone and stuff, and don't have to worry about storing it in a locker.

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The reason they don't take stuff anymore is because of theft. There were a couple of incidents were things were taken or given to the wrong person. TR has no idea if it is theirs or not so they have to give it to them if they ask for it. Anyone can see a certain item and say they need an item that fits its description, and they walk away with it.

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  Dane said:
Question: Why did we haveto get an overpriced locker if the "Vehuicle" had those little lockable bags that you could but stuff like that in there?

The ride op was just doing there job. I've said it before and I'll say it again, read the signs. In this case;"No carry-on gear allowed"...Also, the pouches were made for smaller items such as loose change, glasses, keys, ETC... :D

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  Dane said:
The question was meaning "why do you have to rent an overpriced locker if there are little pouches for little stuff like that?"

As a ride operator I would consider a purse a small item. Heck, no EXPERIENCED ride operator would consider a purse a small item. Those pouches are for items that fit in your pocket. Such as cell phones, change, glasses, ETC...

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  AZ Kinda Guy said:
Those pouches are for items that fit in your pocket. Such as cell phones, change, glasses, ETC...

The common person keeps cell phones, change, glases, ECT in there pocket.

And again you don't get the question, the question is a query on the basis of the policy on no carry on items. Ride operators don't have anything to do with that.

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OK, I'm not sure what the sign says or what the ride ops are told, however this is what I think. If there is a sign that says "NO CARRY-ON ITEMS", it only means bags or items that need to be stowed-away. When you get on a plane you are allowed usually max 1-2 "CARRY-ON" items that can fit in the over head bins or under your seat. That does not include your cell phone and what you have in your pockets. SO, I interpret the policy at KI that anything that can fit in your pocket is allowed on the ride and they have those pouches there in case you don't want to worry about glasses falling off. They were probably thinking anything in your pockets would stay there and everything such as prizes, bags, coats etc. must stay out side the ride since there are no places to "stow" them during the flight.... I mean ride.

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