matt3224 Posted January 21, 2003 Share Posted January 21, 2003 Really? I never knew that that could happen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyrfyter Posted January 21, 2003 Share Posted January 21, 2003 Yeah, I have heard of FoF valleying, as well as the now defunct vampire that used to be at SFKK. It happens, when the coaster doesn't have enough speed to get through something during specific conditions. Its not supposed to happen but it does from time to time. It seems like temperature is the biggest factor, as it usually happens either when it is really hot and humid or really cold. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SOB_TOM Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 matt3224 said: Yeah, i came in at 2:20 or so, i ws really early for a close... and everyone was still talking about it, it was only for 30 sec or so right? Actually, SOB was I believe the last ride to get power back, 4 hours after the origonal power outage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyrfyter Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 How is it that PKi can lose all its power? obviously it uses the most power in the summer, which is the same time that the power system around the tri-state gets the most strain due to everyone running an air conditioner. Does PKI have thier own Power plant for when such situations occur, or are they just screwed? One would think they would have a power plant that will at least keep some of the stuff running if not everything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SOB_TOM Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 The way it was explained to me (and Im not sure if this is true or not) is that PKI has a direct line to the power plant. Something happened to that line, and power went down. Thats what was told to me, but Im not sure on how true it is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beastfreak Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 Kings Island is hooked directly to those huge eletrical towers that run through the parking lot, Waterworks and continue on through the woods. They also have several of those huge converters/generators or whatever they are through out the park. I think what happened is that one of the connections wore out and blew. The same thing happened at my house over the summer. The smaller version green box in my yard that hooks all the houses to the main power line has boots over the lines where they connect. The boot has been there since the 70's and wore out causing electricity to leak out and blow the power to everyone connected to it. It heated up and pretty much blew the top of the box. The green boxes at Kings Island are about 6-7 feet tall and really wide, thus if those things over heated and wore out I'm sure it would cause the power to go out everywhere in the park. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The OTHER D Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 Think of it this way. Paramounts Kings Island is a town. Everything about it is run like a town. From Electricity coming DIRECTLY from the power plant, to the waterplant ON SITE, to the Police and Fire Proctection ON SITE. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beastfreak Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 Don't forget the mail man, the bank, the hospital, the school and everything else. The only thing they are missing is dorms so people can actually live in the park.... actually I take that back. There is one but only special people know where it is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The OTHER D Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 Well...I was mainly addressing the issue we were are ABSOLUTELY right. There is ALL the forementioned. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CYoung2003 Posted January 22, 2003 Author Share Posted January 22, 2003 I was a swing the power outage happened. I came in like right after it happened and I saw Drop Zone open but there was like a 2 hr line for it. Then over by SOB there was another huge line but the greeter wasnt letting anyone in. So i punched in and then i went to my ride Congo and my sup was standing in front of the line and told me what happened. It was pretty cool! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dane Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 I'd just like to add that a ride at Ceder Point "valleyed" because somebodys hat came off and got stuck in the rides wheels. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
matt3224 Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 Yeah, PT went down for awhile too... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bingog34 Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 I was working that day...June 2nd I believe when it was a buy-out? Well, I was working front gate photo and people were quite mad...I said, "hey, not my fault!" I got hit in the head by flying ice cubes many a time that day. The greatest moment that day was seeing people walking down the Eiffel Tower...good times. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Express29 Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 bingog34 said: The greatest moment that day was seeing people walking down the Eiffel Tower...good times. I don't think it was a great moment for the people coming down from the Eiffel Tower as well as the AM's that had to escort them down. Probably terrifying for anyone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beastfreak Posted January 22, 2003 Share Posted January 22, 2003 I miss walking the steps. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyrfyter Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 I knew about the police and Fire & Sfaety being on -site. I din't know that they actually offered fire protection though. I figured it was just a technical thing. I did not know about the mailman, or the school or the dorms. The power thing makes sense though as does the water treatment thing. It wouldn't surprise me if PKI did have some generators that used power to make more power, due to their huge power consumption needs. IF PKI has a fire department, what all do they have, and why do they run a separate first aid station? Why don;t they just make it all one place, with at least one first aid station in the park? Just a question for anyone that knows the answer. If anyone really wants to hear anything aobut an amusement park being run as a city, look up hidden mickeys about walt disney world. They have tunnels throughout their property and cao go from their fire station to anywhere in any park in 3 mins flat. Talk about a quick response. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beastfreak Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 The fire department is a real fire department complete with fire truck. It is right behind the First Aid building. Its been used before, I've seen it. There are two first aid stations in the park; the one in HB being the main one and then the smaller one in the water park. The mailman is actually the mailman, he picks up inter-office mail and delivers it and picks up outgoing mail and mails it. He even has his own van, no he doesn't drive on the opposite side of the van like the real post office. (That would be cool though) The dorms I was just kidding about that, there really aren't, but if you want to count the locker rooms as them or the beds in first aid you are more than welcome. The school is PKIU (Paramount's Kings Island University). It is used for human resources new hire orientation, food and games training and occasional other training classes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fyrfyter Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 Thats pretty sweet, Know anyone affiliated with the fire department, in case I wanted to visit their Fd for a day during the summer, just to see what goes on? I'm sure it is pretty interesting considering it only covers PKI and I am sure there are certain things they have to do evveryday. Anybody know who I can email to get info on this? Jeff Siebert, or someone else? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The OTHER D Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 Jeff is NOT the guy to reach on this...he has nothing to do with Fire and Safety. There are other BIG NAMES that deal with them. I do not believe that they will allow people back there where they are. I know there have been times when employees have been hanging out near the Fire Dept and were asked to go elsewhere. I think it has to do with Liability. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coasterfan Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 I was there in that big storm. My dad and I were in The Beast's line for 2 hours before t finally stopped. We didn't even get to ride it either. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoLimits8705 Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 I have had two really scary moments........My first was like two years ago when I was in line for The Beast and there were like a group of boys and sum girls behind us and they were talkin' to us about stuff and then we got on and then they go on and we left the ride when they got on and we headed over to Vortex and they were in line with us again. We spoke to each other and then we got on and then got off and when we were leaving the ride they were getting on. SO we went to 7th Portal and when we got off they were waiting at the exit for us and we were gettin' scared so we were like "ya'll are everywhere !" they just smiled and wlaked off from them and teh rest of teh day where we were they were too. My 2nd moment is at FEARFEST when this amry character followed me, my bro, my dad, step mom, and my two step sisters around and he was really scarying my stepsis she ran from him and he was liek rite behind her....then he decided to chase me and i was screaming my head!!! It was so funny I was screamg " rape help!! Peple were cracking upo at me. Theh guy even followed us inot the haunted houses!! That was scary but fun!! l0l Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dane Posted January 23, 2003 Share Posted January 23, 2003 Speaking about FearFest, I was walking thru the Phyco-Path and this one guy did a bad job of hiding. So I pointed him out and said hello. He started chasing me, not because he was trying to scare me, but because he was p***ed off. He started blabbin on about how people come to fearFest wantin to get scared. But all they do is laugh in your face. A little later on, I started laughing at the people with chainsaws because they flooded there engines. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
matt3224 Posted January 24, 2003 Share Posted January 24, 2003 The fire dept also does fire extinguisher checks and any other things dealin with saftey stuff they could be there! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueDevil Posted January 29, 2003 Share Posted January 29, 2003 I was waiting in line for FoF, that day when the power went out. We went in and the skys were just gray, we got stuck inside the spaceship for 2 hours, at times in complete darkness. When we finnally came out, not even getting to ride, the sky was black and it was just pouring rain. I have never seen the park so empty while it was open, it was like the place had been abandoned. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teenageninja Posted January 30, 2003 Share Posted January 30, 2003 Yea, I've seen the Fire and Safety building, I've walked past it every day on my way to Potato Works. There are 2 fire trucks I think. On Fearfest Dry Run Maze of Madness had an electrical fire and one of the trucks came there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monkeyman Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 I have a memory, it wasn't really scary, but it was funny. Ok, so this girl has a basketball, and shes dribbling it. It hits her foot, and rolls way into the grass. So me and my friend, being the complete retards we are, point at her and start laughing at her. She gets really mad, and starts following us. She started cussing us out, then she left. Then a few hours later, we were going to FoF, and guess who was just getting off, and coming out of the building. It was so funny, we turned around, yelled "loser" and ran into the line so she couldn't see us. Yep, that was a great memory. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beastdude Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Ok Here is my storie July 4/5. ( night of fire) The first night the fireworks didn't go off . The next day I heard a couple of workers at the base of the tower talking about how they were going to send up tonights fireworks and yesterdays.( doubt it was true). Now is were it starts to get scary. Just like the night before I am in line for The Beast and a warning comes up on the tv and says we are in a severe thunder storm watch and some areas are in a tornado warning. while walking down the exit ramp a employee comes running up at full charge and hands the ride op a piece of paper. I thought it was kind of strange but thought nothing of it. I later learned the paper said the fireworks might go off beetween 10:30 and 12:30. ( mind you they were suppose to start at ten. It started raining and then lightining and I here a crash I thought it was lighting but it was actualy a firework and then the fireworks show started. The scary part was I could see lighting strike come very close to were the fireworks were coming from and I swear at least one fireworks got hit by lighting. Might not be that scary to but it was my first time to PKI Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SOB_TOM Posted April 12, 2004 Share Posted April 12, 2004 Yeah, I was working Beast that night. That storm was just really bad. It was cool to sit in Beasts station, completely empty, and just chill with friends. And those guys who came running up were working Scooters (eagles) and had capasity, not what time the fireworks were going up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beastdude Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 sorry if I got the time wrong. I can't remember exactly what time it was. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StXBomber Posted April 13, 2004 Share Posted April 13, 2004 I was watching the fireworks from Coney Mall, and I didn't see any firework get hit by lightning. I doubt it could, unless the firework was still on the ground when it got hit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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