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Kings Island Dreams


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Ok so I had a dream with dare to fly in it. We beat up each other over the first ride. The yelling snake thing didn't work with you. ...LOL I dont remember how it turned out. I woke up..lol

How interesting. It's not very often that I get to be in someone else's dreams! Yay me!

Okay...have to report this. I finally got to have a Kings Island dream last night. I was getting on The Racer on opening day. For some reason, we loaded on Blue Racer, and left the station on Red Racer's track. Who knows? Anyway, around the corner past Subway over the little bumps at the transfer track. Then up the lift we went, and got almost to the top...alarm goes off here. I almost murdered it by hitting the snooze button so hard. The dream never came back.

The one time I've gotten a KI dream this winter, and the alarm ruins it. Insert dirty word here!

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lol poor fly....I also had a very weird dream about DB last night...I was one of the ride operators for it and the seats were similar to Firehawks.....throughout the whole dream I had to go through EVERY SEAT and safely buckle everyone in. then we got someone new on the team and as everyone was trying to get onto the train he hit the button to make the seats lie down hurting everyone and making the train leave the station...I ran over to him, screamed at him about how unsafe he was being and smacked him and then I woke up....

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lol poor fly....I also had a very weird dream about DB last night...I was one of the ride operators for it and the seats were similar to Firehawks.....throughout the whole dream I had to go through EVERY SEAT and safely buckle everyone in. then we got someone new on the team and as everyone was trying to get onto the train he hit the button to make the seats lie down hurting everyone and making the train leave the station...I ran over to him, screamed at him about how unsafe he was being and smacked him and then I woke up....

Okay...I think that one takes the cake! That's pretty...well...hilarious. :lol:

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OK , I actually dreamed about KI last night, I went on Diamondback for the first time, when I was in line the hill looked enormous, like I was waiting in line for Millenium Force, but as I started to go up the massive hill, it turned out to be no steeper than Adventure Express, and I said afterwards, wow it looked a lot bigger standing in line :(

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OK , I actually dreamed about KI last night, I went on Diamondback for the first time, when I was in line the hill looked enormous, like I was waiting in line for Millenium Force, but as I started to go up the massive hill, it turned out to be no steeper than Adventure Express, and I said afterwards, wow it looked a lot bigger standing in line :(

Judging by the pictures we've seen courtesy of Mr. Helbig, I doubt that will be your reaction.

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  • 1 month later...

I dreamed I rode DB for the first time last night. They had you get on the ride in a very interesting way. They were handing out tickets to get on. The ticket had a ride number on it and then a seat #. When they called the ride number you went and got in the queue and then in the appropiate seat for your ticket. The trains were much different in my dream, they were more like Vortex's trains but they had seats like a ski boat and there were not restraints at all. When we left we circled the station sort of like The Beast before going on the lift. I mentioned to someone else that I did not remember that circle being there. The ride stated very smoth up the hill and everyone on the trian was making comments to that effect. After we crested the hill eveyone was holding on for dear life since we were not restrained in any way. There was a lot of air time and the ride was great. When we got back to the station I was asking if anyone was a member from KIC when the dream ended.

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Missed the bus today so I didn't go to school, and when I went back to sleep I dreamed about KI. It was April 18th. and I just arrived at KI about 5 Minutes before the parking lot opened. First of all it was 55º cloudy and sprinkling. There was one car infront of us while waiting for the parking lot to open, and about five behind us. So then the parking lot opened, I got my passed processed and waited by the gate on the right side. I looked back and noticed that the parking lot was like 1/20 full! I saw Diamondback testing along with pretty much everything (Including Viking Full which was by Diamondback's splashdown and it did inversions. So We all walked to Diamondback and got in line. My group (Me, My mom, Mantis101, and alot of other KIC people) were the first ones on. I sat in the back seat on the left. Diamondback was pure amazing! When we arrived back into the station they were taking 2 trains into the transfer track. They pressed the wrong buttons and out train left the station. We got stuck on the lift for a minute, and then we got stuck on the MCBR fot 10 minutes, and than we got vallyed in the splashdown and we had to walk in the water when it was cold. Don Helbig came and gave us lifetime passes. So my day was pretty awesome!

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I had a dream the other day that I got on Diamondback and it was suddenly a Vekoma Flying Dutchman. We got to the top of the hill and it flipped us over to flying position like Firehawk, and I looked over at my seatmate and said "when did they change to this?!" And then it was a similar track layout to the real thing but way shorter height and under the track and really not all that exciting. I woke up disappointed and went THANK GOODNESS that was a dream!!

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I had this dream last night.Ok,me and my mom got a time machine somehow and went back to 1992 in her 2005 Honda Pilot and went to Phantom Theater.We were let in to to PT,but we just walked in to it,didnt sit down like everyone else.So while we were walking I took out my phone to take pictures,careful not to let people see it cuz you know it's from 2007, and I was going to post the pictures here when we got back.but then i thought,how did I get pictures of Phantom Theater in 1992,when i was born in 1995,on a motorola razr?

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I had a dream that, on a band trip, the bus broke down and we waited in the Kings Island parking lot to get another bus. However, the employees punished us by forcing us to ride Son of Beast, so we got out our instruments and tore the ride down (think Jericho). Wow, your true feelings really DO come out in dreams!

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I had a dream that, on a band trip, the bus broke down and we waited in the Kings Island parking lot to get another bus. However, the employees punished us by forcing us to ride Son of Beast, so we got out our instruments and tore the ride down (think Jericho). Wow, your true feelings really DO come out in dreams!

I take it you not a fan of SOB?

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I've been Injured from Beast, It gave me a huge migraine! I don't hate it though... Next time you go to KI ride SOB in the front seat and ride correctly. And don't say "It's bad if you have to ride a coaster a certain way for it to be enjoyable" cause I have to ride Beast in a certain seat and maneuver certain ways during certain parts of the ride. I have to ride Vortex a certain way for it to be excellent, On almost every coaster there is a certain seat thats better, and specific things you can do to increase the ride experience.

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I've been Injured from Beast, It gave me a huge migraine! I don't hate it though...

Unlike SoB, I find Beast to actually be enjoyable. If SoB was a smooth ride, I still wouldn't like it- the loop was the focus of the ride, and it was removed.

And don't say "It's bad if you have to ride a coaster a certain way for it to be enjoyable" cause I have to ride Beast in a certain seat and maneuver certain ways during certain parts of the ride.

The GP isn't going to ride coasters a certain way, therefore they will have complaints, so that is bad. SoB could easily be one class-action lawsuit away from being removed; it surprises me that there hasn't been one already.

I just find it disappointing that Cedar Fair has left SoB in this condition. Timber Wolf (Worlds of Fun) used to be really bad, but they retracked some of it, and it's actually a really good ride now. It went from second-to-last on my list of favorite wood coasters to #2. It's still rough, but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

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Having been injured by SoB (and still having back/neck problems to this day, almost 10 months after my visit), I'm not a fan of it at all.

To me the first hill on SOB is great, then it just beats the daylights out of you. I only ride it about every other visit.

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Had a dream last night i got to drive on the access road going back to Diamondback's hammerhead and when i got there i kept going back and it ended up going through some woods and i came out about an hour later at Cedar Point. Weird huh?

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I gave SOB 2 chances, and it's not getting a third one. It does not matter to me how you ride it, which seat you sit in, with the loop, post loop, old trains or new trains. To me, it hurts. Beast is good enough, it didn't need a sequel.

The first drop was indeed amazing, but there are drops similar to that on many more (and more enjoyable) coasters. I'll go far enough to say that Mean Streak at CP didn't beat me up nearly as much as SOB did. In fact, CP's classic Blue Streak didn't even beat me up as much as SOB did.. and Old Blue has been operating since 1964.

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^^But seriously, have you tried the 1-2 seat on the red train??

Last year, Jackson/Beast'79 swore by it and I tried it, and indeed, a MUCH better and smoother experience than any other seat I've ridden!! My dad will be going to KI this year for the first time since 01, when he sweared he never wanted to ride SOB again, but now, I'm seriously going to swear on our father-son relationship that red 1-2 will be good...that's how confident I am!!

So I'd say just give red 1-2 a chance sometime this season if the line is station-wait, and you've found yourself dozing off during D-back's lift after so many rides already this season!!

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I had a KI dream the other night. The park was not very busy and a lot of the rides had no operator. Drop Tower was called Drop Tower, but was like Double Shot at Indiana Beach except it was totally red. There were no ride attendants at DT and my buddy and I were looking at how it worked. There was no one else around and we were then standing in the seat looking behind them to see what was on the other side of the seats. The ride came on by itself and we were taken up and dropped with us standing in the seats with no restraints. Neither one of us fell out of DT nor were we hurt. Park security saw it and thought we started the ride ourselves. I was explaining what happened when the dream ended? What do you make of that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream last night that I was walking down some muddy path to one of the haunted houses at KI. There were a bunch of creepy guys hanging out in the haunted house just staring at me, and two of them started following me so I freaked out and left. It was then that I realized I'd lost my cell phone in the haunted house so I went back to try and get it. I got lost and ended up in some suburban wasteland with my coworker Nichole, and we walked into this house that turned into a mazelike place where I found the old FOF trains.

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I have had quite a few dreams about Kings Island. I had a dream that I was on Vortex and I fell out of the cart. I flew out and grabbed someones shoulder restraints and held on for the whole ride. I have had that dream numerous times. I have had a few diamond back dreams. The worst one I have had happened a few nights ago. I was first in line for the front seat. I got out of line to use the bathroom and they didn't let me get back on line. I figured out that I usually dream about Kings Island because I am on the forums before I go to bed.

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