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Things I would like to know...


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I'm sure the E-stop drains the ride faster than the normal shutdown. Normally, E-stops do everything faster, because they are obviously to be used in Emergencies. I would bet there are some elecxtronically actuated valves throughout the ride, that when E-stop is hit, they open and allow the ride to drain at a higher rate of speed than a normal shutdown. I am just wondering, how much water is moved perminute to keep the ride flowing smoothly. Anyone know? I would bet at least 2,000-3,000 gpm's at least.

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Now a word from your friendly RVT Water Sentry (2002). After working BOTH the Log Flume, and the WWC, I can tell you exactly how everything drains on both rides and how quickly they can drain. Will I???To an extent...

WWC DOES go into that lake when the ride is shut down (BY PRESSING THE E-STOP). The water can drain in 4:45-5:00. This happens for safety reasons. In the event of an emergency the water must be drained as quickly as possible...and it does drain quickly.

Flume is not the same however...when the water is shutoff...it can take like 30 minutes to completely drain...that is e-stoping the ride. HOWEVER, the water CAN be taken out in 2:30 if needed...and I had it happen in 2002...the first time it had been needed this past season...YAY ME!!!!

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E-stops dont stop anything faster, in the case of WWC it still takes the time of a normal water cycle, on a rollercoaster it still needs to reach the brake run.

And Dane, "theotherD" cant answer you question as to why, nor can anybody, thats in operational issue.

And Tom, when did they remove tower 1? I know there are monitors at tower 2, but I'm pretty sure tower 1 was used all of the 2002 season.

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  The OTHER D said:
Flume is not the same however...when the water is shutoff...it can take like 30 minutes to completely drain...that is e-stoping the ride. HOWEVER, the water CAN be taken out in 2:30 if needed...and I had it happen in 2002...the first time it had been needed this past season...YAY ME!!!!

Happened several times actually. Necessary when boats get stuck. And yes, it does take a while to drain on a normal pump stop without opening the dump valves.

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That would make sense in the case of Congo. If you shut down the pumps, the water stops moving, and has no place to end up, but in the pool at the bottom where the station is. I'll bet that will get people out of line quite quickly, when they see the water level raising very quickly!

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You act like you hit the e-stop and then the water rises in a matter of seconds. It does NOT happen like that. It takes minutes for the water level in the station to rise. The station does not flood. Although I have witnessed a few close calls the majortiy of the time it is barely noticable.

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i believe even though with out Tower 1 being used on WWC, the minimum will still be 7 workers when you have all the boats out. (Controls, Tower 2, Tower 3, load, 2 at unload, and the queue person.) and i believe youcan get rid of an unload person if you have less boats out.

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I was wondering if anyone else do not like the way the restaints fit on Vortex and the pain people get from their head slaming against the restaints. Is this just me or does this happen to everyone? Does any one think PKI should change out the over-the-shoulder restraints to something like the NEW restaints on FOF? Write Back!

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The resason I wondered about that is because I think it would be a heck of alot more comfortable to ride on if you didn't have to worry about having a screaming headache after riding Vortex. It's a great ride for starters to ride on because it delivers a great package of just about every element that you can experience on a standard sit-down roller coaster. Speed, drops, loops corkscrews, and a boomerang, those are the elements a lot of people want to experience on a great roller coaster like Vortex. So I think PKI should give them a chance to experience the ride in more comfort! WHO AGREES??

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Vortex is just fine the way it is. I have never gotten a headache from riding it. I woudl rather they keep the OTSR's than the lap bars, otherwise, this would just be another coaster, that PKI got stupid with, and I wouldn't be able to fit on. I'm 6'6" and due to PKI's poor idea to change to FoF, I don't fit on it anymore. Leave rides the way they are, and things will be great!

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Has anyone else head about brain damage from bad ride restaints? Having your head hit anything in that matter is not a very good thing to be doing, my girlfriend and my self have have headaches after riding Vortex. FoF I can still ride it and i'm 6'4 and I have no problems sitting int he new FoF restaints and if anything they have made the ride more comfortable! i DO AGREE that PKI should change out the restaints on Vortex!

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Fitting in a roller caoster has to deal with, how long certain parts of you are. I am 6'6" with legs that are quite long, thus why I am not able to get them under the FoF lapbar.

The brains damage from bad restraints thing is Bull as far as I am concerned. Wasn't it Six Flags who just did a major study invloving, coasters, and had doctors and even astronauts say that, coasters exert forces on you, that are so short, and so quick, that they might even be healthy?Also soemthing along the lines of even the fastest coasters exert much less force than that of what an astronaut experiences during liftoff? Anyone remember hearing this, or reading the report? I can;t imagine one ride being able to give you brain damage in any way, especially from ride restraints.

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Good point Fyrfyter, Six Flags did do the test on brain damage, and astronauts do experience much higher g-forces that any roller coaster can produce at the moment. The thing about the lap bars on Vortex was just an idea, nothing to affend anyone, just wondering if anyone else has experienced the head apin i have had after riding Vortex. Thanks for the in put!!!

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