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top thrill dragster question

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What is it like? First there is the slow moving of the train to the launch area, then the delay of waiting to be launched, then the strong launch forces pushing you and your face back into your seat as you rise up, up, up, up, up and over the top, spiraling downwards face down, around and down and around and down nearly to the ground, level out (see * insert below for Kingda Ka) then onto the brakes and back into the station...giddy...Did I just do that?

* for Kingda Ka add at the *>>> and then you rush up what appears to be a camel back hill that does nothing and hit brakes that take you down the other side and then>>>

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  The Interpreter said:
What is it like? First there is the slow moving of the train to the launch area, then the delay of waiting to be launched, then the strong launch forces pushing you and your face back into your seat as you rise up, up, up, up, up and over the top, spiraling downwards face down, around and down and around and down nearly to the ground, level out (see * insert below for Kingda Ka) then onto the brakes and back into the station...giddy...Did I just do that?

* for Kingda Ka add at the *>>> and then you rush up what appears to be a camel back hill that does nothing and hit brakes that take you down the other side and then>>>

What would be the best warm up ride before i try ttd?The fastest zero to ride ive been on is Flight of Fear.Of course i will be at knotts berry farm before i make it to Cedar Point.

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  The Interpreter said:
What is it like? First there is the slow moving of the train to the launch area, then the delay of waiting to be launched, then the strong launch forces pushing you and your face back into your seat as you rise up, up, up, up, up and over the top, spiraling downwards face down, around and down and around and down nearly to the ground, level out (see * insert below for Kingda Ka) then onto the brakes and back into the station...giddy...Did I just do that?

* for Kingda Ka add at the *>>> and then you rush up what appears to be a camel back hill that does nothing and hit brakes that take you down the other side and then>>>

Btw, I've gotten air on the KK camel back, but not every time.

Also, for KK's launch it's: 'fast...Faster...FASTEST!!!' Followed by skull-jarring, migraine-inducing rattling on the descent if you're sitting in the 3rd (if not 2nd) row on either green train...at least in my experiences in 07 and 08.

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  74Gibson said:
Magnum is classic, maybe a bit rough but still a great ride. It's a perfect warm up. Make sure to get a couple rides on Raptor. It often has a very short line later in the day and is an incredible night ride.

Yes, Raptor is a good warm up ride.

that was my first coaster at Cedar Point.

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Be it Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster, I ride the front seat. On TTD for the view. On KK, to put it kindly, to avoid the 'jackhammering effect' of the back seats of each car on that otherwise wonderful ride. I would ALMOST rather ride Ninja at Six Flags Over Georgia than sit in the back row of a car while riding Kingda Ka.

As for air on that so-called camel back hill on Ka, I have gotten great gobs of it...in my face...not even the slightest lift in the seat...not once. And I have ridden Ka well over 100 times.....

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^^Well, I still swear by getting air in the front seat before...likewise, on the orange and blueberry trains I've found TTD-esque smoothness in almost all rows,

Also, is it true that at the top hat if you look back, and to the right you can see NYC?? I still don't have that visual credit! :(

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  The Interpreter said:
As for air on that so-called camel back hill on Ka, I have gotten great gobs of it...in my face...not even the slightest lift in the seat...not once. And I have ridden Ka well over 100 times.....

How sad. I was looking forward to a ride on it soon, and hoping that the hill at the end was what it looks like. I guess it's just an anticipointment hill. Oh, well...there's always El Toro to make up for it.

Speaking of airtime, you left out the air in the front of TTD (at least there is in the second seat). I love being able to look down on Millennium. The visual from the top is the best part of the coaster. Personally, I wish they had attached a real coaster to the bottom of the drop. Then they might have a #1 out of me if the airtime is right.

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  The Interpreter said:
Do know the locals swear there is air there. I have never ever experienced same. This from a guy who once experienced splendid air on Son of Beast (in the back seat right after a rain storm...with, of all people, David Althoff, Jr., and never before or since).

One of many reasons that I love being at Kings Island in the rain. Although, since they have started closing for sprinkles, some of that fun has faded.

Now that I said that, it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have to wait until the pavement was dry before reopening...but what do I know?

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Well, I am an NHRA (National Hot Rod Association) Sportsman Drag Racer. I race a 230in. with a 427 Cubic Inch Big Block Chevy Engine dragster. It runs the quarter mile in 8 seconds at over 180 MPH!!!! :unsure: Let's just say-that I am glad I can wear all my protective gear. TTD is a very very FAST 17 seconds. :o Make sure you have an empty stomach. Whatever you do-DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!!! :blink:

Kevin A. Bennett

Wilmington, OH

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First listen for the extremely loud hiss of the brake fins going down on the track. Then you will hear a metallic clunk under the train and feel it move back ever so slightly. You want to look at the Christmas tree after you feel the train move back because the lights will come on about 2-3 seconds after that and you will launch. You feel the pull from the launch for about 3 seconds and then the wind in your face as you shoot skyward.

TTD is fun. :D

Angie, who will gladly get up at 4 am to pack for CP and make the 3 hour drive

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  gigacoaster2k said:
  tigellinus said:
Also, is it true that at the top hat if you look back, and to the right you can see NYC?? I still don't have that visual credit! :(

I never heard that one either, but I'm willing to find out.. my opening day PTR will reveal the truth! ;)

Really? Then how come 040409 isn't in your list?

Terpy, who hopes to be at that place on that day.

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^^'Tis why I like Storm Runner better than TTD!! Ridiculous air in the front seat on the top hat, air on the loop, and the snake dive is the best inverson out there, IMO.

"Hold on....'cuz here we GO!!" :D

  The Interpreter said:
  gigacoaster2k said:
  tigellinus said:
Also, is it true that at the top hat if you look back, and to the right you can see NYC?? I still don't have that visual credit! :(

I never heard that one either, but I'm willing to find out.. my opening day PTR will reveal the truth! ;)

Really? Then how come 040409 isn't in your list?

Terpy, who hopes to be at that place on that day.

I'm not totally convinced she was being 100% matter of fact about being at GAdv on 4/4/09, and note "my opening day" also may not = 4/4/09.

Either way, I think Terpy would advise against photo taking on Ka's top hat, although I always find the time spent on KK's apex much longer than TTD, and I'm getting better at "looking around" at the top of both, but I do fear my increasing looking around on coasters is resulting in the worsening of my recent day-after vertigo.

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Well a ride on TTD is like a ride on the wings of a bat out of hell. You roll up to the Christmas tree lights and then you pause and hear the rev of your engine. After that your train goes back a few inches and the tree goes yellow to green and you hear tires squeal and you are shot out of the gate like a rocket. The way up proves to be a great experience as you are on your back for a very long time. Then when you get to the top you look around and think wow I am on top of the world. But that view lasts a very short time and pretty soon you are sky rocketing back down to the ground and spiraling out of control and you rush back into the brakes and you wonder, what just happened? All in all it is a must ride and is a once in a lifetime experience. I love the ride and have rode many times over. I say give it a shot and you will like it I promise.

Posted from my iPhone!!!!

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^I agree completely! O-80 in 2 sec may be a faster rate of acceleration but 120 is just a lil more intense ;) ... not to mention a top hat at 420 feet. TTD may be a one trick pony but it's a good one. I agree though that it does get old after a few rides.

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Compressed air also has more problems than the hydraulics from what I hear. 0-120 in 4.2 is plenty quick enough for me. Also, Dodonpa goes 0-107 in 1.8 seconds. I like the long drawn out acceleration on Top Thrill, I haven't ridden compressed air, so I can't give my take, but I would imagine the hydraulics are more reliable too (just from and engineering standpoint).

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