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Son of Beast Q's


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I've never actually heard the true story behind Son of Beast concerning construction and other aspects of the ride, so I'm hoping that someone on this site can answer some questions for me. Thanks for the help.

1. What really happened with the company that constructed Son of Beast? I've heard many different stories, including that Paramount's Kings Island went over budget and couldn't pay the company to finish the ride, and another says that the company itself was cutting corners and PKI wasn't going to take any chances with their new ride, so they took over and sued the company.

2. What part of SOB collapsed during construction, if any part collapsed at all, and at what point of construction did this happen?

3. Is it true that one reason Son of Beast was delayed is because it was struck by lightning and the entire computer system had to be re-done? Was SOB ever struck by lightning?

4. Why can't/doesn't Son of Beast run three trains? I've heard many stories that the SOB's computers have yet to be fixed since ( supposedly ) they were struck by lightning. Does a third train even exist?

Edited by CoasterKrazy
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1. What really happened with the company that constructed Son of Beast? I've heard many different stories, including that Paramount's Kings Island went over budget and couldn't pay the company to finish the ride, and another says that the company itself was cutting corners and PKI wasn't going to take any chances with their new ride, so they took over and sued the company.

From what I hear is that PKI told them to cut corners, but things didn't work out they way they planned

2. What part of SOB collapsed during construction, if any part collapsed at all, and at what point of construction did this happen?

It was the top of the lift hill. They were still doing structural work and not really any tracking yet.

3. Is it true that one reason Son of Beast was delayed is because it was struck by lightning and the entire computer system had to be re-done? Was SOB ever struck by lightning?

I think it was because construction didn't work at the speed they planned and the track wasn't running as smooth. The train valleying in the first turn didn't help either.

4. Why can't/doesn't Son of Beast run three trains? I've heard many stories that the SOB's computers have yet to be fixed since ( supposedly ) they were struck by lightning. Does a third train even exist?

SoB only has 3 blocks which can only run 2 trains. It was originally supposed to be 3, but was cut down to 2. That's what a remember.

Do not take this for total fact this just what I remember.

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Thanks for the information. Doesn't Son of Beast have at least four blocks though? I'm not quite sure how to describe blocks, so I'll do my best:

BLOCK 1: Station to top of lift

BLOCK 2: Top of Lift to Block Brakes

BLOCK 3: Block Brakes to Final Brakes ( Which can stop the train if there is one in the station )

BLOCK 4: Final Brakes to Station

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Those would be the correct blocks, so with that being said SOB can handle 3 trains, but as i stated before its pointless because it wont increase capacity any because you would have a train in the block brakes , and final while your waiting to load the other train in the station.

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Even without stacking the trains I doubt it would make to much of a difference anyways maybe about an extra 72 people per hour if that much. Its not the crew that makes it goes slow, sometimes guest are slow getting off/ on, or left something in the train and have to look for it, or people not riding trying to wait in the unload side of the station. It all adds up, and a few seconds here and there make a big difference. Some times when i was working SOB that would be the case and we would have a train sitting on the brake run while were still loading the train, although i gess you can also see that as we got the last train out real quick. (Although 90 percent of the time we could usually get the train dispatched as the other one was clearing block brakes on a typical cycle).

As "Coasterguy107" said 2 trains is definetly effecient.

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I think its the people too. A worker can only go soo fast. and on SOB you have to have both your legs under the bar, and sometimes guest don't do that and then you have to start all over again. Adding a 3rd train would be horrible because they would always stack up in the block breaks..

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Yes part of SOB did collapse during construction, due to avery windy day, and an area of track that wasn't completely secured. part of that story is here:

Yes the ride was damaged when it was struck by lightning, just a few days after opening. part of that story can be found here: SOB struck by lightning

SOB collapse and safety problems

Edited by fyrfyter
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If you really want to know this answer, go to http://www.cincinnati.com and search through their archives which cover all past issues of the Enquirer and the post. Use Son of Beast for the search. One of the articles tells all that. I know the total board feet for SOB is over 2.5 million feet, but I don't know about the other stuff.

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Question number one can not be answered by any of us. Question number two and three have been answered and as for question number four, I think theres alot more to it than just having a train stop in the mid-course break run. What exactly? We will never know. Sorry guys and gals. Don't hate me. :D

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