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What's the best ride at KI or any other park that you've been on at night?


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One of the first times I rode MF was at night during Halloweekends. We were going down the first drop, and dropped right into the fog. The tops of the hills and overbanked turns rose above the fog, so you kept diving in and out from above it. The coaster looked wicked awesome like that, and you couldn't see where you were going for half of the ride.. it was unreal.

It's amazing how the night and fog made that such an amazing experience. I had a chance to ride in the front seat of MF during the first Friday of Halloweekends last season, and it was a totally different coaster! I even managed to get some noticeable floater air on the second big hill, something that hasn't happened since my first ride back in 01. The Beast is always great at night, and I can't wait to try the Voyage at night during Holiwood Nights!

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I was on the Flight Deck crew this post season and yes FD did close early on Saturdays (I think it was around 6 or 7) and did not open at all on Fridays during the Haunt. Club Blood's line would reach pretty far down the FD queue. I hated telling families with children that it was closed. It is one of the few rides with small lines and great for families. I wish there was some way to work around the Club Blood's line.

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Well, I dont Know. :huh: Anyways, that was in 2007. I'll have to check on that. By the way, on april 18th me and my friends are going to Kings Island(extra early). We plan on running to Flight Deck, so we at least have somethin to brag about. Then we are going to run around riding rides like The Racer, Vortex, Along Coney Mall.At five we are going to get in line.

ps. I'd rather spend five hours in line than get trampled trying to run to Diamondback, and hopefully not very many peaple will get on because it's dinnertime.

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Really, I think I almost personaly new everyone(not really, just knew your faces). Anyways, my choir teacher designs club blood every year. Flight Deck is getting kind of old(you have to admit) , and many peaple just don't like it. I think it is a great ride, even if you have to go out of your way. There is lots of rumors that Flight Decks last operating Year is 2009, and will be replaced in 2011 by a B&M Invert, and I hope this isn't true. Although I would like to see a new inverted coaster in the park. Maybe They could remove the 3-D movie place and add on to coney mall. I think Pheonix would be a great name. what do you think? :unsure:

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I hope it's not true. I haven't ridden Flight Deck in a while, but after reading some things on RCDB I'm a little worried. Out of the 5 coasters that are now defunct, 4 of them shared their last season with a coaster that was new that season - Bavarian Beetle's last season and The Beast's first season was 1979, (Screamin') Demon's last season and The Vortex's first season was 1987, King Cobra's last season and Rugrats Runaway Reptar's first season was in 2001, and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster's last season and Italian Job's/Backlot Stunt Coaster's first season was in 2005. Am I being paranoid or is there a noticeable trend going on here?

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Some of those seem to be unrelated to me. So - paranoia. However, judging by the fact that Flight Deck still has not been repainted and continues to rust...I'm worried too. I can't say that I believe it will be replaced by a B&M invert, as Diamondback is a major investment this year, and another new coaster being constructed starting next year seems very unlikely.

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I hope it's not true. I haven't ridden Flight Deck in a while, but after reading some things on RCDB I'm a little worried. Out of the 5 coasters that are now defunct, 4 of them shared their last season with a coaster that was new that season - Bavarian Beetle's last season and The Beast's first season was 1979, (Screamin') Demon's last season and The Vortex's first season was 1987, King Cobra's last season and Rugrats Runaway Reptar's first season was in 2001, and Scooby's Ghoster Coaster's last season and Italian Job's/Backlot Stunt Coaster's first season was in 2005. Am I being paranoid or is there a noticeable trend going on here?

Read nothing into that. The managements of the park during those periods are long gone. Cedar Fair and its managers are now in charge. I cannot imagine them removing Flight Deck. And the last time before it was painted, it was looking pretty sorry, too...

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Good point, Terpy. I didn't think about the change in ownership to Cedar Fair. Anyways, back to the subject at hand... anybody ever have a night ride to remember on a coaster or any other ride at KI or another amusement park that they'd like to share?

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Well, CederFair has three new expansions this year. Carolina Cobra in Carowinds, The Prowler in Worlds of Fun, and Diamondback here in Kings Island. Totally, Diamondback and Prowler together cost an amazing thirty million total! I could not find a price for Caroline Cobra, so I estimate around 5,000,000 dollars. It could be a few years before Kings Island gets any more big attractions. Mainly I think CederFair has soo many parks, that Kings Island might get about a quarter of the attractions. Ex. Valleyfair in Minnesota didn't get anything big for about eight years! Anyways, the probability that Kings Island will get anything big (like Firehawk) for at least three years(2012). But I would like to see something return to Kings Island soon!

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...anybody ever have a night ride to remember on a coaster or any other ride at KI or another amusement park that they'd like to share?

I posted it in another thread too, but my favorite night ride was in high school on King Cobra. It was one of the last two years that ride was open. A good friend and I had spent all day at the park and had probably already done 10 laps on KC, but we jumped on it for one more run right before they shut the queue for the night. We rode in the front seat and were going up the lift hill right as the fireworks started. That was so awesome.

I also remember a night ride on The Beast in 2004 with my then-boyfriend (who became my husband 2 years later). I'd been fighting to get him on a coaster all day and he finally gave in for The Beast, and actually enjoyed it. I just enjoyed that I finally had him beside me on a coaster! Ever since that day, he has ridden every coaster with me.

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All of you folks singing MF's praise at night (which it does deserve) should also really try Magnum too, that second hill when you crest and the only thing you can see is a lighthouse light and pure darkness is amazing. The course is hardly lit up too which makes for a great ride experience.

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I haven't done to many rides at night, but if I had to make a choice it would be one of the following.

Beast - Duh you have to include this one! With nothing but the moonlight to brighten the woods, it's like your flying through the trees at massive speeds out of control!

Racer - With Coney Mall light up at night, and the track dimmed ahead of you so you can't see the oncoming hills, it's nothing short of pure fun!

Millennium Force - With no light to see where you're going, the first drop seems to go into nothingness! The high speed turns and drops in the thick blackness are absolutely spectacular!

Top Thrill Dragster - The Christmas Tree Lights shining on the tower, the music playing, the station a glowing island in the sea of darkness, and 120 mph launch through the black night, talk about awesome!

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