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park games

Big Red Dice

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im good at two very spacefic games the first one is an arcade which is the one where three people can play and you watch a light spin around and you gotta try to stop it in the jackpot zone to win tickets and the other is a midway game which is age, weight, or birth month they can never guess mine correctly and i always leave with at least one prize which once the season closes i donate my stuffed prizes to a hospitals childrens department now the one i love to play is ski-ball cause come on its ski-ball a classic that im not really good at but still luv.

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You really did create this topic! But I like playing the midway games but I'm not good at any of them :( ! Do a lot of people win the 'guessing game' that Big Red Dice referred to? I always think to myself, 'That game has to be rigged so very few people win. I mean, the park doesn't want a lot of people to win, do they?' Obviously not everyone would win because the workers would get lucky with the guesses sometimes...

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oooo oooo what about that one that spins and you got to get the o-bar out without hitting the side and the prize is a guitar or big @$$ spiderman i bet over last season i shelled out close to $75 and it would be on last loop and i would etheir trimmer or hear someone else's buzzer go off and think i lost cause i was to focused and the darn thing would hit the side ooooo that made me ssssoooo mad i would have to go ride somethin to calm me down

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IF an amusement park so-called game of chance were rigged, the Attorney General's office would be very, very interested. Many of the games are not what they appear to be, or are much more difficult than they appear, or the prizes are worth less than the cost to play (or of all the players' cost to play if a single prize is awarded when a group plays). The games are there for the same reason the gift shops and the food places are there...to add to per caps and, more importantly, to the bottom line. Rides and shows draw people to the park to pay admission and parking. In park spending drives per caps. Mr. Kinzel's salary and bonus, employees' labor cost, utilities, insurance, taxes, depreciation, unitholders' dividends, etc., all must be paid for somehow, and gate admissions and parking fees alone won't do it.

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IF an amusement park so-called game of chance were rigged, the Attorney General's office would be very, very interested. Many of the games are not what they appear to be, or are much more difficult than they appear, or the prizes are worth less than the cost to play (or of all the players' cost to play if a single prize is awarded when a group plays). The games are there for the same reason the gift shops and the food places are there...to add to per caps and, more importantly, to the bottom line. Rides and shows draw people to the park to pay admission and parking. In park spending drives per caps. Mr. Kinzel's salary and bonus, employees' labor cost, utilities, insurance, taxes, depreciation, unitholders' dividends, etc., all must be paid for somehow, and gate admissions and parking fees alone won't do it.

which,if you learn anything and played, roller coster tycoon showed you all about

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IF an amusement park so-called game of chance were rigged, the Attorney General's office would be very, very interested. Many of the games are not what they appear to be, or are much more difficult than they appear, or the prizes are worth less than the cost to play (or of all the players' cost to play if a single prize is awarded when a group plays). The games are there for the same reason the gift shops and the food places are there...to add to per caps and, more importantly, to the bottom line. Rides and shows draw people to the park to pay admission and parking. In park spending drives per caps. Mr. Kinzel's salary and bonus, employees' labor cost, utilities, insurance, taxes, depreciation, unitholders' dividends, etc., all must be paid for somehow, and gate admissions and parking fees alone won't do it.

The machine, as I figured out through a little research, is set to only allow winners out of a selected number of plays. There is dial which is even noted at the various places where you can buy the machine, that gives different ratios for winners per players. If the amound of players have not yet been reached, it will skip over to the nearest block if ever stopped on the correct spot. They might get out of the "rigged" title since there is a layer below the major prize line which is not fixed and offers players to take the small prize or go on, most go on.

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"Rigged" is not a word I would use, but they are more difficult than they are made to appear. For example, I played the basketball game once last year, and found the ball to be heavier than a normal basketball, and it was overinflated so that it would bounce further if you hit the rim or the backboard. But lots of people still win that game as evidenced by the large number of basketballs being dribbled around the park. Also, CF buys the prizes in bulk, so you can bet that the vast majority of them cost the company less than the price of the game itself.

I generally avoid games like the plague, primarily because I'm bad at them and it would be cheaper to go to a store and buy the prize than it would be for me attempt the game enough times to win one. And, of course, I really don't want to have to carry a prize around with me all day, or make an extra trip to the car.

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The only game I play (and that's very rarely, usually about once every 8 years) is the squirt gun race. I've never lost on that. I couldn't play the games while working at KI, and I have no desire to lose the money on them now. Plus, if I were to play them, GatorGirl might expect me to do so every time we visit, and that ain't happenin'!

The last time I played the squirt gun race was about 2001 at CP. I won a huge Scooby Doo holding a hot dog with his tongue sticking out. Being a big Scooby fan, I saw the prize and just had to go for it. For years that Scooby sat in my office at KI, and it now sits in it's own chair in my living room!

I had a friend who worked in Games at one point, and he let me in on how to win the Peach Basket game, which I tried on my one and only visit to Kentucky Kingdom years ago. I won that one too. But I won't go tellin' the secret!

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I like the hammer-of-strength (not sure what its real name is) game, just because of the bright, flashy lights and "theramin"-sounding sound effects. It's just neato.

Have you ever seen anyone win that game? We passed by on numerous occasions and even some of the most muscular people couldn't win! The average score seemed to be between 70-80 points no matter who played.

I'm awesome at wacky wire! I've won twice at hit and hope its still there. Also I have won many times at the bowling game where you have to get the ball to stop in the middle.

I want to see someone other than an employee beat the wacky wire game!

My brother and I usually shell out $5 to beat bank-a-ball once a week. We usually can be found at the 3-point challenge, though.

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I like the hammer-of-strength (not sure what its real name is) game, just because of the bright, flashy lights and "theramin"-sounding sound effects. It's just neato.

Have you ever seen anyone win that game? We passed by on numerous occasions and even some of the most muscular people couldn't win! The average score seemed to be between 70-80 points no matter who played.

My father-in-law has won it before. He is not a muscle man either, he just stated you have to hit it in the right spot? I have no experience for I have expressed my feelings on the games before and will leave it at that. :)

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I like the hammer-of-strength (not sure what its real name is) game, just because of the bright, flashy lights and "theramin"-sounding sound effects. It's just neato.

Have you ever seen anyone win that game? We passed by on numerous occasions and even some of the most muscular people couldn't win! The average score seemed to be between 70-80 points no matter who played.

Actually, I have never seen anyone win that game. Honestly, I don't know how it transfers the force of the strike to the 'rising' of the lights. I think the old ones had a cylindrical weight that was catapulted upward based on the speed of the actuator, rather than upon the amount of force applied. Thus, if the actuator is hit by a skinny little kid with a 90 mph throwing arm, maybe he has a better chance of ringing the bell than, say, a pro wrestler giving it the ol' Hassan chop! Still, it's a great Midway mainstay, whose sound effects are as much a signature of Kings Island as the Train's whistle, the "Winner" siren near SR&R ("bow bow bow bow bow bow!), and soon, the Roar of Diamondback.

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Actually, I have never seen anyone win that game. Honestly, I don't know how it transfers the force of the strike to the 'rising' of the lights.

That's why I would never trust one of those games. I used to know an operator of one of those games and the operator is given a small remote that adjusts the game to the person. According to her there are 3 settings; one for children, one for women, and one for men. However, the actual settings for each mode can also be adjusted as well so you never know what you're going to get. This was in 2005 so things may have changed.

The only game I like but rarely play is Wac-A-Mole.

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I LOVE the stacker, I always win at milano's too :lol: my favorite game at KI is probably the ring toss or the squirt thing. I love how at KI the games and food places stay open after the park closes, unlike at Carowinds, where on weeknights they close at 8pm, and when the park closes, EVERYTHING closes.

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I just remembered another park game I like! The ladder game! I've tried it a few times but have never won, but I think I learned the secret from watching an employee do it enough. If I get to work games next year like I'm hoping to, working at that one looks like a blast!

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