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Diamondback Restraints


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Are the requirements for Diamondback's restraints the same as those for Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland? I fit just fine on Behemoth with no problem at all. But I was wondering if Behemoth has the same supposed "3 clicks" rule as Diamondback will, or if for some reason Diamondback will have stricter requirments? (I would think they should be the same since they are the exact same restraints by parks belonging to Cedar Fair. But they are in different countries and I guess could have different safety standards...)

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I actually can't fit on dropzone because I have a long upper body. My shoulders hit the restraint and the belt buckle can't lock into place. I can smash my self in the seat if I really wanted to but its too uncoftable. I can ride all the other rides just fine. Vortex and Flight deck are close fits though. I iwsh my body wasn't so long! I have no problem with rides with lapbars.

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Are the requirements for Diamondback's restraints the same as those for Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland? I fit just fine on Behemoth with no problem at all. But I was wondering if Behemoth has the same supposed "3 clicks" rule as Diamondback will, or if for some reason Diamondback will have stricter requirments? (I would think they should be the same since they are the exact same restraints by parks belonging to Cedar Fair. But they are in different countries and I guess could have different safety standards...)

With 65~ rides on Behemoth, I found 3 clicks was only enforced by certain ride op's, or when Supervisors/Mgrs were around, or during the first few hours of the day.

Often at night or when there was only 4 op's checking (as opposed to the 6 or even 8 I've seen), 2 clicks could easily be had.

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well i dont believe it is possible for ride ops to not enforce 3 clicks since on the newer rides that this is the computer had to read that all the lapbars are locked before it can dispatch, and locked on this ride is 3 clicks

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^^Honestly, in my self-proclaimed expert opinion, while you have a chance and obviously you should utilize the test seat as well, if you do make it the fit will be the tightest that's allowable.

For what it's worth I'm optimistic, but just be prepared...as an aside, I myself was very concerned about my El Toro prospects last summer when I was above 200 lbs for the first time in a while, and though the ride experience wasn't quite as great as being under 200, I actually made ET with flying colors!!

Good luck! :)

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Please allow me to say this about that. The ride experience changes drastically as one's body size changes. Tall people, for instance, get a lot more head banging on most Arrow looping coasters than medium height people. Shorter people can have their ears bang right into the head rests.

Most of all, after I lost a lot of weight, nearly every coaster I liked before I liked even more as a lesser person. Except T2. I always loved that thing and never understood why others hated it. They said it shuffled from front to back, painfully. I blissfully rode wedged in and loved it. Then I lost a massive amount of weight. Then I got on it again. OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Forwards and backwards between the restraint and the seat back went the Terpy over and over and over. OUCH! Is this crazy thing done yet?

On the other hand, I can honestly say that Nitro improved by a factor of about 10 as I got smaller and smaller and was no longer wedged under the restraint.

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I'm definitely planning on using (and making friends) with the test seat. I appreciate your optimism. I'll probably do anything and everything to fit.

Terpy, you raise a valid point, I couldn't imagine what it would be like riding some of these rides as half of my current self.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm assuming that Behemoth and Diamondback have the same trains. On Behemoth, if you sit in the front left of any car, you can see a little section cut out with some lights in it. There should be 5 lights, the 4 to the left are for each restraint. So if you're sitting in the front left, the first light should illuminate when the restraint is down enough. If it's not, it won't light up. Someone maybe check this out and see if there's any truth to this with Diamondback.

EDIT: After some Behemoth riding today (12 rides), I snapped a picture to help explain what I mean. http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5219/3492...704aba6667o.jpg

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