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Realistically, how many Diamondback Opening Day rides do you expect?


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I emphasize realistically, what's the most you think you could get in? Assuming weather is average, like overcast and 65 degrees and dry, so nothing to keep crowds away but no gorgeous weather either.

I can't say Diamondback will be the only thing I ride, especially if there are some opportunistic short waits for other things, but if D-back was my main focus, let me think about this for the first time...

Including the First Ride Auction and ERT, here's the times I think I could ride: 9 am-auction ride, 9:45-2nd ride, 11:30 ish-3rd ride, 3:30-4th ride, 7:00-5th ride, 9/9:30-6th/last ride depending on when they close the line.

I'm kind of thinking from around 11-7 the line will be >3 hrs. If I changed up the afternoon a little and the evening waits are a little shorter I could maybe get in 7 rides? So anyone wanna make their ride count predictions? :D

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Well As soon as I get to KI I'll go to Diamondback. I hope to be one of the first riders (not including auctioneers) and once I get one ride in, I may get back in line, depending if it's a few miles long. If it's over two hours long after my first ride, I'll just go ride other things (if they aren't ridiculously long..) Mid day I'll ride Diamondback atleast one more time. And I wanna get in line around 9:30 PM for a night ride in the front seat. So I'd say, I'm aiming to get 3 DB rides in, but I have a feeling I'd only get one in... :(

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I'm aiming for two. One as soon as we can get in line for the ERT, and then possibly one immediately after, unless the line is over 2 hours. If it is, we'll go back out into the park and see how the line looks for the rest of the day. I'm really hoping to get two rides. I'm still debating about whether I want to jump into the auction or not.

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I'm taking it as it comes.. I don't really plan my day at an amusement park. There was one time, on my way up to CP, I was stoked about riding MF until I got there, and then for some reason as soon as I got to the park, TTD looked supremely appealing. I rode it 6 times that day and only rode MF once.

So who knows? I do want to ride DB at least once, but I also want to hit Drop Tower, FOF, Beast, Slingshot, first ride on Skyflyer, Invertigo (yes, I like it), and Delirium.

Gosh I miss KI so much.. that and several of my CP friends are coming down. I'm so excited for opening day. I miss you guys!!

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I intend to have one of the best times I have ever had in any park. I will be glad to be there, to see the park again, to take in the experience, and see yet again the park I first saw on opening day so many years ago, with new eyes.
It could be said that Kings Island enthusiast who have not met Interpreter/'s would be seeing him for the first time with their own eyes, but those who have met Interpreter/'s will will see him with new eyes.

Also I plan at least one ride ride on Diamondback but Kings Island is so much more than one ride for me or rides for that matter especially true on opening day. I will enjoy and equally riding Diamondback, meet-up with fellow Kings Island enthusiast, eating at Rivertown Junction, 2 new live shows, a special live concert , quick browse through various shops and photographing Kings Island with my new camera. Then after all that if there is still time I will enjoy riding more rides like The Beast and for some reason The Crypt, Yeah I can not wait for opening day!!

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If the weather is nice, you will be lucky to get 4 or 5.... And that is if you want to spend all of opening day in that line.....

As a GP'er, I agree! But when considering the auction, I'm hoping 6 rides should be attainable...I mean, I'd call 3 rides in 10 hours pretty realistic to me!

And btw, as for myself, since I'm planning to be at KI both the 18th and the weekend after, I'll hopefully have many chances to ride other things. Just think, in 168 hours (a week) from now, God willing I'll be in Diamondback's queue!! That's pretty d*mn exciting. ^_^

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Honestly, I've only ever ridden one ride multiple times in one day once, so I see myself riding Diamondback just once on Opening Day. Call me lame, but that's how I am. I'd rather have a variety and ride multiple rides than ride just one. Although I do plan on having a marathon on The Beast/Diamondback on my birthday which is on a Tuesday. I'm hoping the park won't be too busy that day. Anyway, on Opening Day I plan on riding Diamondback then running straight to The Beast. HOPEFULLY, I'll have some ERT left over from riding Diamondback so early and I'm also hoping that The Beast's line won't be too bad.

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If you were to do that i would go ride The Beast first then go ride Diamondback. I know the line will be longer than it would if you went there first, but the line for The Beast will be long as well. ( hopefully)

No offense, but I don't care what The Beast's line looks like I'm getting in line for Diamondback first. I want a t-shirt and to be able to say I was one of the first people to ride Diamondback on Opening Day. I've been anticipating this ride since late 2007 when I read on the internet that KI was getting a B & M coaster for 2009. I'm not getting after you I've just never been on something as tall or as fast before let alone a B & M. Only one more week 'til Opening Day!

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Gosh it seems like yesterday that I was looking at a muddy clearing thinking they were building a new log flume.. then refusing to believe it when I saw rumors circulating about a B&M hyper being built at my beloved home park, and screaming in delight when I realized it was true. We get to ride it 1 week from today.. it all seems so surreal.

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I know Angie it does seem so surreal! Can anyone describe the ride experience on a B & M coaster for those of us that haven't had the privelege to ride one?

As far as B&Ms, I've only been on Raptor (floorless) and Mantis (stand up). Mantis was painful on my calves. Raptor pulls some sweet Gs and is a lot of fun.

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I have only been on Mantis and Raptor, like Angie, and they were both fairly smooth. Mantis bumped me around in the OTSR causing me to have red ears, but that will not be a problem for Diamondback. Raptor was a great ride. My favorite part of that whole ride though was probably the zero-g-roll. It was IMO, the smoothest part of the whole ride. I unfortunately didn't like the cobra roll too much because it jerked me around to hard for my liking. Another down side to Raptor, the ending. One of the most painful final turns on a coaster, unless you are prepared and tensed up for the jerk that the turn gives you. But overall, BMs are my favorite kind of ride. I love the way that the track spine is designed: with a billion triangles all welded together.

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