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I have an idea.

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I like that idea. I'm thinking maybe that users aren't allowed to post new topics in that forum, but rather an administrator can go through weekly and make one thread for each day of the week and then users could discuss who is/isn't going on a particular day in that day's own thread.

If that makes any sense at all.

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Wouldn't it be easier - especially for the administrators - for the first user to post to be the one who creates the thread, and then those who are also going can post in that same thread as well. That way there wouldn't end up being blank days when no one decides to go. (If that would ever happen.)

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Wouldn't it be easier - especially for the administrators - for the first user to post to be the one who creates the thread, and then those who are also going can post in that same thread as well. That way there wouldn't end up being blank days when no one decides to go. (If that would ever happen.)

Yes but it wouldn't be too far out of character for people to ignore posts made by other users and make their own, which would lead to multiple posts on the same day, then people post in one and not the other and other people read one but not the other and people are going to KI/CP without knowing who else is going, which kind of defeats the purpose of the forum.

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Wouldn't it be easier - especially for the administrators - for the first user to post to be the one who creates the thread, and then those who are also going can post in that same thread as well. That way there wouldn't end up being blank days when no one decides to go. (If that would ever happen.)

Yes but it wouldn't be too far out of character for people to ignore posts made by other users and make their own, which would lead to multiple posts on the same day, then people post in one and not the other and other people read one but not the other and people are going to KI/CP without knowing who else is going, which kind of defeats the purpose of the forum.

Seeing your point. I'm still annoyed that I can't make a new thread being the control freak that I am, but I think I can live with it. ;) I can so see that happening, so I think I'll change my opinion.

Flyer, who does listen occasionally.

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Wouldn't it be easier - especially for the administrators - for the first user to post to be the one who creates the thread, and then those who are also going can post in that same thread as well. That way there wouldn't end up being blank days when no one decides to go. (If that would ever happen.)

Yes but it wouldn't be too far out of character for people to ignore posts made by other users and make their own, which would lead to multiple posts on the same day, then people post in one and not the other and other people read one but not the other and people are going to KI/CP without knowing who else is going, which kind of defeats the purpose of the forum.

Seeing your point. I'm still annoyed that I can't make a new thread being the control freak that I am, but I think I can live with it. ;) I can so see that happening, so I think I'll change my opinion.

Flyer, who does listen occasionally.

I actually won an argument for once....there's one for the books :P

But back on topic, I really hope that someone sees this and decides to implement it. Personally I make a post almost every time I go to KI asking if people would like to meet up (Despite me having never gotten a single reply) and this would make it a lot easier.

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Personally I make a post almost every time I go to KI asking if people would like to meet up (Despite me having never gotten a single reply) and this would make it a lot easier.

I guess I should pay more attention to such posts...but do you really want to meet me? :blink: You'll have to hear about trim brakes all day.

Honestly though, I'd love to meet more of y'all, and I think that this is a really good idea as well. I'm always glad to chat with anyone who wants to chat, and have on many occasions taken multiple coaster rides with random people I have met at the park and just started chatting with. I have met a few very interesting people in this way.

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90% of the time when I go to Kings Island i'm going alone because most of my friends can't go as often as I do, so believe me i'm interested in meeting anyone.

Well, if you're sure....

I'm there alone about half the time or a little less, so it could be fun!

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Going back to Avatar's idea, I use Twitter from my BlackBerry. If you've got mobile web you can use mobile Twitter. I update my Twitter fairly often when I'm at the park, so anyone who follows me can check to see approximately where I am at any given time. I'm violakat03 on Twitter for anyone that's interested in following me.

I love Angie's original idea. Especially with Terpy's addition of putting it on a calendar. Some sites have an event calendar where you can click on a day and see what's going on that day. Something like that where we could add our usernames to the calendar on days we're going would be outstanding.

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I was thinking it would be a great idea to have a forum where we can post who is going to which park on what day. Kind of like a meeting forum, so everyone's posts don't get lost in the shuffle with the regular Kings Island forum. Gator has posted a topic on his park trips this year, and that is a great example of what to put in the forum I am thinking about.

I like this idea. I'm glad I helped spark it in giga's mind! :lol:

Almost every time I go it's with GatorGirl and Mrs. Gator, so unless you want to stay in Nick U and ride the few rides elsewhere in the park that a 40" kid can ride, it's hard for me to meet up those times. But there are a few times that I'm going solo, and it'd be great for those occasions. I think I might color code the dates in my signature as to when I'm going with the family or alone...

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Gator - there are others on these boards who tend to be confined to Nick U as well due to kids. My 5 year old is still upset that I went to opening day on my own - I'll be making it up to him on Saturday! Maybe I'll come across you one day standing at Swippers Sweepers while looking toward D-back.

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It's hard telling if this will be implemented or not. I do realize the task of editing a website, as I had experience with that in college. However, I won't be disappointed or offended if the idea is rejected.

I will just continue to put the dates I intend to visit parks in my signature, and send out my own little "broadtext" to the massive number of KIC people I have in my cell phone. :lol:

There are random days when I wake up before the robins on my day off (which is quite early), and think to myself.. I want to go to KI or CP. So I'll pack a bag, jump in the car, and be gone the rest of the day. When I do that this year, I will edit my sig as needed before I go running out of the house. ;)

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Going back to Avatar's idea, I use Twitter from my BlackBerry.

Hey, I thought that was my idea. :P

I have a twitter account, but don't use it much for I had not had a good use, with facebook and myspace it is hard to keep up. I would use it for this idea though!

Here is mine, feel free to follow me, and I will add you!

Indyguys Twitter

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As I predicted, the regular Kings Island forum is now being flooded with "who's going?" topics. There are similar posts in the off topic forum. Unless these posts stay on the list of recent posts, they will likely not be seen by a lot of forum members.

I think my idea is helpful to the site because it is a step toward topic organization, and better feedback from members about who is going on a particular day.

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