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Son of Beast`s New Lapbars?


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Son of Beast is getting new lap bars, right? On preview night they only had one train on, using the exact same lap bars that have always been on it. Someone asked a worker why there wasn`t a second train and he said that the other train was having pads added to its lap bars. So is SoB getting new lap bars, or just re-padded lap bars? Also, I thought the new lap bars would be ready for preview night!?

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SoB was only running one train on Sunday, so maybe they're adding new lapbars to the others. I think Vortex and Racer could use new padding. Racer could use new lapbars too. If your lapbar is loose at the start, it slams down on your crotch at the bottom of the first drop. Not too enjoyable.

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You're all wrong, well more or less at least, SOB'S restraints did infact change. Didn't any of you notice that the foot brace was gone! yay! and I would love to see FOF-like lap bars on Vortex. It would add a whole new appeal to the ride and not to mention making it much more enjoyable.

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I think INRaider is referring to the annoying floor boards, which by the way, were still there, atleast in the back seat. It was bad too. I could only bring myself to wait in line for it once, and I won't ride it again until the new restraints are in place, that seriously hurt! For an hour my head felt like it had a vice on it.

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