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Island Freak

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Hi, I am new to this board. My friend told me about this message board and since I like KI, I thought I'd check it out.

Anyway, at was at KI Fri. & Sat., I had a great time BUT my favorite ride Tomb Raider was closed both days. Friday it was open off and on but Saturday it was closed all day.

Does anyone know anything about why it has been shut down??? The ride ops were really polite but they wouldnt reveal any information about why other than "technical issues." Can anyone shed light on this?

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Maybe it's the fact that it sat all winter, and it didn't take it as well as some of the other rides, even though its in that building. Or maybe they did or are putting in a new program. It could be anything. Rides are no more, and probably less, reliable than your car. Except they've got probably enough parts for a good number of cars. Just think of this as the 30,000 mile tune up. Its a high mileage vehicle. Unless there's something I don't know about, which is totally possible.

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yeah, i was in line for delerium when the platform wouldnt move. I didn't have that much time in the park left and I wanted to hit other rides, so I got out and got on Beast (where I saw FOF from these forums), Vortex, went into the coney arcade where I meet shadow2k3, and then Z (to say hi to my crew that still had to work. I'm so mean, lol), then Racer, then SoB.

I was also gonna ride TRTR, but that was closed! I can't wait until those two rides open and stay open for more than a day without any probs!

Also, who here has ridden delerium with glasses on? Do they stay on, even when you are upside down? I was wondering if gravity would snatch them off of my face!

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Island Freak, did you see a tall guy, brown hair and eyes working TRTR? Goes by the name Tom? Say Hi to me sometime.

The reason that employees cannot release information is that we sign a confidentiality statement, stating that we cannot release anything that the park did not previously release.

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Not sure what happened to TR:TR on Friday night but I do know this. We got on its first ride, right when it finally opened. We were the first to ride it, and the ride crapped out right before the end of the cycle. No, there were no programming changes to the ride. It was easing back down to where it stops, when the cradle just let loose, and we swung from the back of the building, all the way to the front and then the emergency lights kicked on. We were stuck for about 25 minutes, while PKI maintenance leveled out the ride by remote, which is located in the front left corner of TR:TR if you were sitting on it You can't normally see it, as it is down on the floor, right ner some gated area. After they did this, some other PKI maintenance guy overrode the system and the platforms folded down onto the cradle. After this, someone by the name of Jill, told us that they were going to manullay release the restraints one row at a time, starting at the back, since some girl was freaking out. Other than that, everyone was pretty much calm. It took about 5 minutes per row for the restraints to release, and then you had to push them up, and climb out, and then let them back down, since they would not stay up on their own. Everyone was really nice and apologized all over the place. Unfortunately some were still mad we got stuck on it, and wanted free passes and such, but none were offered.

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There was NO EXCUSE for TR:TR to be bronken down that long. I went today and yesterday, it was closed all day, both days. UNACCEPTABLE, the park has had more than enough time to get the problem solved.

5 months to exact, no EXCUSE!!! CELAN UP YOUR ACT. If any of the workers or peeps from pki take offense to this then, TOO BAD. I am serious, that ride should be running pefectly now! GET IT TOGETHER!

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I just don't see what the big deal is with telling people what went wrong. People make bigger deals out of things...Inraider, I totally agree with you. They should have been testing Tomb Raider all winter, if it was going to break down now. No ride has an excuse to be down, except for Delirium, Scooby, and Spongebob (and have Scooby and Spongebob even broken down?).

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Inrader Tomb raider may have hard time getting out of off season mode. You know they have a lot of other rides to rehab you know. If you think you can do better with the ride please join flat ride maitnance.

SOB is 3 years old and it still doesn't work 100% of the time and its still comming out of winter rehab a bit late. You have all summer to ride TR:TR. Sit back relax and enjoythe rest of the park.

The big deal about telling people is THEY WILL GET FIRED if they tell.

Edited by sobrider
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INRaider you don't understand rides at all. It's a one of a kind ride, you can't expect it to run perfectly. It had problems all last season, and you could expect problems this season. If you have a problem you think you can fix join flat ride maintainence as said before.

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I work at TR:TR and I know for a fact that they have been testing the ride for the past month. As someone said, testing before the season starts is way different then when the ride opens for the season. TR:TR was running perfectly fine when they were testing BUT when they put riders on it and there was more weight, the ride wasn't working well. I understand your frustration but KI is doing their best to iron out the problems. You have to remember that TR:TR is a Giant Top Spin. THE FIRST ONE EVER. So there are going to be problems. Sometimes more than others.

Edited by PKI_Rulz
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I hold to what I said before, they have no excuse. and I would love to work on TR:TR in the future. And I have hopes on becoming employed there and working on it. I promise you I'll give a better response than:

"Uh....I'm sorry, tomb raider is closed down right now, check back later, maybe it'll be open." No, there is a difference between breaking down and being down for three days! Thats not breaking down, I guess you're right Teenageninja, I don't understand the rides, but what I do understand is the fact that I KNOW PKI can do a better job at repairing rides than that. I do expect a lot more from them than a ride that "just happened to break down" sorry guys, that doesn't cut it. and it never will cut it. I didn't wait all off-season to ride Scooby, I didn't wait all off-season to ride Delirium, I waited ALL off-season to ride TOMB RAIDER!!and then the day finaly arrives, and guess what! its closed! Nope, I know what I said and I stick by it, Tomb Raider should have been open from day one. And you guys said "it was tested a month before the park opened and it ran perfectly! but when we got people on it, it just magically broke down! what a shock!"-you wanna know what I have to say about that, DUHHHHHHH! gee, will people be riding TR:TR? yes! well then they should test it with people on it! You see, it really has nothing to do with the mechanics behind it, but rather the lack of common sense used when dealing with them.

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