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New Coaster near SoB

Coaster Kid

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The funny thing is, some of you think it wont be back there. Well im just waiting for the day to come and we all see the event back there. I for one do think it will be back there. Where else are they going to put it? In the parking lot? On I-Street?

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The funny thing is, some of you think it wont be back there. Well im just waiting for the day to come and we all see the event back there. I for one do think it will be back there. Where else are they going to put it? In the parking lot? On I-Street?

Completely agree with this, if any of you have seen an ariel photo of the park; its nothing but trees and lots and lots of steep hills. the only possible and smart place would be behind SoB. and for the whole not being able to get to it. They will probably make a path or use sobs unused que line

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Flight Deck is not a "must ride" for me when I go, it's more of a "waste of time". I really don't understand why people believe Flight Deck is going to remain for years to come, and have such high praise for it. I say it's gone in 5 years.

It makes a good starter coaster for those who feel they aren't ready for SOB or Vortex... it certainly was one of my firsts along with Adventure Express when I first began riding KI's coasters after being raised at CP :P

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If the ASA Sport thing was to be behind Son of Beast, How would people get there? Take the maintenance roads? Enter from under Congo, make your way behind Timberwolf, Cross the bridge, go under SOB's lift, walk right past the middle of Son of Beast, and walk up that big hill? The park would never let the General Public take all those Maintenance roads in the woods were they could just jump over a fence, and five minutes later be struck by a coaster. They wouldn't let them use Maintenance Roads also because what if something needs Maintenance? It'll be very hard for Vehicles to go right into a big crowd of people without hitting anyone. Plus people would vandalize, steal stuff, or wander off.

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Id rather it was be a coaster. Im not that into flat rides. The only one I somewhat like is Drop Tower. If the others were taken out tomorrow I wouldnt miss them.

thats what i was thinking too. until they took away the eagles and antique cars for a mediocre coaster.

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