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Stalkers stalking RWW :)


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Ok, first off, this is my first coaster event ever, and it was freaking amazing!! Thank you to all the ppl that I got to meet from the site (since i've only met a few random haunt workers before). and a special shout out goes to Alyssa, for letting me use her camera while she was off working the train this weekend (since mine is somewhere floating around EPCOT at DisneyWorld) and justin for my description quote

Ok so i stayed in Cincy Friday night instead of making a 2 1/2 hr drive in the morning, woke up a little late, but fortunately so did Zach (KI Man) so we, plus his friend Ted ended up happening to be at McDonalds at the same time, and headed toward the park, and got registered about 7:30ish. got inside saw Karen and realized we had to wait (wtf) but Don came around and said he'd take us back to The Beast and informed us we could also get in on the 9am gold pass ERT (score!)

So we went to Beast, and loved seeing all the KIC shirts :D met dustin, and angie, and steph and a few other random ppl while we were in line. Fortunately it was still early enough that it was a smooth enough ride to at least enjoy for me. then the 3 of us headed over to Vortex, and picked up Jackson with us. Great ride in 7-1 as always, glad that Jackson wanted that row too. got off, realized there was all of about 5 ppl in the station getting on the train, turned around and quickly jumped in the middle (man that was rough) then off to IJ met back up with the group from The Beast who were marathoning it, decided it was getting too close to DB time, and headed that way. realized we stil had a half hour, so went for one more ride on The Beast. I promptly remembered why i never ride it during the day...

We've met up with alyssa by this time, so we had an even group now. Time to hop on DB for about 3 laps. Me and alyssa decided we had enough, now that the line was crazy full of Gold passers, so we went to go marathon IJ some more. I made it 3 laps :P

met up with other KIC'ers chilling outside DB, headed to Action Zone, and just pretty much circled the park. Read anyone elses TR to find out

ok since everyone else has theirs up already, and i met up with all them by this point we'll just go with pics :)

Beast Walk-back:



*giggles* just for you ang


purty sun





yes thats the train going above my head :P


motor house


water dummies!



random weird angle



look at my pretty flower! LOOK AT IT!! (ok enough Haunt references)



group 1


group take 2


and now we have everyone! lol

next post for more

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Now for pretty DBness


option #1 for photo contest (help me out here)


option #2


crash into the ravine wall oh noz!!!



ted thinks this should be an option but i think its too overdone?










Kat and Gator getting ready to ride :)

On ride photos from the weekend


zach me alyssa and ted


me and justin with 2 random kids (i think this is the front car help me out justin)


and those boys above were the inspiration for this one lol

part 3 below :P

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Next up is a ride on the train to visit the lovely Alyssa (TrainedBeast)


the greatest speiler in the world! lol






a birdie told me theres a house back there :) that i really really wanna go see :P


i really wish they'd bring back the animatronics sometimes

Racer Walkback


OMG their racing!!



ok this wasn't technically walkback, it was after spongebob but i'm grouping it here anyways :P


oh my baby how i've missed you... yet at the same time.... lol


Had way too many good times playing in this thing during Haunt. Now if only my little campsite under the picnic table were back there too :P

now time to ride The Racer :)


umm.. my camera was strapped to my wrist and accidentally went off producing a great pic on the 3rd try O: )


Me Just and Dustin on another "accidental" camera malfunction

One more post i swear!! lol

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Oh Top Gun how i love thee....


and pray to the coaster Gods you get new paint next year :P


option #3 for photo contest, since i htink everyone and their mom is going to do something DB-esk


scooby artistry


the man, the myth, the legend


forgot to include The Beast mauling the fence on the walkback earlier :P


happy b-day to yooooou... happy b-day to yoooooouu....


the KIC kiddy table *giggles*


official shirt awesomeness... *included for those on my facebook who like to point out that yes those are my bewbs* rofl!!

and for the greatness that did ensue at the conclusion of the evening...

*drumroll please*





i had a blast!!! and have a lot of you to thank!! even if justin made me ride Delirium for the first time ever! (sorry justin and kat for killing your hands :P but i protest that that is not me screaming in your video!)

and it was fun at Buffalo Wild Wings for a random after party with our awesomness haha can't wait to do it all again!! :D

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For those of you who have been on a beast walk back is that area closed off enough to have a possible haunt back there?

that would be a negative. cuz the coasters exposed and not fenced in like The Racer, and its half built in a ravine... we didn't even get to go back the whole way cuz it was too wet and too steep.

How about a photo of one of the many lunches that Uncle Henry owes you?


hahaha those all happened when we went to Disney World for spring break. theres a PTR on that somewhere lol

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You didn't get EVERYONE in those 3 pics! Oh well. At least you got me with my phone out with the train going down the hill! :P

oh crap i thought i had the good one...

o well but i did find this one!


Alyssa almost getting run over by the trucks as she taking pictures of us, so she took a pic of it :P lol

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In reference to the Mystery Machine pics: WOW! Can you say inner child coming out in all of us?! The only thing that would have made this better is if Angie would have been with us for the pics, but I do like your shout out to her on Kat's and Justin's (I think it was Justin's) videos of you and Derrick dancing on I-Street!

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In reference to the Mystery Machine pics: WOW! Can you say inner child coming out in all of us?! The only thing that would have made this better is if Angie would have been with us for the pics, but I do like your shout out to her on Kat's and Justin's (I think it was Justin's) videos of you and Derrick dancing on I-Street!

wow thanks tom.... it would have been better if we had angie.... thanks for not mentioning me.... :(

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I love you, too, Kitten. I never thought I would have had someone look after me as much as you did on Saturday and you have NO idea how appreciated that is. Angie's just memorable to me because of her high energy and silliness- like the picture. I'm sorry if I offended you or you feel like you were left out.

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In reference to the Mystery Machine pics: WOW! Can you say inner child coming out in all of us?! The only thing that would have made this better is if Angie would have been with us for the pics, but I do like your shout out to her on Kat's and Justin's (I think it was Justin's) videos of you and Derrick dancing on I-Street!

wow thanks tom.... it would have been better if we had angie.... thanks for not mentioning me.... :(

I <3 you!!! thats all that matters really right? ;) lol

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In reference to the Mystery Machine pics: WOW! Can you say inner child coming out in all of us?! The only thing that would have made this better is if Angie would have been with us for the pics, but I do like your shout out to her on Kat's and Justin's (I think it was Justin's) videos of you and Derrick dancing on I-Street!

wow thanks tom.... it would have been better if we had angie.... thanks for not mentioning me.... :(

I <3 you!!! thats all that matters really right? ;) lol

Is there anyone you DON'T love? :P

Great TR though. You forgot to mention our super-sexy-secret ninja moves we used to bust into that fort you saw during the train ride though.

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I really like that pic of the sun popping through The Beast lift. That's my fav. I didn't think moles could stare into the sun like that. Must have hurt your little sensitive eyes.

HAHAHA i pulled a Terpy :P thanks my monitor needed cleaning anyways :P

its clled 7 pairs of sunglasses O: )

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Lol Smurf, I don't think you were around for Kat's definition of a stereotypical ACEr :D If you had been, you'd be laughing too.

Yeah, I read it on another post. Something about fanny packs and other park coaster shirts.

You can't forget the coaster patches. You have to be a skilled tailor to be in ACE with all the patches you have to sew to your jackets, or vests. Or vest jackets.

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I actually think she may have mentioned the patches too >.< I was the one who put the description up on another thread but my memory was a bit hazy so I don't think I got everything.

But the trick is to learn to differentiate between the nerdy ACErs (See the description) and the totally awesome ACErs (Kat and Angie, for example.).

EDIT: I just happened across the thread that I posted it in :P

I believe that Kat's description of an ACEr was...

1. Bald or balding, but still trying to keep the hair they had left

2. Wearing a coaster shirt from a park other than the one they're at (Which kinda works with Angie's avatar)

3. Wearing a fanny pack off to the side

4. Age 40-70

5. An ACE jacket, or a pair of the things that hold your glasses on that say ACE on them

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But the trick is to learn to differentiate between the nerdy ACErs (See the description) and the totally awesome ACErs (Kat and Angie, for example.).

EDIT: I just happened across the thread that I posted it in :P

I believe that Kat's description of an ACEr was...

1. Bald or balding, but still trying to keep the hair they had left

2. Wearing a coaster shirt from a park other than the one they're at (Which kinda works with Angie's avatar)

3. Wearing a fanny pack off to the side

4. Age 40-70

5. An ACE jacket, or a pair of the things that hold your glasses on that say ACE on them

you forgot the tattered hat also :P to cover up the balding. haha so what number is that? 14? haha

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But the trick is to learn to differentiate between the nerdy ACErs (See the description) and the totally awesome ACErs (Kat and Angie, for example.).

EDIT: I just happened across the thread that I posted it in :P

I believe that Kat's description of an ACEr was...

1. Bald or balding, but still trying to keep the hair they had left

2. Wearing a coaster shirt from a park other than the one they're at (Which kinda works with Angie's avatar)

3. Wearing a fanny pack off to the side

4. Age 40-70

5. An ACE jacket, or a pair of the things that hold your glasses on that say ACE on them

you forgot the tattered hat also :P to cover up the balding. haha so what number is that? 14? haha

Yes, the tattered hat! How could I forget?

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^I know "the list" is made up for fun, and no, I am not an Ace member...but I must admit that I find it very unfair to lump a whole group of people together...especially with such unkind generalizations...just as on this board not everyone is the same, neither are Acers. In my (few) years of attending these park events I have never personally met one that wasn't nice. At CWW I rode with one from Conneticut & one from Philadelphia...I couldn't have asked for anyone nicer to talk with. I even got a laugh out of both of them with the same line...when I asked them which organization that they were with, and after they said Ace...I said "OH, so you're one of THOSE!"...they both laughed really hard. When one of them asked who I was with...and after replying "a Kings Island fansite", I liked one of their comments...he said "Well, you're very lucky, you have a nice park here". (And for the record, out of the all of the things on "the list", the only thing that either of them "qualified" for was that they were probably over 40.)

Sorry if this comes off as preachy...but I think it makes this board look bad if no one defends the Ace members...it makes it look like we all agree that they are a bunch of losers...and I think that is far from the case.

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