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Under "Polls" we see a lot of "favorites, firsts and how longs" etc. as these are kinda staples for this topic. But what about the "Thrill Rides" (double black diamonds) one is qualified to ride (by height) but have not yet done so.

Tell what you have not yet ridden and why not.

(wow) Here is my longer than expceted list. My excuse (among others) is that while I have been tempted to ride alone, I have decided to wait for the boy to get tall enough so that we can experience the first ride together first-hand. Kinda sappy I know but opportunity knocks once. I should also point out that several of these rides were constructed during a long hiatus from KI visitation during the 90's.

Delerium- @ 52" we should be good to go this season, just hope its not a "blow chunks" ride for me

Diamondback- brand new

Crypt-seems like it is broken down 9/10 anyway


Flight of Fear-most anticipated

Invertigo-again highly anticipated-i like foot danglers

We look forward to all... eventually :)

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The only rides I haven't been on are the water rides in the dry park (Congo Falls, Whitewater Canyon, and Thornberries).

You've never been on WWC? :blink:

Nope. When my group decided to head over to one of those rides I usually end up playing temporary pack mule for everyone's stuff.

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Wow I don't know how you can miss out on the joy that is WWC. I might be bias since when it first opened our whole family went to KI that year and it was one of the few rides all 6 of us could ride together. Whatever the case is I love that ride and try to never miss out on it!

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I've never ridden Son of Beast, because all I have ever heard about that ride is that it beats/shakes the ever-lovin' tar out of you, and that it's the worst roller coaster on Planet Earth.

I've never ridden Drop Tower. I've scaled cliffs, jumped out of helicopters, heck, I've even watched 'Ellen', but I just can't get myself to ride that thing. Ever!

Other than those, I've ridden all the other ones many times.

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I've never ridden Son of Beast, because all I have ever heard about that ride is that it beats/shakes the ever-lovin' tar out of you, and that it's the worst roller coaster on Planet Earth.

When it had the loop I hated it. I loved the loop, the height, the wind in my face.. I just hated the ride. When it re-opened, I decided to give it a try, and now I love it. Guess it depends on the person though..

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I think besides some of the rides in Nick, since I am a little tall for some of them, the only ride i have missed out on so far is Spongbob. The only thing about that is I rode it back when it was Days of Thunder and James Bond. So I don't know if I can count it. Oh I almost forgot I haven't ridden Big Metal Box The Ride. It is always broken down when i try! I don't think it likes me!

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the only rides I havent ridden are the wooden coasters: racer, beast, Son of Beast. and as for flats, Delirium and drop zone...other coasters i havent ridden are face off..sounds like a lot of rides I havent ridden but I cant ride wooden coasters cause of my back, for the flats, im scared of heights...and face off the only reason is cause I didnt start riding coasters until last year, so Im still trying to find a day that im not working so I can go ride it...

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I know..I wish I could ride it...I could prolly ride it once but that would be all I could do the entire day...and Im not gonna go just to ride one ride and be done for the entire day lol...I would do it at night before the park closes but by that time my back is hurting a little bit as it is from standing all day lol...but oh well..thats what POV's are for :P no they dont do justice but at least I know what the ride looks like

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I've never ridden Son of Beast, because all I have ever heard about that ride is that it beats/shakes the ever-lovin' tar out of you, and that it's the worst roller coaster on Planet Earth.

It's not THAT bad. You won't walk away with broken bones or bruises. Aside from someone with a back or neck problem (who probably shouldn't ride coasters any), anyone who complains about it being too painful is being a wimp. I'll admit it's not a comfortable ride, but it's well worth it and definitely not the worst coaster on earth. Its not even the worst coaster in the park. Try the front seat of a car toward the middle of the train - that seems to be the smoothest spot.

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I've never ridden Son of Beast, because all I have ever heard about that ride is that it beats/shakes the ever-lovin' tar out of you, and that it's the worst roller coaster on Planet Earth.

It's not THAT bad. You won't walk away with broken bones or bruises. Aside from someone with a back or neck problem (who probably shouldn't ride coasters any), anyone who complains about it being too painful is being a wimp. I'll admit it's not a comfortable ride, but it's well worth it and definitely not the worst coaster on earth. Its not even the worst coaster in the park. Try the front seat of a car toward the middle of the train - that seems to be the smoothest spot.

I'm going to have to agree with TB on this one. My friend and I rode SoB for the first (And last) time of the season on Sunday and it was even worse than I remember it being. And my problem isn't even with how painful it is, but rather the fact that if you want it to not be painful, you have to ride in a certain seat.

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I've never ridden Son of Beast, because all I have ever heard about that ride is that it beats/shakes the ever-lovin' tar out of you, and that it's the worst roller coaster on Planet Earth.

It's not THAT bad. You won't walk away with broken bones or bruises. Aside from someone with a back or neck problem (who probably shouldn't ride coasters any), anyone who complains about it being too painful is being a wimp. I'll admit it's not a comfortable ride, but it's well worth it and definitely not the worst coaster on earth. Its not even the worst coaster in the park. Try the front seat of a car toward the middle of the train - that seems to be the smoothest spot.

I'm going to have to agree with TB on this one. My friend and I rode SoB for the first (And last) time of the season on Sunday and it was even worse than I remember it being. And my problem isn't even with how painful it is, but rather the fact that if you want it to not be painful, you have to ride in a certain seat.

you guys are huge wimps! unless you have a legit medical condition there is no need to complain. grab your Ensure and go back to the home cause it is too bright outside for you guys anyways... unless you have your wrap around sunglasses.

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you guys are huge wimps! unless you have a legit medical condition there is no need to complain. grab your Ensure and go back to the home cause it is too bright outside for you guys anyways... unless you have your wrap around sunglasses.

Some day, if you are lucky, you too will be old. I find nothing funny about your post. Nothing at all...

Terpy, old and rides what he pleases when he can

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the ONLY thing in the park that i have not done is Days of Thunder. Slingshot once and Skyflyer 3 times. Both great. And I guess you could say that I have not ridden Fairly Odd Coaster since it has been renamed. However, I did ride The BeastIE many times. I was in line for it last saturday and it started raining so they closed it. Everything else, yes.

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as for me...

sob=im only good for one ride on a woodie and that is beast 9/10 of time

ppra=i cant bring myself to spend the money

fof=phobia of inside coasters

Firehawk=dont trust the up against restraining system feel

trtr{aka=tc}=rode it once when it was trtr and hated it with a vengence.

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The only rides I haven't done are in 3 categories: 1. They're in Nick U; 2. They're spinning flat rides (except for Scrambler); and 3. They're pay attractions. I've ridden every coaster in the park except for Little Bill's Giggle Coaster because I'm too tall to ride by myself. In regards to Son of Beast - I like the ride, but I will admit that it does shake the living daylights out of you in the helixes.

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The only rides I haven't been on are the water rides in the dry park (Congo Falls, Whitewater Canyon, and Thornberries).

I think i'm in the same boat (omg Terpy's wearing off on me) and most of the flat spinny rides... or any for that matter. I finally rode Delirium for the first time on RWW along with reptar and avatar so most of Nick U is out of the way :P oh and i've never done slingshot either

you guys are huge wimps! unless you have a legit medical condition there is no need to complain. grab your Ensure and go back to the home cause it is too bright outside for you guys anyways... unless you have your wrap around sunglasses.

Personally, I agree with Terpy on this post. it is completely uncalled for. The point of this forum is to get to know others, and learn things about our beloved park, NOT to cut down others for their opinion. Fine I'm a wimp. I'm only 25... does that make me old (as i assume you're insinuating with the ensure and the you guys and the wraparounds)

People can complain if they would like to. No one was mentioning how we're going to use SOB as kindling for our bonfire at the end of the year here O:) Theres about 7 of us in on that deal :P in fact... didn't i see you in another post about the Crypt complaining about it?! please kindly eat your words,

and i'm sure a few of us would like an apology for your blatant disrespect...

*steps off soapbox and ends rant*

we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread about what rides you haven't ridden, if SOB is one them then so be it... :P

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