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PTR Kings Island 6/11/09


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After coming home from seeing UP (I loved it!) I checked the webcam and saw that the line for Diamondback was very short so I dropped everything and headed for the park. I got there at around 5:30ish and see that my crew is working turnstiles today on my day off. I stop and chat with them a little bit.


After chatting for a few minutes I decided they should get back to work and I should go ride Diamondback. I got there right in time to see this...


I waited for it and I heard from the greeter talking to another guest that they had to replace one of the wheels in the station that help bring the train in and push it out.

I decided to wait in this little line and then headed into the single rider line after they opened it back up.


Of course I sat in the middle of the train like I always have to. I jumped right back into the single rider line which had gotten a lot bigger and took a couple minutes. After the two rides I headed over towards The Beast and stopped for a photo op.





I walked up to The Beast which had no wait. I rode towards to middle of the train and of course was disappointed by the trims but they were no surprise to me so I enjoyed it.


As I was leaving the plaza I stopped to take a pic of Diamondback cresting the last bunny hill.


I stopped by for a quick ride on Backlot Stunt Coaster which also had no wait. I honestly enjoy this ride. I walked over to Vortex which also had no line and walked right onto 5-1. Gota love the forces on this coaster.

Next was Firehawk which didn't have much of a line eaither. At least it is fun to watch while in line...



Flight of Fear was next and I walked all the way into the station without waiting. The line for the front seat was only a two train wait so I waited. Has anyone else noticed that in the front on the right seat (might be left also, not sure) the orange thing at the bottom of the restraint smashes your foot while in the down position. Kinda bugged me the whole ride but still fun.

Next was Blue Race which was also a walk on and the ride op was nice and left the gates open for me as I walked into the station and I walked all the way to the back seat because only the front was taken on the train. A little rough and we lost big time because our train was so empty.

I went all the way down to my beloved Flight Deck next and enjoyed a ride in the very last row.


The clouds were starting to roll in by this time but I headed up up to Drop Tower and saw my buds from my old crew!

Surprise! I rode 7 times in a row without a line until about 9 when they got a call to shut down because of lightening.


I stayed with them as they closed up their ride for the night. Group picture (though Jeremy didn't know I was taking it).


They finished cleaning and everything at 9:30 and me and a girl from Drop Tower and a guy from Sky Flyer left to go to Waffel House!


I saw my fellow admissions associates again and snapped another picture of us before I left.


What a fun night! Just got home at 11:00. Here is the final count for the night.

Diamondback: 2

Beast: 1


Vortex: 1

Firehawk: 1

Flight of Fear: 1

Blue Racer: 1

Flight Deck: 1

Drop Tower: 7

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I loved UP too! Did you watch it in 3D, I also loved the short before the movie Partly Cloudy. The only thing I hate is we have to wait one year to see Toy Story 3.

I saw Up in "regular D" last night and loved it as well...

And yes, you do have to wait a year for Toy Story 3, but you only have to wait 2 1/2 weeks for Ice Age 3 :P

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Thanks for all of your kind words!

Partly Cloudy was a great short! I loved the idea for that and the story was good.

I saw UP in regular but it was still awesome. I can't wait for Toy Story 3! That has always been one of my favorite ideas from Disney. Toys that are alive, every kids dream.

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Toys that are alive, every kids dream.

or nightmare, when i was little, like maybe 6 or 7 i had a dream that i was one of the toy's in that movie, it absolutly scared the living crap out of me, expecially when i came in contact with that wierd spider thingy with the baby doll head :lol:

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I absolutely LOVE these pictures! DESKTOP MUCH?! No seriously, can I use one as my background?

Yeah sure! I'll post a link here in a few minutes with some higher quality versions you can choose from.

EDIT: Here are some. If you are not familiar with Flickr, just click on the picture you like, then at the top of the picture on the new page hit "All Sizes" and you can choose what size of the picture you want.


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