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What annoys you about the park?


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What annoys me...

-Lack of theming anymore...

-Stupid names for the rides! Flight Deck?? Backlot Stunt Coaster?? And the best...Drop Tower!!!! Lame!!

-Tiny trains on SOB, or better yet, why is it still standing?

-Lack of rule enforcement!

-$3.75 for a Coke, 7 and change for a beer, 6 ucks for some fried dough and powdered sugar but its like that at any corporate park.

-Games people, either they are loud and obnoxious, or they hate their lives...

-Flight of Fear mid course brake.

-The Beast

-I dont know if anyone would agree, the me hear your imput on this one...I leave Ki feeling extremely dirty, i dont feel the same way after leaving any other park i have been at.

-Finally The Beast entrance plaza, before this year there were some trees, now they dont exist, i know DB is there but why not plant something small?

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Yeah, right now the biggest focus is that big huge wooden gate to the right of the entrance. They could do something with that other than slap a small 30th anniversary sign on it. That seems like a great place for artwork or even flower boxes hanging from the top of it.

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Does that gate lead to the access roads? I cant remember. The reason i bring it up is Cedar Fair is known to just rip out trees, flowers, etc. for rides... Just look at Cedar Point...

It leads to the maintenance roads for The Beast, Diamondback, and I believe to the field where the fireworks are set off. We walked down part of it during The Beast backstage tour.

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Some of the employees at both Cedar Point and Kings Island really need an attitude adjustment. I do not appreciate having eyes rolled at me when I politely ask for a specific seat, grumbling when I am pouring sweat and just want a cup of ice water, or ride ops literally yelling at me to take my flip flops off when it was just something I simply forgot.. even after I apologized to one ride op, she got all snippy and muttered something under her breath.

Excuse me? This is how you treat your customers?

I am a platinum passholder and I spend money in the park. What more do you want?

Take a hint from Holiday World.. SMILE AND BE NICE TO US, AND MEAN IT!! If you hate your job that much, don't work there!

Both of these things have to do with Cedar Point, but on my first ride on Mantis, I didn't know exactly how to get into the seat (or lack there of), and I got it fairly quickly, but the op seemed aggrevated with me. It was fairly disappointing. Also, Kings Island offers lockers by Firehawk for 75 cents. At Cedar Point, the lockers by Dragster and Millennium Force were both $2, and big lockers were $3. This annoyed me greatly.

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Now i am not condoning the employees treating people bad. But I worked at Cedar Point in 2006 and we had to deal with very stupid people everyday, some of the questions i got at the entrance of my ride were unbelieveable! I swear to you someone asked me if it was ok for their girlfriend (who was 5 month pregnant) if it was ok for them to ride. on top of that, we were severely underpaid, worked 12-14 hrs a day (sometimes more) and didnt get paid any overtime. I tried to be as nice as possible, and i have never yelled at anyone, but sometimes you just cant be nice. Holiday World does everything in their power to make people feel at home!

Some of the employees at both Cedar Point and Kings Island really need an attitude adjustment. I do not appreciate having eyes rolled at me when I politely ask for a specific seat, grumbling when I am pouring sweat and just want a cup of ice water, or ride ops literally yelling at me to take my flip flops off when it was just something I simply forgot.. even after I apologized to one ride op, she got all snippy and muttered something under her breath.

Excuse me? This is how you treat your customers?

I am a platinum passholder and I spend money in the park. What more do you want?

Take a hint from Holiday World.. SMILE AND BE NICE TO US, AND MEAN IT!! If you hate your job that much, don't work there!

I do agree with what you are saying though.

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In addition to things people have already mentioned (people hanging all over each other, basketballs, clothing, etc.):

Being told by a merchandise manager not to "jump over the fence" after I climbed over the chain to avoid DB's gift shop (during ERT of all times)

The removal of the in-car audio systems and the splashdown from BLSC

Vortex only running two trains with a 30+ minute wait

The M&M's machine giving me $3 in quarters for a $5 bill instead of dollar coins (though I'm wondering if this is done to encourage guests to visit the arcade)

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What annoys me...

....--$3.75 for a Coke, 7 and change for a beer, 6 ucks for some fried dough and powdered sugar but its like that at any corporate park....

a. Actually, you can pay $9.99 for a Beast funnel cake. It has four toppings, and costs more than 10 bucks when tax is added. I saw one, and they are pretty disgusting, in my opinion.

b. No, it is not like that at any corporate park. It is quite possible to spend far less at Disney, Universal or a Busch park, and get superb, quality food to boot.

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Something that annoys me is the previous Paramount Story. My friend and I walked through there the other day, and it's just a big empty lot. The waterfall isn't working. They could at least make it a picnic type area or something.

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That being said, I feel I must add the landscaping and grounds (outside the "Tower Gardens" nee Paramount story, of course) now look much better than they have in many, many years. The park now approaches Six Flags Over Georgia levels of beauty in the grounds and landscape architecture...and for a regional seasonal park, that's saying quite the something.

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...and the movie set lighting remains, the "iron studio gates" are still present on one end, while only the brick columns remain at another entrance, and the former exit into the back of Coney Mall has been walled up.

Actually the Iron Gates were pre-Paramount when it was the International Gardens. The area served no more purpose then as it does now.

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a. Actually, you can pay $9.99 for a Beast funnel cake. It has four toppings, and costs more than 10 bucks when tax is added. I saw one, and they are pretty disgusting, in my opinion.

b. No, it is not like that at any corporate park. It is quite possible to spend far less at Disney, Universal or a Busch park, and get superb, quality food to boot. p_up.gifp_report.gif

Yeha Disney is much cheaper, i should know i got married there lol! Yeah to quote the head man Dick Kinzel "People gotta eat."

So they may as well make you pay outrageous prices!

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Things that annoy me:

1. People setting off the metal detectors because of not being prepared by taking all the metal objects out of their pockets. I feel this unnecessarily holds up the line;

2. Kids in the queue lines not respecting other people's space and coninuously bumping into me as a result;

3. Parents allowing their children to sit on the handrails ( Those rules are there for a reason. )

4. People at the toll gate who ask a zillion questions while there are cars backed up all the way to 71. Why can't you call the park ahead of time and ask your questions?

That being said, I can only speak for myself but my experience with employees both at KI and CP has for the most part been positive. I feel that most are friendly and really enthusiastic.

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KI buffet: 16.99

CP Buffet: 13.99 regular AND you get a 10% discount with a platinum which isn't bad and the food is better (Midway Market).

KI sport quart refills: 1.99

CP sport quart refills: .99

KI discounts on merch. for Gold and Plat: 0

Cp discounts on merch. for Gold and Plat: 10 to 20% ( I forget which one)

Something I found good value at KI was the French Bread Pizza at the former "It's Fried" stand across from Racer. forget the price, but it is awesome pizza.. better than that larosa's crap.

Hmm... What I don't like:

All the tween girls that their parents let out in those shorts that reveal everything, I would kill my daughter (if i had one) if she went out like that.

The people who stop right in the middle of the walk way, or stop blocking the entrance to a ride to see if one person can fit.. come on, i am sure it is already embarrassing enough that they even have to try out the seat in the first place, but 10 people watching doesn't make it better.

Ride ops at Diamondback slamming the harness down on you ( I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE ON HERE, AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! CUT IT OUT... IT ISN'T NEEDED).. they can be easy about it.

The girls at Diamondback who get ****y when you request a certain seat. Ride ops not doing anything about line jumpers when you bring it to their attention. "Did anyone else see them? We can't do anything about it unless someone else seen them." as 6 line jumpers board the train in Diamondback station, they didn't make them get out, then the guy called the control pannel but it was too late. the got rewarded for breaking the rules.

People at Diamondback giving out false info about the ride, one op on the mic on the unload side said it went 120 mph, then changed it to 150.

People making out in line make me want to vomit. There is a time and place for it, and it isn't at Kings Island in front of me.

People who ruin other peoples ORP (on ride photo) by flicking off the camera, lifting thier shirts or what ever.

The music loop they play in Rivertown... the country music they played last year made it feel more "Rivertown-ish"

Pay rides... However I will ride Sling Shot when it is 5 bucks... Sky Flier was 5 bucks on monday but i couldn't get up the courage... maybe next time...

the waste of space that are: Tower Gardens, trampolines, Thunder Alley, side B on Action Theater which is Urgent Scare, which wasn't as good as I was hoping.

Trims on Beast are my biggest pet peve. The one on Diamondback can be a good thing if you are in the front, however, it doesn't catch as much as the MCBR does. The one on FOF is good if you are in the front because the front car kind of hangs until the train picks up speed. Feels like you are falling out.

You guys want more? I can keep goin.....

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Again just speaking for myself but I feel that the DB crew is the best. Their actions have one purpose-keep that line moving so you don't have to wait 2 hours. I am not saying that this applies to anyone on this thread but I have seen guests act like spoiled brats because they didn't like the instructions that the DB crew gave them, ie what seat to sit in, to stay in their lane, etc. I even saw one guest grab a ride associate by the chest when he couldn't sit where he wanted.

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There's a difference between doing certain things to keep the line moving and being kind about it, and the attitude that some of the crew gets. There are a couple females on the DB crew who are VERY rude at times when you request a seat and it is completely unnecessary. Something as simple as "I'm sorry, we can't assign seats at this time due to the wait time" or when they were doing power hour one night to hit capacity. I can understand that. But when the line is short and I ask may I please have row 16, don't get snooty with me. Especially if I just watched her grant a request for someone in front of me. They seem to have no problem with the line for the front seat having 6 trains worth of people in it but more than 2 trains of people for row 16 is apparently a no no in their book.

Another pet peeve is the one crew member who just waves people past and says "find an empty row" over and over again. It always causes chaos in the station and he almost never fills in with single riders, leaving several empty seats (and often times empty rows) per train. If you aren't going to assign seats to maximize capacity, what's the point of him being there? I tend to head elsewhere when that person is at separater because the wait time is always increased.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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Perhaps Mr. Find An Empty Row is doing exactly as he has been instructed, and it is some kind of test by the park to see what would happen if they still had a grouper but did not assign seats.

As for the differing prices between Cedar Point and Kings Island, this, too, could be some sort of test by Cedar Fair to see what pricing level achieves maximal net revenue.

Do I actually think either of these two suppositions is the case? I doubt it. But it would be nice to think they do test things like this. I am sure they do test concepts and proposals, both in pricing and ride operations, though I doubt either of these things is actually a test. Still....

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I believe some of these complaints to be justifiable and others to be kind of picky, but that is just me. Anyway, one picky gripe of mine is that I think it would have been cool if they could have incorporated some sort of splash zone where people could at least get a bit wet from Diamondback's splashdown.

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Something else is that the only cheap lockers are next to Firehawk, when before they were next to Viking Fury and Tomb Raider.

And the no reentry during Halloween Haunt, I'm sure annoys people.

No reentry during Halloween Haunt is for security reasons.

No re-entry durinh Halloween Haunt is so you don't have drunk people coming and going as they please.

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KI discounts on merch. for Gold and Plat: 0

Cp discounts on merch. for Gold and Plat: 10 to 20% ( I forget which one)

This is the one thing I was thinking about yesterday. I have purchased exactly one drink at the park in the last two years and fudge on two or three occasions during that time, and here's the thing...I'd be MUCH more apt to purchase something if there was a season pass discount, even if it was only 10%!

I know it's been mentioned here before, but Dollywood's 20% season pass discount is really nice. It's not that their regular prices are that much better than KI's, but that 20% discount at least makes you FEEL like there's some value in the pricing. I will usually purchase food in their park solely due to this. Even Six Flags gives out a season pass discount book, which while the deals may not be great for things outside of admission it's at least something of value.

I don't want to get too far off-topic, but I still haven't figured out why you would buy a Platinum Pass at Kings Island if you weren't going to visit other parks. There is NO distinguishing between a Gold and Platinum Pass at KI in terms of benefits. Yes, I realize that KI has a high number of season pass holders, but still, if you're going to offer a PP at a much higher price point the least they should do is have some reward associated with that (other than merely getting you into other parks). You would definitely think about buying a PP if you were a regular Cedar Point visitor for the Point Perks (specifically, for the early entry and free parking). There's no incentive to do that at KI.

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