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Xtreme Skyflyer


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If you ride it when its on special, i think sometimes its 5 or 10 bucks a person. I have done it once at KI and once at CP. Its kinda freaky getting pulled up and cool to pull the cord. But then after your first big swing its pretty lame. If you do it when its on special i say its worth the money.

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On Sundays it's $5 for gold and platinum pass holders. Went on it today with dare-to-fly, that's my third time on it this year. I pulled the rip cord. That still scares the bejesus out of me and I love it. What was really cool was giga and Tom76257 rode together too and they had us fly together. My husband shot a video of all four of us.

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Usually, the price goes up as the day goes on. You can buy your tickets early and come back later...or at least you used to be able to!

Yes, you still can. I've done it with both Skyflyer and Slingshot.

Back on topic: Yes, Skyflyer is definitely worth the $5-$10 you will pay for it earlier in the day, but once it goes up to the $15-$25 range I would suggest waiting to do it another day.

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I love Skyflyer! :wub: Definitely worth $5-$10... and much better than Slingshot IMO. Slingshot's okay, but I get more freaked out by "unsupported" heights, which is why I find Skyflyer more thrilling. In Slingshot I feel restrained and secure, but on Skyflyer you're out in the open and looking straight down as the ground creeps away from you... and then the ground decides to change direction and come at your face extremely fast! :lol:

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I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Skyflyer.. Me and my friend have rode it over 25 times this year... Sometimes one right after the other. Normally we pay $5 but there have been numerous times where we have paid $10. The crew's amazing, the ride's amazing... SO all over amazing :D

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Slingshot is pretty cool, but there is always tension in the cables-you never really free-fall. The launch is fun-but since all you see is sky, you don't feel the acceleration. Skyflyer is a blast, and you are really falling-then flying. I've only done it by myself..awesome.

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Xtreme Skyflier is the Second Best Thrill Ride at Kings Island, with Drop Zone being the best. It's worth the money, but in the morning it's only $5. Slingshot is good, but not near as good as Skyflier.

Drop Zone being the best, agreed 100%.

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LOL, if you and the other person kick your feet enough, you can get the cage on Slingshot to flip like crazy. Tom and I got that thing to do so many flips yesterday, even I felt queasy afterward. Of course you're going to think Slingshot is boring if you don't have a little fun with it.

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Usually, the price goes up as the day goes on. You can buy your tickets early and come back later...or at least you used to be able to!

totally true... and totally worth every penny!! Like others said scary as heck but amazing! i hate the weightlessness right at the beginning and everytime you switch directions for that 2 seconds, but love it!

and the outfits aren't really all that uncomfortable actually lol

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To me, Slingshot is perhaps the most boring ride I have ever ridden in a theme park, with the possible exception of a Chance Aviator. Maybe.

I wouldn't say it's THAT Boring... But Yeah, Chance Aviator's absolutely suck. Right before my first ride on it, I was expecting it to be A Little Like a Flying Scooters, but Wow was I wrong. Top Cat's Taxi Jam is probably more thrilling than that!

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Well, let me put it another way. If they paid riders five dollars to ride Slingshot, I wouldn't wait much more than five minutes for it. On the other hand, I once paid $65 and some change to ride the 300 foot plus Skycoaster in Florida, and have never regretted even a dime of it. Of course that was years ago, but still....


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I agree with the Drop Tower posters. It's overall a better ride. I've done the sky flyer once, and yes it was a rush, but I think Drop Tower is better. When going up on Drop Tower, you see that you're even with the top of sky flyer and say to yourself "ok this is high enough" and then realize you still have a ways to go. Drop Tower is higher, produces a wicked stomach float, and is free.

But if you can catch the sky flyer on sale, go ahead and try it once and decide for yourself if it's worth riding again. Some think it is. I don't. It's all up to you ;)

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Well, let me put it another way. If they paid riders five dollars to ride Slingshot, I wouldn't wait much more than five minutes for it. On the other hand, I once paid $65 and some change to ride the 300 foot plus Skycoaster in Florida, and have never regretted even a dime of it. Of course that was years ago, but still....


I've seen that-and would LOVE to do that. Twice as high as the one at KI-that would be nuts.

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