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Joint TR: 4th Coming and Rocky Horror Picture Show


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Note: Once again, Rachel had my camera for the day, so I will not be posting any pictures of our day at Kings Island because all the pictures I have belong to her . However, I do have some pictures from Rocky (G-rated, I promise) that I will be putting up when the time comes. Anywho, let's start this bad boy!

This past Saturday was definitely one of the highlights of my summer. Rachel (Stalkerchick) Danielle (Keiko_Coaster) and myself had made plans to hang out together at KI for the fourth coming since none of us paid to participate, and then catch a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Part 1:

My alarm woke me up at 9AM. I typically don't sleep that late on days that I go to Kings Island, but i've learned that it's generally a safe bet to count on Rachel to be late. By the time I got done with my usual morning routine I only had to wait another twenty minutes or so before Rachel and Danielle pulled into my driveway.After pushing all Rachel's junk onto one side, I hopped into the back seat. Due to reasons best left unsaid, I was in a pretty bad mood, so I figured i'd be better off keeping my mouth shut and listening to my iPod for the trip.

Once we got to KI, me and Rachel debated about whether we should drop by HR to get our Employee IDs for Haunt processed before going into the park, but decided against it and went on into the park. Me and Rach were all for heading straight to Diamondback but Danielle wanted to run into Action Zone and get her ticket to ride Skyflier while it was still at $5 per person, So we headed in that direction. When we got back there Rachel had to run into the ladies' room, so I followed Danielle over to get her ticket, where we ran into Dustin (KIruler102), Dustin's dad/chauffeur, and Tracy (AgentSoB). Everyone except Rach and I bought tickets for Skyflier. But Danielle was the only person who wanted to stay and ride it right then, so she told the rest of us to run off and do whatever.

Naturally we headed straight for Diamondback. All of the switchbacks were filled, and the line was proceeding well out of the extra queue line they set up for overflows, but the wait was only maybe 45 minutes to an hour. When we got to the station we were assigned rows 14, 15, and 16. Naturally, Rachel and Dustin immediately sprint for row 16, Tracy takes row 15, and me and Dustin's dad go for 14. I don't like row 14 nearly as much as 2, but it was still an okay ride. By the time we had seen our pictures and left the gift shop it was time to go meet the rest of the group in front of the Kings Island theater.

We got up there, and met back up with Danielle, and said hey to a bunch of other KIC'ers. But when it was time to go inside, we decided that would be a good time to run back out to Rach's car for our picnic lunch. Since Tracy had left us to go into the theater, we lured Jackson (Beast1979) into following us by promising him potato chips. Her car was a pretty good hike from the front gate. Row 13 of the employee parking lot I believe. But we got there eventually. After making with KIC tradition and laughing at her bumper sticker, we grabbed her food, some blankets, and went to chill and eat in the grass.

We all sat and talked while munching on Rachel's specialty gourmet peanut butter sandwiches, a variety pack of single serving bags of chips, fresh fruit, chocolate chip cookies, and soft drinks. Not the healthiest lunch in the world, but it served it's purpose. We finished eating with plenty of time to spare, so we figured that now would be a good time to go ahead and go through HR and get our employee IDs processed, and Dustin went ahead and tried to interview for a job at Haunt. Everything went well and I got my ID (Although I had to correct a minor error resulting me to be listed in their computer system as a female) but Rachel learned that even as a re-hire she has to wait for a background check to come through.

When we came back outside we found Jackson right where we had left him (Since he was not allowed to come past the metal detector with us), along with Danielle, Dustin, and Dustin's dad. Dustin had not been allowed to interview for a reason which escapes me now. But by now it was time to head back into the park. Our Destination: Flight Deck.

When we got back to the beginning of the line for Flight Deck, which was near the vending machines back there, we began to discuss the length of the ride. Jackson and Rachel were arguing over whether or not the time spent on the lift hill should be added to the overall ride time. I believe that since the lift hill is in fact part of the ride, there should be no question about whether or not it should be included in the ride time, but I never said anything. But we ended up doing time trials for both while waiting in line. Without the lift hill included, the ride time is 45 seconds from the time the last car of the train leaves the lift hill to the time the train stops at the brakes. With the lift hill included, the ride time is 1 minute 51 seconds.

After leaving Flight Deck, we decided to catch a showing of Flashback: Totally 80's. Dustin and his dad had other plans though, so it wound up being just me, Rachel, Danielle, and Jackson. The show was as great as it always was, despite me wanting to hurt Jackson for him only having heard of three of the songs played in the show (All of which have been on a Guitar Hero/Rock Band game). Danielle got pulled up on to the stage to be sang to, and we all had a good laugh at that (Jackson, help me out here and post the video you took!)

After Flashback let out, since we were already chilling and watching shows, we figured we'd run back into Nick Universe and catch Marty's Party for it's last showing of the day since Jackson and I had never seen it before. It's actually a pretty cool little show, we were all laughing right along with the kids. Jackson was having a great time throwing marshmallows at Marty :D

After the show, we met up with Tom (CoastersNSich) and Ryan (BoddaH1994) and talked for a bit about the cast of the show. And then we headed up to Action Zone to join Tracy on his first ever ride on Drop Tower, and to force him onto it if necessary. When we got to the base of the tower, and the start of the queue, Tracy felt the need to run and relieve himself, which we let him do only grudgingly with Dustin accompanying him to make sure he didn't run off on us :P When they came back, we handed Ryan and Danielle our cameras, since neither of them were riding, and we wanted video footage of this ride. The wait was somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour, which is longer than I would've liked it to have been, but we waited through it anyway.

Much to my surprise, Tracy sat in his assigned seat willingly, without requiring anyone to force him into it and/or hold him down while the others fastened his seat belt. And he seemed fine until we were about a quarter of the way up the tower. He asked if we were at the top yet and I reassured him that there was only a couple hundred feet to go. When we reached the top he seemed like he was doing okay. He was even talking to the rest of us, whereas I remember that on my first ride (Albeit I was riding solo) I was dead silent and holding onto the bars on the restraint for dear life. He screamed pretty loud as we were dropped, and required a bit of help getting out of his seat, but he was perfectly okay otherwise. Go Tracy!

After Drop Tower, we felt like we would give Tracy a chance to calm down a bit, so we went for Adventure Express. Our group took up the back six rows, and it was a really fun ride. After that, still trying to keep Tracy calm, we went to Racer. Part of us went to the blue side, part of us went to the red side, and two of us sat the ride out to smoke (Losers! <3). The blue side is a lot more rough than I remember it being, but it's still a great woody!

After walking a bit to get to the smoking area near Monster so we could talk with the other two to find out what we were doing, someone decided it was time for a ride on Flight of Fear. But me, Rachel, Danielle, and Tracy were starting to get hungry so we headed back out to Rachel's car to break out the picnic supplies again. While walking back out to her car we noticed that the employee lot had emptied out quite a bit, so Rach and I moved her car up near the handicapped parking spots while Tracy and Danielle waited for us at the fence.

And I have to say, typically when i'm at KI I prefer to leave the park and hit up one of the fast food places if I get hungry, but Rachel's parking lot picnics are really starting to grow on me. They're nice and relaxing, minus the occasional passerby it's just you and your friends and not a whole restaurant full of people, and it saves money on gas :D If it weren't for all of the mosquitoes they'd be perfect. But we sat there munching, chatting, and trying to get the auto-timer on my camera to work so we didn't have to ask someone passing by to take a picture for us. We finally got a picture we were happy with, and then packed our stuff up so we could get nighttime rides on Diamondback and Beast.

It was 8PM by the time we got back into the park. Considering the crowds we had seen that day, it was optimistic to the point of foolishness to expect more than a single ride on each. But all the same we ran straight back to Diamondback. The wait looked to be a little over an hour, which was cool with us since we weren't hoping for more than one ride and that would still leave us plenty of time to get in line for Beast before the fireworks started. As we passed under the Diamondback sign, we spotted Adam (PKIboy) and Ryan (Coasterkid) waiting for the SRL to open. So they hopped into the normal queue (Don't worry, no line jumping occurred!) to ride with us. And at some point between the start of the queue, and the 2nd switchback, we lost Danielle, which put us at an odd number.

As we were waiting, darkness fell over the park, and ideal B&M-riding conditions were upon us! When we hit the final turn before the stairs into the station, Danielle called me and said she was at the entrance to the SRL. Apparently she had waited there for it to open rather than riding with us. Me and Rach tried to look and see who was assigning seats in the station. By the time we got up a couple stairs we saw that it was Gabe, so I called Danielle and told her to come on down the SRL and to wait for us once she got to the top, because the SRL was very much empty.

We got up to the stairs and said hey to Gabe. And Rachel said we needed a single rider, while pointing at Danielle, and that we would very much appreciate rows 2, 3, and 5. And Gabe, being the awesome person that he is, sends us all straight to our chosen rows :D (Thanks Gabe!) It was surely an amazing ride. I love the feeling of being in row 1/2 and grabbing your ankles as you crest the lift hill. It was my 134th ride, and Rachel's 18th (Teehee!). As soon as we got out of the train, we shouted thanks again to Gabe, and started powerwalking back to Beast!

The line was out to the second set of switchbacks, but this was because none of the queues in the station were open (An excellent decision by the ops) so we were fine with waiting in it. We had been waiting for about twenty minutes when the ride shut down for the fireworks, but we were still having a blast waiting in line. We took a few group pictures and chatted with an ACE rep on a road trip from CA, and before we knew it, the ride was operating again! We took the last three rows, and enjoyed our amazing nighttime ride on Beast!

After this, it was time for Rachel, Danielle, and myself to rush out of the park in order to catch our midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Part 2:

I will not be giving any details of the show here. I had to go and see it with no prior knowledge of it, and having no idea what to expect. And I believe that this is the best way to see this movie, because it's truly more shocking that way!

Anyway, we were supposed to catch a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Esquire theater in cincy, and we were at Kings Island at 10:30. We still had to change into our outfits (I had been informed the previous night that I would be dressing in drag), get to the theater, buy tickets, and find seats. So needless to say, we were slightly pressed for time. By the time we got to Rachel's car and had all of our clothes out of her duffel bag, we had decided against trying to find a rest stop/gas station to change in and just decided to change in the car on the way there.

Skipping over the details, when we parked outside the theater roughly 15 minutes before the show was due to start, we looked like this:





We didn't get a picture of Danielle alone since she ran into the theater as soon as the car stopped moving, but here's one of the three of us together


And yes, those are candy cigarettes, calm down :P

But the show was amazing. And plus it was the first time I had ever had guys holding doors open for me saying "Ladies first" and not been offended by it! The "devirginizing" games were very amusing to watch, which is what people seeing the show for the first time must go through before the show starts. I opted out of these this time because neither Rachel nor Danielle were first timers, and couldn't go up with me. But next time I go with a first timer I will make up for it!

I will skip through the show, and the direct aftermath of the show, due to less than five minutes of it being appropriate to post.

After we left the theater at roughly 2:30AM, we were all pretty hungry. So the three of us and six of Danielle's friends walked down the street (Still in our outfits for the show) to the Skyline on the corner. And of course, the place was packed, and I had to go in there and eat while still dressed in drag. Excellent! We chilled in there for roughly 45 minutes, with me pointedly ignoring all of the rude comments my outfit was getting me, but then we decided that it was time for us to be on our way. The car ride home was virtually silent. We changed back into our regular clothes and just sat there for the most part. And in 30 minutes, we were pulling into my driveway. I thanked them both for an amazing day, went inside and started Rachel's pictures/videos uploading for her, and fell straight to sleep!

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Now, I know that we are supposed to think that the whole dressing in drag thing was just for the movie, but c'mon man, if this was something unexpected, then how did you find womens shoes that fit your man feet?

Just kidding around, looks like you guys had a blast. Wish I could have been there too. The park that is, not the movie :)

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Now, I know that we are supposed to think that the whole dressing in drag thing was just for the movie, but c'mon man, if this was something unexpected, then how did you find womens shoes that fit your man feet?

Just kidding around, looks like you guys had a blast. Wish I could have been there too. The park that is, not the movie :)

Everything I had on that night was Rachel's, shoes and all! She's a size 12 in women's shoes so I guess that equals a size 10½ in men's :o

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I remember my first showing of Rocky Horror back in 1978 when I was 17. I wonder how much the "script" has changed. Is Brad still "a..hole?" Is Janet still "Weisssss"?

Yes, Brad is still referred to as an A-hole. And Janet is referred to as a female dog until her "encounter" with Rocky, at which point we refer to her as a very promiscuous woman.

If that makes any sense at all... :D

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I'm beginning to feel very old again.

Toast, anyone?

Monroe quietly picking up his news paper to hide and stay under the radar.

No one rings a bell...but, wait.

Oh, never mind, I'll send you a card...and why am I suddenly thinking of Marty's Party?

ROFL!!! *cleans water off her screen!!! (and keyboard)* Unfortunately we were in a working theatre so there was nothing to be thrown :( and i forgot my newspaper darn it. but omg comparing it to marty's party is priceless!! maybe we'll have to make a kic rocky outing during that word we shall not mention ;)

oh and justin... the night ride was my 19th so :P and you also forgot the rain ride on the carousel and bumper cars :P

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I saw Rocky for the first time 20 years ago at the long gone Skywalk Theater in downtown Cincy.And after that I have seen it way too many times on video and tv.Last October it was shown on cable and I was driving Kim crazy by doing the script.She wanted me to shut up so she could hear to regular dialouge lol :lol: .

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What's for dinner?Meat Loaf again? :P

LOL ok its official, i'm making this an event sometime later >.< and its seriously just not as much fun without the callbacks!! That'd be like riding DB without your hands up and touching your toes on the first drop! :P

What?, I haven't been able to touch my toes in 15 years!

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What's for dinner?Meat Loaf again? :P

LOL ok its official, i'm making this an event sometime later >.< and its seriously just not as much fun without the callbacks!! That'd be like riding DB without your hands up and touching your toes on the first drop! :P

What?, I haven't been able to touch my toes in 15 years!

i did at strickers, ask anyone who went.

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