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I don't recall it ever having 2 trains either. That's my only complaint with the ride, it seems like it takes forever to get seated :P Maybe it's just a mental thing knowing only 1 train is there, and you have to wait..and wait...and wait...


I love the crew there. Every time we ride, they do park trivia with the guests. My girls have learned a lot about the park from them

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To my knowledge, Reptar has never had two trains. It's not a very long ride and it would be kinda hard to cram a second train on there without the possibility of a collision somewhere along the line.

Station to end of lift

End of lift to brakes

Brakes to station

One train could be loaded and going up the lift, as long as the other out on the circuit could be held in the brake run in case of a long loading time. Two trains is possible, but for some reason KI elected to only have one...

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