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Well it's my honest opinion.

CRAP....and loads of it.

I love the security gaurd who just walks around on stage......no real importance.......Lara is british right.........then why the new york accent........I can act better than half those people. My only real props go out to the man who falls off stage.....take it for the team. This show is a sad sad show. The pyro's dont even go off at the same time as the hitting of the "grenades" IF you see one show this year......see somethnig else.

Yogi Bear........Out.

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I thought it was pretty funny since it was so bad. The one time when the woman was throwing the grenade missed the spot she was supposed to throw it at and it fell of stage. I was thinking that it would be better and that I might actually like one of the shows at PKI. Too bad for me.

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I liked it. Its better than 9/10 of the crap thats usually there. The dirtbike stunt was pretty cool. They didn't sing so It made it a winner for me. I went on the 1st night at the 7:30 showing it was pretty packed and people enjoyed it overall from the reaction it got. Eric the Horrbible or whatever is just your simple cartoon villian. My only complaint is that the stage reeked of wet paint.

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Just to let you know, grenades don't go off when they hit the ground. Well if the timing's right they do. They're designed to go off on a timer, not when the hit the ground; hence the reason in movies if someone pulls the lock out on accident they're in such a rush to throw it.

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The only saving grace for this show is the dirtbike.....and even that is lackluster. Paramount really need to think twice before they try to do stunt shows. The last three that the park has had have all been poor....and this one is only a step better. They really need to look into the company's who make the stunt shows for Universal and Six Flags....at least those are decent. I love theme park entertainment...and I really like stunt shows.....but it is almost a chore to sit through this one. If Paramount wants to seriously persue a stunt show then they need to build an area that is made to house such a show...and not try to fit it onto a stage that is meant for nothing of the sort. It is such a same to see a mainstage show such as VIBE getting the shaft (having to be moved, cut down, and made worse) because of a touring show such as the TR: CS

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This is off topic but the Spellbound show in my opinion wasn't that good... sure it was decent for a magic show but come on... that wasn't worth the time of seeing. The tomb raider one I have not seen yet, I do plan on seeing it some day but have not clue when... Do they have two or three shows a day?

Edited by matt3224
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Personally, I like SpellBound and hate TR:SS. Spellbound is a magic show that leaves you wondering "How's they do that?" whereas the stunt show leaves you wondering "Why'd the do that?". Two totally opposite results. TR:SS is just lame and the stunts aren't really that spectacular.

To each their own tho...


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"Lara is british right.........then why the new york accent........"

Were you really concentrating on her accent? I sincerely believe that she was not hired for her acting prowess or accent delivery... more than likely she was hired for other assets. She definitely looked the part.

Anyway, I saw it yesterday. It was cute. Nothing earth-shattering, but fun and different. I didn't go into it with huge expectations so I was not let down.

I would like to see PKI install a permanent stunt show in the Showplace. It is well suited for one. If something were more permanent, the quality would be better. However this is a travelling show, going park to park to park, so the quality is a little lackluster.

Anyway, it's something new and different. And I'll not complain when a park does something fun... that doesn't cost extra.

But I do want to complain about something though. Stupid Parents. Prior to entering the Showplace, and usher announced two or three times that the show would have loud effects/gunfire etc. There are also signs above each entrance warning folks that it is not suitable for young children. If I recall, they even play a recorded announcement it before the show starts.

Anyway, idiotic parents ignore it thinking "Oh, they certainly dont mean MY child." And of course the first bang goes off and half the kids there start screaming and throwing tantrums. As if that isn't bad enough, the parents sit there thinking the kids will calm down. Hello! If the show starts with a bang, what on earth makes them think it doesn't end with a dozen or so? OY.

Needless to say, wailing kids irritate the life out of me... but their parents (who obviously have no regard for those trying to enjoy the show) are downright rude by not taking them out.

Whew... glad to have that off of my chest!


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I just saw TRSS, and it was ok. You can tell that the actors put alot of time and work into this, but the plot / effects were just poor. Especially the punching and kicking sound effects. They sounded like they were from an old batman episode. Cheesy is the word of this show, not bad, just cheesy. Now Vibe on the other hand... the word for that IS bad.

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The Tomb Raider stunt show is basically a poorly thrown together traveling show. If you look closely you can tell that they are not use to this size venue. In all the other Paramount Parks this show has been put on in their large concert venue, so they had a lot more room to play off of and a lot more room for their effects. Having said all that I have in my last few posts about this show, I will make it clear....I don't think that this show is BAD....I just think that it is not put together very well....If the producers of the show expected the actors to speak dialogue then they need to make sure that the Stuntmen/women can deliver lines without accward (sp?) pauses and they need to be able to sound like the characters they are portraying.

While I agree with Shaggy in the fact that the park should invest in a high quality permant stunt show facility...I disagree that they should use Showplace. I think that the only way to go about that is to build a new venue. Besides I thing that showplace is a great place for live singing and dancing shows.....If only we could bring back the days of having live bands play along with the shows..... :-)

: Now Vibe on the other hand... the word for that IS bad :

Just out of curiosity StXBomber....did you see VIBE at Showplace or the Bandstand.......and why exactly do you feel that BAD is the word to discribe it. I will agree that the show has some accward song choices and combinations....but I thing that the singers and dancers are doing a wonderful job with what they have been givin.

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I think that the biggest attraction for the show is simply the loud explosions. Everything else seemed to be a bit cheesy. The first time i saw the show I ended up watching it stage left next to one of the employee entrances. And I'm not sure how it looked from the front but from my vantage point the hand to hand combat punches were like a good two to three feet away from the subject lol. I've always thought that with the Paramount afiliation that it could be a off possibility that PKI could turn into a mini Universal..with stunt shows and themed attractions. But if this show is any indication as to the future of Kings Islands ties to Paramount...the future looks bleak. I mean after all Tomb Raider has become a very important franchise to Paramount studios and its almost disrespectful to the franchise to have such a production with ties to the film.

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I saw the show Sunday. I'm not the biggest fan of PKI shows, but I thought this one was neat. I mean, it had little-to-no plot what so ever but the effects were kind of neat. The antagonist was kind of annoying because they tried to make him sound a little too much like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers.

Overall, it was worth seeing. The saucy attempt to have a plot was a little dry, and the fight sceens could have been better, but hey, the dirt bike made the show anyway. biggrin.gif


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"In all the other Paramount Parks this show has been put on in their large concert venue"

Actually at Dominion, the Safari Amphitheater was chosen as the location for the show. And it is a smaller venue than PKI's International Showplace.

"The antagonist was kind of annoying because they tried to make him sound a little too much like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. "

Actually, the guy I saw played it like an English fop.... which was terribly annoying and a poor choice on his part, especially since they already had the wimpy professor role.

Bottom line, Paramount could do a great deal more with it. But it is not the worst show I have seen at the park. That would have to go to "Cheer's the Musical."


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: Now Vibe on the other hand... the word for that IS bad :

Just out of curiosity StXBomber....did you see VIBE at Showplace or the Bandstand.......and why exactly do you feel that BAD is the word to discribe it. I will agree that the show has some accward song choices and combinations....but I thing that the singers and dancers are doing a wonderful job with what they have been givin.

I saw it before TRSS was up, so thats enchanted theatre. Yes, I agree, the singers and dancers did work alot on it and alot of time was put into it, but once again, its the planning that ruined it. The songs were almost all crappy. Three good songs in the whole show. And two of those songs I thought they ruined with their bad singing. Almost as if they made a person they hired for their dancing sing. I must say, the dancing was great, but the singing could have been better, and song choice could have been MUCH better.

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I know this won't happen, but if they held the show at Timberwolf and redid the show a little, would TR:SS be a little better?

I was actually thinking the same thing and I'm sure it crossed their minds as well. The problems with that are first of all, they have a few concerts there every year. There's no telling how far in advance they book the shows as opposed to planning on having the stunt show. There could be a conflict there. I'm sure they could move all the props for the show out the day of a concert, but that's a big hassle that I'm sure they don't want to deal with. You also have to realize that most people don't plan on going to the shows. They probably just see them going on or hear the music and wander in. If the show wasn't in a primary spot like the International Showplace, they might loose a lot of people. Another problem would be that you have to assume that a tourist wouldn't know what or where the Timberwolf is. Obviously everyone on here either knows where it is and/or has been there at some time, but for the most part, people who know where it is are either regulars at the park, or have a reason to know where it is, like a ticket holder. I realize that there are a couple of signs up pointing to the entrance, but hey, we're dealing with people here, so you have to assume that logic and common sense are way out the window. biggrin.gif


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I believe TRSS is at Showplace largely because of the big concerts at Timeberwolf this weekend... That is a big money maker, and at the other parks the stunt show has been in their big ampitheater. I saw a video fo them, but I like it better on the smaller stage. Some of the action was lost on the larger stage, and less to watch.

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