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Early 90's pics.


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There has been a lot of yelling, and arguing lately, myself included. I thought I would take a "time out", and look back at some of my older pictures. it was cool looking at how things used to be. Rides that are no longer around, and a big time new coaster that was quite a production when it was built! Nice and shiny. So everyone take a few minutes, enjoy, and remember that we all have a good time at the park, so there is no reason to yell about stuff outside of the park.






















Yep, I was young and stupid once too!!! LOL

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The park looks incredible! Like a different place! The landscaping, the dolphins, King Cobra... And Top Gun DID look incredible. Man, I'd do anything to have that back... The queue details, the "flying" screens, the red track, the billboard... Those were the days.

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Finally!! A picture of the queue under Top Gun! I've been looking for ages. I went when I was a kid, but I don't remember it at all. The whole ride looked incredible. Was there a justifiable reason for painting the track silver? It certainly couldn't have been aesthetics.

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That would be KCKC: Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal...installed in 1973, removed after the end of the 2000 season.

Very good! What fun it was to ride a log flume skimming around the tops of the trees!

I like how the dolphins show was taken out even though, take a look around the arena. Not an empty seat in the place.

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That would be KCKC: Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal...installed in 1973, removed after the end of the 2000 season.

Very good! What fun it was to ride a log flume skimming around the tops of the trees!

I like how the dolphins show was taken out even though, take a look around the arena. Not an empty seat in the place.

Why do you like that it was taken out?

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Oh that and well look at what happed to Animal Kingdom(sorry not sure what the area was actully called). It was shut down for poor living conditions so maybe that is the same reson.

Maybe, BTW, if you look right behind the King Cobra, you can see the monorail for the Animal Safari crossing the bridge!

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Thanks for the sharing these wonderful photo's. I'm left a little sad as I remember some rides that were so much a part of my youth. And I have to admit that I'm fighting the feeling of nostalgia by remember that the park today still has some things that I'm sure I'll look at 20 years from now with great memories.

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Superb pictures! There was alot of pride taken in the park back then. And it readily shows thru those excellent photos. Very kind to post them for us so we can see what has been lost forever. I love KI but honestly it is just another amusement park that is hard to differentiate from the other amusement parks today. Very sad indeed. I mean the ONLY reason for KI's success was the uniqueness of the park, the same reason for Disneys success. Now it is living only because of its name while Disney is still unique.

On to responding to another post in this thread. I thought the animal safari was closed because of the cost and the fact a man was killed, and had nothing to do with "poor living conditions" as those animals were cared for at least as well as the animals at the Cinti Zoo.

Top Gun is not close to being as nice as it once was. Again I am sure the reason has to do with money. Look at The Racer. Same thing. It used to be an absolutely visually stunning roller coaster but now it looks like its age. There really is no excuse for that. I could go on but all I would be doing is saying things we all already know and it would not be adding anything useful to the discussion of the pictures.

The bridge from the Oktoberfest corridor to Bubba Gumps (I forget what it used to be named) should never have been removed.

The log flume thru the tree tops brings back some of the fondest memories I have being a child and riding that with my mother and father and sisters in the early-mid seventies. We just loved that ride. What do we have now? Congo Falls. White Water Canyon is awesome but it isn't the same as a good old fashioned log flume. Hell, Congo Falls doesn't even meet that standard. CF is a kiddie ride like Little Bills Giggle Coaster is.

Anyway, let me say thanks again for posting your wonderful pictures of a time gone by. Really great seeing the park when there was pride in it.

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