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Line Jumping at KI....


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Not sure if it belongs here or in the off topic segment and I am sure if I posted it in the wrong area it will get moved..... Now here is my ultimate question I want to know if I have in fact line jumped, or been jumped in line.... There have been many times when I have gone to ride Face Off (Invertigo) and they have the whole que line open, yet no one is in line. I sometimes walk the whole line and look up to see a group of people duck under the empty ques and walk to the last spot in line, and I too have done this also. Does this constitute "official" line jumping? I let the people who have walked all the way around to go in front of me unless the ride is a walk on ride, so dont harass me as I do let the people who walk the whole empty que line to get in front of me.

So the question I am asking you KICers, do I demand my rightful spot in line or let it go for the one spot........

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I don't see anything wrong with walking under the handrails if the queues are empty when the line is practically a walk-on.. However when an attendant opens more queue rows when a line gets long the people are supposed walk through the queues until they are full. Instead of filling up the queues as requested people will run under the railings in a disorderly fashion which I find irritating.

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Jumping over/ under the handrails is line jumping, it is also unsafe and should be dealt with by the ride operators.

If the operators are not paying attention to the queue lines for line jumping/ smoking etc., especially when it is not busy, then they are not doing their job. The queue should be "condensed" up so guests do not have to "jump" over anything.

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If the operators are not paying attention to the queue lines for line jumping/ smoking etc., especially when it is not busy, then they are not doing their job.

I guess lots of the ride ops aren't doing their jobs then- I've seen smoking in line for The Beast, FoF (yes, FoF!), DB, AT, Vortex, FD, DT, Invertigo, and possibly some others. I've seen line jumping in more lines than I can count.

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What about getting off Vortex, and getting back in line? I've seen people do this, hopping the rail to get back in line right by the stairs. When they do this, there is no one in the line per se... but here I am, also having just got off Vortex, walking allllllll the way down to the proper line entrance, and meanwhile those people are pretty much already down in the station. They technically didn't line jump me, but they are ahead of me because they didn't use the proper line entrance.

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^ that i always wondered as well. Maybe cuz im not much of a jumper. i mean why not have closer re-entry piont for some of these fpr when the line is short. For ex. ive seen the Db gift shop, but what i really want is a faster way to get back to the line when the line is at the botton of the stairs lol. you know without having to duck under the extra rail or go thru the gift shop and back around. And there is no way on beast, without going all the way around.

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^ that i always wondered as well. Maybe cuz im not much of a jumper. i mean why not have closer re-entry piont for some of these fpr when the line is short. For ex. ive seen the Db gift shop, but what i really want is a faster way to get back to the line when the line is at the botton of the stairs lol. you know without having to duck under the extra rail or go thru the gift shop and back around. And there is no way on beast, without going all the way around.

I'm sure KI wants to route you through the DB gift shop hoping you'll purchase an on-ride picture :)

But seriously, I'm surprised they do this. That's a LOT of traffic to be going through the gift shop, and while I myself would never do this, it would seem very easy for someone to walk right on out with unpurchased merchandise in hand.

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It's pretty common for major rides to empty into some money-generating attraction, be it a restaurant, gift shop, arcade, etc. Disney is a good model for this. I'm sure theft is kept to a minimum since there are security cameras positioned in the shops.

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And then Dollywood has EVERYONE exit through the gift shop, all day long. It's the park's only exit (there is a detour around it, but it is seldom, if ever, used). I can only imagine how much 'shrinkage' the park loses. Due the demographic the park attracts, it is probably far less than it would be in most parks, but still.... I can only imagine what would happen if Great Adventure or Magic Mountain tried that. . .

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And then Dollywood has EVERYONE exit through the gift shop, all day long. It's the park's only exit (there is a detour around it, but it is seldom, if ever, used). I can only imagine how much 'shrinkage' the park loses. Due the demographic the park attracts, it is probably far less than it would be in most parks, but still.... I can only imagine what would happen if Great Adventure or Magic Mountain tried that. . .

I know the way around that ;) When you have small kids..you do everything you can to avoid such things :lol:

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^ that i always wondered as well. Maybe cuz im not much of a jumper. i mean why not have closer re-entry piont for some of these fpr when the line is short. For ex. ive seen the Db gift shop, but what i really want is a faster way to get back to the line when the line is at the botton of the stairs lol. you know without having to duck under the extra rail or go thru the gift shop and back around. And there is no way on beast, without going all the way around.

I always skip the DB gift shop. My onride photo is always terrible, and it's annoyingly congested.

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^ that i always wondered as well. Maybe cuz im not much of a jumper. i mean why not have closer re-entry piont for some of these fpr when the line is short. For ex. ive seen the Db gift shop, but what i really want is a faster way to get back to the line when the line is at the botton of the stairs lol. you know without having to duck under the extra rail or go thru the gift shop and back around. And there is no way on beast, without going all the way around.

I always skip the DB gift shop. My onride photo is always terrible, and it's annoyingly congested.

Do you just use the roped-off opening to the left, immediately prior to the gift shop? I've been tempted to do that but I figure someone (like the exit security guard) would harass me for it. Does anyone ever say anything to you about doing this?

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It's the merch people that would care, not security. I've seen the merch people reattach the chain when I've unattached it to use the shortcut and avoid the gift shop when I'm power-lapping. But usually, the most I get as far as a reaction is the employee rolling his eyes as he puts the chain back up.

At least they've stopped blocking off the first door. I hate that because then you had to weave through people trying to buy things just to get out of the darn store. It caused a lot of chaos, I heard a lot of things get broken, and it was annoying whether you were buying something or not!

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