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a new idea


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Since we all seem to have a similar interest in the park, specifically its history, I am considering starting a PKI history page. I'm not talking about a year by year list of new attractions, but actual pictures from PKI of the past. I have no intention at all of competing with this site, so there will be no forums or anything like that. Mainly, the site would consist of pictures hopefully submitted by users, and perhaps I could post some interesting stores submitted by people who were there the inaugural year.

Here are some ideas that are off the top of my head for the site:

-Construction photos from throughout the history of the park.

-Then and now photos i.e. King Cobra becomes Delirium, The Bat becomes The Vortex and so on....

-Perhaps a Paramount Buyout: Good Thing or Bad Thing? article, as told by employees of the time.

-An article on how the city of Mason was affected by the park.

Now, I realize that there's a history book coming out about the park ( I TOTALLY can't wait) but I'm hoping to take a different perspective than it will.

Like I said before, this is just an idea. If you think it's stupid, let me know. Any input or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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lol...wow, that's a lot of pressure! I want to gather resourses before I even think about coding. Coding shouldn't be a problem, I almost have a degree in computer science... well actually, recently I switched to engineering (To get my dream job of working for Arrow) but I know Java extremely well. Any input, submissions, ideas, or whatever would be greatly appreciated!

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I think history is a very important aspect for any theme park especially one with such rich history as King's Island. I would like to see PKI history be more a part of this site as I believe this is the best PKI site out their and also the most intelligent PKI forum going. Are any of this sites creators interested in expanding the site to show more aspects on the park's rich history? I would even be willing to make a donation if it would help get it going...

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Hey all! I'm new, but I've been a long time lurker(1yr) and I know how things work here. One of the things that interests me most about my favorite parks(PKI and SFGAm) is their history. I love hearing about rides that have come and gone, as well as how the park has changed over the years. I would definately love a site devoted to PKI's history! smile.gif

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If someone would like to write a new "history" section, please feel free to email me at aaron@pkiunlimited.com. We are always looking for contributions to PKIU, and they are greatly appreciated.

I'd be more than willing to format the pages, and give them to you as a new history section. It's the least I could do with how often I'm on your site. tongue.gif

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