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Winter training 2010

Mr. Coastermania

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Hey it's that time of year again for me.As the season ended i weighed 212 but the dang holidays kicked my butt big time.SO im starting at 236 lbs as i try to trim down and invite others just to join in or just keep track.

On a good note i enjoyed all the Cedar Point rides no problem so i know what i must weigh to ride so im pumped.My goal before the season ends is 195 lbs and to keep it off.

Here's to another great Kings Island season.

rock on. JA

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I tell you the best weight loss plan ever...Work on the Matterhorn triangle at Cedar Point...when the season started i was right around 225, despite eating out with my crew nearly every night and drinking more Coke than anyone ever should, I still left weighing around 180. And now it's all coming back since I've been sitting at home doing nothing...

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Oh man... is it already winter training time again?sad.giflaugh.gif

Well, at least this year I'm at a lower weight than I was this time last year. The only thing that sucks is I no longer belong to a gym. I was going to Urban Active, but I quit them in October when they cut back on the hours that their playroom was open. I would pick up GatorGirl from daycare, and we'd go to UA. But then they announced that the playroom for the kids would only be open for like 3 hours in the middle of the day... which would only benefit stay-at-home moms (and dads), not those of us who have to work for a living. It would have benefited more people if they had made those 3 hours they were open be in the evening, after most people got off work. As soon as they made that reduction in hours, I cancelled my membership. A few weeks later, they closed the playroom altogether.

I was doing well, and in May I was at my lowest point, having lost 26 lbs. When I quit UA, I was still at about 20 lbs. below my February weight. Now, I'm hovering at about 13 lbs. below that Feb. weight.

Now I just have to find a way to work out again. We had gotten a great deal at UA through Mrs. Gator's work, and I haven't seen anywhere else come close to what we were paying there. And paying someone money is a great motivator to work out! laugh.gif I have some ideas on things I can do at home, I just have to implement them.

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Oh man... is it already winter training time again?sad.giflaugh.gif

Well, at least this year I'm at a lower weight than I was this time last year. The only thing that sucks is I no longer belong to a gym. I was going to Urban Active, but I quit them in October when they cut back on the hours that their playroom was open. I would pick up GatorGirl from daycare, and we'd go to UA. But then they announced that the playroom for the kids would only be open for like 3 hours in the middle of the day... which would only benefit stay-at-home moms (and dads), not those of us who have to work for a living. It would have benefited more people if they had made those 3 hours they were open be in the evening, after most people got off work. As soon as they made that reduction in hours, I cancelled my membership. A few weeks later, they closed the playroom altogether.

I was doing well, and in May I was at my lowest point, having lost 26 lbs. When I quit UA, I was still at about 20 lbs. below my February weight. Now, I'm hovering at about 13 lbs. below that Feb. weight.

Now I just have to find a way to work out again. We had gotten a great deal at UA through Mrs. Gator's work, and I haven't seen anywhere else come close to what we were paying there. And paying someone money is a great motivator to work out! laugh.gif I have some ideas on things I can do at home, I just have to implement them.

The quick answer for that in WII.It's fun and it works.
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Oh man... is it already winter training time again?sad.giflaugh.gif

Well, at least this year I'm at a lower weight than I was this time last year. The only thing that sucks is I no longer belong to a gym. I was going to Urban Active, but I quit them in October when they cut back on the hours that their playroom was open. I would pick up GatorGirl from daycare, and we'd go to UA. But then they announced that the playroom for the kids would only be open for like 3 hours in the middle of the day... which would only benefit stay-at-home moms (and dads), not those of us who have to work for a living. It would have benefited more people if they had made those 3 hours they were open be in the evening, after most people got off work. As soon as they made that reduction in hours, I cancelled my membership. A few weeks later, they closed the playroom altogether.

I was doing well, and in May I was at my lowest point, having lost 26 lbs. When I quit UA, I was still at about 20 lbs. below my February weight. Now, I'm hovering at about 13 lbs. below that Feb. weight.

Now I just have to find a way to work out again. We had gotten a great deal at UA through Mrs. Gator's work, and I haven't seen anywhere else come close to what we were paying there. And paying someone money is a great motivator to work out! laugh.gif I have some ideas on things I can do at home, I just have to implement them.

At least your Urban Active offers a play area. I go to the one in Erlanger, KY and they eliminated it... along with all classes except Silver Sneakers. They have a big elaborate spinning studio and don't even offer the spinning class anymore. This apparently has been going on since they opened the Florence location. I fear that we're going to get shut down.

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^The one on Mason Montgomery is the one I went to all the time, and they cut their classes too. The cuts were chain-wide, I read this article about all the cuts and many people were unhappy because they couldn't get out of their contracts. Luckily we had a month to month contract, so it was relatively easy to cancel... but they still deducted membership fees for 3 months after we cancelled. Numerous calls to their corporate office by us went unreturned, and we just gave up.

The quick answer for that in WII.It's fun and it works.

That's one of my ideas!wink.gif I recently got a bonus from work, and I'm planning to combine that with a gift card I got for Christmas to get a Wii. Just waiting for a good time to do it, because I would still need to shell out some money and we're still paying off Christmas bills!

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Man, what a perfect topic. I was just telling Jesse last Saturday that I weigh more now than I EVER have... 178.6. I want to cut weight, concentrating on my midsection until Im down to 160, then build back to 170/175 with upper body mucsle... as small a frame as I have an extra 10 to 15lb of muscle in my chest and arms will be very noticeable. Im also taking your approach Gator... Im joining a Cardinal Fitness in Bloomingtom with the thought that A)if Im paying membership fees and B)Im driving 45 miles each way to do it... Im going to work it HARD when Im there!!

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^^ From personal experience, I'd go with Wii Fit or, even better, Wii Fit Plus (with the balance board, of course). You can set your own pace in workouts that have a surprisingly strong probability of making you sore... in a good way. It's not the ultimate workout tool by any means (as there are long periods of being motionless as you select your next activity unless you choose one of Fit Plus's preset workout routines), but it'll certainly help that I'd say it's worth the price. Plus, the games it comes with are basically addicting (particularly Fit Plus's skateboarding) that the whole family can get into.

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I've been considering switching health clubs in the Toledo Area, glad I'm reading about Urban Active here, they have two locations in great TTown and have huge crowds, both times I went to check them out I couldn't find a parking spot. Check out sparkpeople.com, it's a free online tool to help in healthy living / weight loss.

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Wii Fit is a fun game but I'd say it's hardly a replacement for a couple hours a day at the gym.

I completely agree with that. Wii was just one of my ideas. We have exercise equipment in our basement gathering dust, time to resurrect that. The Wii is a lot better than what I've been doing recently, which is pretty much nothing besides watching what I eat. Heck, even after bowling with KIC a couple of weeks ago, and despite going to Cici's, there was a decrease in my weight just from that.

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And then there's being female. Ever seen that commercial for a weight loss supplement where the woman says "I stopped drinking soda and lost 3 lbs. My husband stopped drinking soda and lost 15." or something like that .. yeah, that's been my story all summer. I did drop about 10 lbs over the summer which I attribute completely to being very active running around the parks and the lack of snacking that went along with it. I stopped drinking regular pop last April (I live on Diet Mt Dew now), and have been much more watchful of what I eat - I always take the sugar-free options, low-fat or low-calorie, etc and am conscious of what I eat when I'm out. I'm now at the exact same weight I was last February even with those changes. :rolleyes: I've been making an effort to be more active this winter (I play DDR and have the at-home version set up in my basement with lexan hard pads) but it's not seeming to help all that much. Hopefully as the coaster season gets here, I'll be able to drop back down to my last-season weight and even more than that. I've been especially conscious of my carb intake as I noticed that my blood sugar was starting to get to the high end of normal, and with adult-onset diabetes running strongly in both side of my family (my mom, dad and grandma are all Type II diabetics and insulin-dependent), I want to do everything I can to reduce the possibility of developing it, especially this young. I think my health, more so than the vanity reasons, has been the biggest motivator for me to make the lifestyle changes that I have.

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And then there's being female. Ever seen that commercial for a weight loss supplement where the woman says "I stopped drinking soda and lost 3 lbs. My husband stopped drinking soda and lost 15." or something like that .. yeah, that's been my story all summer. I did drop about 10 lbs over the summer which I attribute completely to being very active running around the parks and the lack of snacking that went along with it. I stopped drinking regular pop last April (I live on Diet Mt Dew now), and have been much more watchful of what I eat - I always take the sugar-free options, low-fat or low-calorie, etc and am conscious of what I eat when I'm out. I'm now at the exact same weight I was last February even with those changes. :rolleyes: I've been making an effort to be more active this winter (I play DDR and have the at-home version set up in my basement with lexan hard pads) but it's not seeming to help all that much. Hopefully as the coaster season gets here, I'll be able to drop back down to my last-season weight and even more than that. I've been especially conscious of my carb intake as I noticed that my blood sugar was starting to get to the high end of normal, and with adult-onset diabetes running strongly in both side of my family (my mom, dad and grandma are all Type II diabetics and insulin-dependent), I want to do everything I can to reduce the possibility of developing it, especially this young. I think my health, more so than the vanity reasons, has been the biggest motivator for me to make the lifestyle changes that I have.

Part of your problem is that you need to choose a diet. You said low-fat, low-calorie and low-carb and the three don't work together. If you going with low-carb you will need the fat. There also is no weight loss supplement that works so I wouldn't believe what I hear from a weight loss supplement commercial.

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I wouldn't really call what I'm doing low-anything, really. I'm just being more conscious of what I'm eating, especially my carb/sugar intake - nothing anywhere near something like the Atkins diet. The switch to diet pop, reduction in the amount of high-sugar things I drink such as juice and chocolate milk, and a general awareness of what I'm putting into my mouth is essentially what I'm doing. I'm just working on reducing the amount of garbage I ingest, such as fast food, candy, and unhealthy snacks like potato chips. The only 'diet' that will ever work long-term is taking in less calories than you burn in a day, the rest is just short-term reductions in certain things that cause your body to freak out and do things it's not really supposed to. I'm not planning to diet for the sake of dieting or losing weight - what I'm trying to do is make a lifestyle change that will lead to me being healthier because I'm eating healthier.

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And then there's being female. Ever seen that commercial for a weight loss supplement where the woman says "I stopped drinking soda and lost 3 lbs. My husband stopped drinking soda and lost 15." or something like that .. yeah, that's been my story all summer. I did drop about 10 lbs over the summer which I attribute completely to being very active running around the parks and the lack of snacking that went along with it. I stopped drinking regular pop last April (I live on Diet Mt Dew now), and have been much more watchful of what I eat - I always take the sugar-free options, low-fat or low-calorie, etc and am conscious of what I eat when I'm out. I'm now at the exact same weight I was last February even with those changes. :rolleyes: I've been making an effort to be more active this winter (I play DDR and have the at-home version set up in my basement with lexan hard pads) but it's not seeming to help all that much. Hopefully as the coaster season gets here, I'll be able to drop back down to my last-season weight and even more than that. I've been especially conscious of my carb intake as I noticed that my blood sugar was starting to get to the high end of normal, and with adult-onset diabetes running strongly in both side of my family (my mom, dad and grandma are all Type II diabetics and insulin-dependent), I want to do everything I can to reduce the possibility of developing it, especially this young. I think my health, more so than the vanity reasons, has been the biggest motivator for me to make the lifestyle changes that I have.

Wait til you're in your 40's-its hard to take the weight off, period, short of getting sick which I did 2 years ago. I eat what I want now-the key is moderation-my workout plan consists of moving to a place that has a weight room (since Mason p***** me off with this tax proposal, I'm outta here). Simple things like taking the stairs, walking after work etc. My desk job doesn't help-since I got eliminated from the hospital, I have put on about 45 pounds-no biggie, I still fit in everything, but not much longer. In my move I will be on the ground floor which will help with getting my bike out.

And yes, soda is a bad thing-I rarely drink it anymore, but I do treat myself on occasion-strictly throwbacks :)

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Wait til you're in your 40's-its hard to take the weight off, period, short of getting sick which I did 2 years ago. I eat what I want now-the key is moderation-my workout plan consists of moving to a place that has a weight room (since Mason p***** me off with this tax proposal, I'm outta here). Simple things like taking the stairs, walking after work etc. My desk job doesn't help-since I got eliminated from the hospital, I have put on about 45 pounds-no biggie, I still fit in everything, but not much longer. In my move I will be on the ground floor which will help with getting my bike out.

And yes, soda is a bad thing-I rarely drink it anymore, but I do treat myself on occasion-strictly throwbacks :)

It's amazing how much your work has an effect on your weight. I noticed that when I was working retail (a year in a mall, and then 2 years selling cars), I put on a ridiculous amount of weight because I was so sedentary at my job. The big drop that I had shortly after going back to school was from the additional exercise I got riding my bike between my car (in a parking garage) to class (OSU's a big campus!!). Since I wasn't in traditional classes for over a year, it's been difficult to get my weight to do anything more than fluctuate 5 lbs in each direction, but now I'm back in traditional classes so I'll be doing a lot of walking again. I also always take the stairs now (I used to be dependent on the elevator), have no problem with parking farther away (unless it's freezing cold out) and walking further to stores, and I've been known just to wander around in the mall for awhile because I feel the need to be moving after eating out. I can't wait till it starts getting warm out, I'll be getting out on my bike again (which I did none of last summer, but did lots of the summer before), and I have a good feeling there will be lots of random walks with my boyfriend - he loves walking, so he's a great influence on me!

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And then there's being female. Ever seen that commercial for a weight loss supplement where the woman says "I stopped drinking soda and lost 3 lbs. My husband stopped drinking soda and lost 15." or something like that .. yeah, that's been my story all summer. I did drop about 10 lbs over the summer which I attribute completely to being very active running around the parks and the lack of snacking that went along with it. I stopped drinking regular pop last April (I live on Diet Mt Dew now), and have been much more watchful of what I eat - I always take the sugar-free options, low-fat or low-calorie, etc and am conscious of what I eat when I'm out. I'm now at the exact same weight I was last February even with those changes. rolleyes.gif I've been making an effort to be more active this winter (I play DDR and have the at-home version set up in my basement with lexan hard pads) but it's not seeming to help all that much. Hopefully as the coaster season gets here, I'll be able to drop back down to my last-season weight and even more than that. I've been especially conscious of my carb intake as I noticed that my blood sugar was starting to get to the high end of normal, and with adult-onset diabetes running strongly in both side of my family (my mom, dad and grandma are all Type II diabetics and insulin-dependent), I want to do everything I can to reduce the possibility of developing it, especially this young. I think my health, more so than the vanity reasons, has been the biggest motivator for me to make the lifestyle changes that I have.

I know each person is different so you have to pick what works for you.

Remember not all carbs are bad and you need them for energy.

My plan is to drink 6 glasses of water.i mix one water the next diet soda then so on so i get my intake.

next i log in everything i eat and that is everything.

I go by the less is best attack.Eat just enough to hit the spot and no more.

this mornings brakefast was

1. apple

1/2 grapefruit with sugar

1 cup sugar smacks with a 1/2 cup of 2% milk

3 to 4 hours later i will have a banana

lunch i might have a taco bell reg taco and some pinto beans and cheese with a apple

snack time 3 to 4 hours later could be light popcorn and a pear

dinner -salad with fat free ranch,baked fish,corn,baked potatoe.

Thats a basic game plan for me.

1 You make sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours

2.make healthy choices

3.drink water.water helps you plus when you think your hungry you might only really be thirsty.

4.plan what you eat.This way you know what's going in you.

i hope this helps.

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Wow pikeman. That is quite impressive that you plan everything out so well. You probably have a fairly good idea of how many calories you consume each day too. I don't have the patience nor willpower to do such things.

I'm also an incredibly picky eater, so there are a lot of 'healthy' things that I just won't eat. I see one on your day's meal plan already - baked fish. I don't eat fish, chicken, pork, or many of the other 'lean' meats. However, I absolutely adore several healthy choices, especially fresh fruit. I do tend to eat at least one piece of fresh fruit daily - it never lasts long in my fridge! I blaze through apples, grapes, strawberries, grapefruit, oranges .. anything except cherries!

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  • 2 months later...

Well got side tracked with a injury but im up and going again.thank god.During my down time i picked up 10 lbs but im quickly back on track

at 230 lbs.I hope to match 225 like i was last year on opening day.My main goal is being ready for Cedar Point near the end of may.Top thrill makes it hard to buckle your belt so if i can get down to 218, i should be ok.I know they post signs that say you must be able to buckle your own seat belt but Kings Island and Cedar Point has great workers that help you no matter what.thank you guys and gals.I guess now i'll have to change this to spring training 2010.Oh well hurry up opening day.

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Im at 225-230 lbs. right now but I'm over 6 ft. tall so I'm not huge in my mid section though. I lift for football monday,wednesday, and friday. By lifting Ive lost a lot of fat and gained a lot of muscle in about 6 months. Ive gained 10 -15 pounds since the end of my football season but luckily thats mostly muscle. I try to watch what I eat but as most people know its easier said then done. Working out 3 days a week has really helped me since my freshmen year where I didnt really have any muscle and just a lot of fat. But like I said, most of its been turned into muscle. I also havent had pop in a couple years. I usually drink juice or water. I know I may sound big for a Sophmore in high school but Im actually small for an offensive linemen who will be starting next football season as a Junior.

My facebook picture

I was at about 215 lbs there. That is the weight that I was during the season. Ive now put on a lot of muscle on my shoulders, arms, chest, and also my thighs. Gotta love working out. Not

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Hmm. My son is weighing in at 125 and I'm hoping that by walking 100+ miles this summer at KI, he'll be able to burn off some of that extra baggage.

A note on the WiiFit... it certainly won't replace a couple hours at the gym, but it is exponentially cheaper and could help people during the winter. You can even do a free run or step aerobics on it while watching TV. If you're going to be watching TV anyway, step aerobics can be a good way to at least burn some calories while you're in the livingroom. I don't need to loose weight at this point, but I use it to keep a healthy heart, which is important during those winter months, too!

Good luck to everyone with a goal this summer!

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Guest Millennium

I tell you the best weight loss plan ever...Work on the Matterhorn triangle at Cedar Point...when the season started i was right around 225, despite eating out with my crew nearly every night and drinking more Coke than anyone ever should, I still left weighing around 180. And now it's all coming back since I've been sitting at home doing nothing...

Loss of muscle, friend.

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