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2011 what should KI get


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A normal sized Giant Slide would be very inexpensive, but with its horrible capacity, Kings Island would want a larger version. These larger versions can be quite pricey, and I don't believe any are currently in production. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

The only way I could see this happening is if Kings Island still has Flying Carpet/ Scrappy's Slide in storage. (Doubtful.)

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They would have horrible capacity. And now I'm guessing a Rock-O-Planes being built at KI is out of the question. They don't have the best capacity either. I'll guess I'll just have to ride the Giant Slide and Rock-O-Planes at Coney...sleep.gif

BF389...who's favorite Carnival typed-ride are Rock-O-Planes

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I'm sure Cedar Fair could get Chance, Huss, or some other company to design higher capacity versions of anything. If the price is right, that is.

And who knows! Maybe some of the Linder/ CBS flat ride removals are in storage, somewhere in the park. Most of these rides did disappear off the face of the Earth... You'd think some park would've wanted them.

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  On 8/7/2010 at 4:20 PM, beastforever389 said:

As I posted in the other thread "2012" KI could really use a burlap sack slide.


Those slides have awful capacity, very little draw, and aren't very high value. Can you imagine how many more season passes they'd sell if for 2011 they added a..... burlap sack slide? IMO, they have their place in smaller amusement parks, but KI does not need one.

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  On 8/7/2010 at 6:31 PM, The Interpreter said:

Not to mention the injury rates on those things are much higher than most would think. You don't see inflatables at Kings Island either, for largely the same reason. Back when Kings Island had a burlap sack slide, the times were different and people were not so sue-happy...

That's true. Back then people didn't try to make a lawsuit out of everything. But what I don't get is that how does Coney Island still has a Giant Slide if it has high injury rates and KI can't have one. Also, how do they still have the slide in the middle of the Sunlite Pool where you would climb up a ladder to get to it. To me that seems like a huge liability. Just to make sure...I'm not trying to "prove you wrong" or anything I 'm just asking some simple questions.smile.gif

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^^That's why I love Coney Island(OH)!

Plus, there's many experiences at Coney Island that aren't at KI

  • Pedal Boats,
  • Rock-O-Planes,
  • GOOD bumper cars,
  • Bumper Boats,
  • As mentioned above, Giant Slide,
  • *Pepsi* Python(no coaster like it at KI),
  • Amazing Pool,
  • The one only, SPEED SLIDE! and,
  • Short linestongue.gif

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  On 8/7/2010 at 8:15 PM, Purplehaze said:

The injuries were not that many, maybe a burn here and there but nothing major. I am sure there were a few accidents but none that I can recall off hand.

Can you imagine today's generation of largely couch-potato younguns climbing up those steps?

Not to mention that a new installation of that slide would almost certainly REQUIRE an elevator under the Americans with Disabilities Act in a park the size of Kings Island...that would be considered a reasonable accommodation.

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  On 7/24/2010 at 9:29 PM, RingMaster said:

Actually, their last Invert just opened up two weeks ago at Walygator Parc in France

What? Wally Gator has a parc in France? Who wants to go with me? Rotag, are you in? laugh.gif

(For those of you who may be completely lost as to who Wally Gator is, see the picture in my profile... I've also been known to use Wally as my avatar from time to time. For now I'll keep the the WTRA gator as my avatar, but Wally will be making a reappearance soon!)

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  On 8/7/2010 at 6:25 PM, Beast1979 said:
  On 8/7/2010 at 4:20 PM, beastforever389 said:

As I posted in the other thread "2012" KI could really use a burlap sack slide.


Those slides have awful capacity, very little draw, and aren't very high value. Can you imagine how many more season passes they'd sell if for 2011 they added a..... burlap sack slide? IMO, they have their place in smaller amusement parks, but KI does not need one.

I do not believe every ride or change has to be geared toward increased season pass sales. I'd argue that a group of smaller rides - maybe even some family type rides or others with awful capacity - could be used to bring more of a family atmosphere to Kings Island.

I'd vote for returning Tique's, Scooters, and Bayern Kurve for "nostalgia" purposes, but wouldn't mind seeing a slide, a Ferris Wheel, a Matterhorn or Wipeout, and/or other family friendly rides as well.

  On 8/7/2010 at 6:31 PM, The Interpreter said:

Not to mention the injury rates on those things are much higher than most would think. You don't see inflatables at Kings Island either, for largely the same reason. Back when Kings Island had a burlap sack slide, the times were different and people were not so sue-happy...

Yet Cedar Point and Knott's Berry Farm both have inflatables

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I'm all for adding more family/traditional flat rides as well. With the exception of the rides at Planet Snoopy, Shake Rattle and Roll, Monster, Scrambler and Zypher we don't have much to offer in that area.

A ferris wheel and scooters are what I would like to see.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Whip either, but from the looks of it these rides are disappearing so I doubt that we'll ever see one at Kings Island. Heck, I would be surprised if we ever see an addition of any traditional flat rides any time soon...

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