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Kings Island's 5@5 Q&A Thread


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Still, I doubt seriously Kings Island won't still be around when the last poster currently here is long gone. Can I guarantee that? No. But I would think the park is safe for years to come.

I hope so, but I was just pointing out that anything could happen. It would be horrible if it did, and it's unlikely it will. I just hope it never comes to that!

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I see no reason why Kings Island would leave. Almost everyday the parking lot is full. They just need to watch where they put their money - I honestly want them to spend more money on hiring and keeping the place clean than new rides and roller coasters.

Next time, let's ask them on 5@5.....

Are you thinking of going BYE? :P

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Interesting Combination of Dark and Light Blue. Me Likey.

I love the color combination, but it seriously confirms that it will be renamed to "Woodstock Express", not "The Beastie" Think about it... birds... sky...FUN...

The only thing I'm worried about is how these colors will age... light colors sometimes don't fare too well with the elements.

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I love the color combination, but it seriously confirms that it will be renamed to "Woodstock Express", not "The Beastie" Think about it... birds... sky...FUN...

The only thing I'm worried about is how these colors will age... light colors sometimes don't fare too well with the elements.

I would have expected it to be brown (natural wood, anyone?) if it were Woodstock Express. The colors look great, though!

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I love the color combination, but it seriously confirms that it will be renamed to "Woodstock Express", not "The Beastie" Think about it... birds... sky...FUN...

And,purple and orange suggested the name Beastie to you before?.... :lol:

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Q: Adam Kaplan - Greg, it's always great to see you around the park. My question is what has been your favorite memory at Kings Island since June of '06?

A: Adam, this may be the easiest question of the day for me to answer! Robbie Knievel jumping 24 Coke Zero buses in our parking lot on May 24th of 2008 was the beginning of our affair with special events and our attempt to put Kings Island back on the map. This was the day that I realized how awesome the Kings Island staff was and what teamwork is is all about. Everyone pitched in on this day to make it one of the most memorable days in this great park's history.


Q: Cadandra Leventry - I am a current student and want to become a general manager of an amusement park or a representative in that area, in my future. What major do you recommend me to take and are there any specific colleges you would recommend? What path did you take to get where you are today?

A: Cassandra, why would you want my job? Just kidding! I have one of the greatest jobs and one that I never dreamed of having even in college. The majority of the GM's in our industry start the same way I did, from the bottom. When I was 15 years of age I started cleaning rooms in the Hotel Breakers at Cedar Point and after two years at the hotel, I then transferred to the Games Division for another 6 years until graduating college. I actually took another position out of our industry for two years until being asked if I wanted to return to Cedar Point in a full-time position in Games. I held various positions at Cedar Point before becoming GM at Dorney Park in Allentown prior to Kings Island. Although experience in the industry is key, many of my cohorts majored in business or engineering. Good luck!!!


Q: Katie Olszewski - What is your biggest challenge running a park on a yearly basis?

A: Great question Katie! Being a seasonal operation has its advantages but leads to some of the biggest challenges. Every year when we close, many of our associates are working their last days ever for us leaving us with the challenge of recruiting and training a new work force each spring. Training sessions are already starting for the 2010 year and will continue to run throughout the season for both new and returning associates. Come April 17th, we need to ensure every guest is being treated to the highest standard and this can not be achieved overnight.


Q: Ryan Suhr - Compare your experiences of being GM of Dorney Park and at Kings Island -- one being a medium-sized park and one being one of the largest in the Midwest. Is everything from the stress to the reward put on a grander scale at a larger park or is the job - regardless of the size of the park - basically the same gig?

A: Ryan, what stress are you referring to? Oh yea, the idea that nearly 3,000,000 people come through our gates each year and my job is to ensure the safety of each and every one of them? Yes, Kigns Island is bigger than Dorney Park but the day to day job functions are very similar.


Q: Seth Campbell - As general manager what is your favorite thing to do that involves your job?

A: Ride the rides and test the food! Sorry Seth, but unfortunately most days I do neither or these. Standing at the main gate in the morning greeting the guests as they enter the park is a daily favorite but nothing can top a family stopping you on their way out of the park and commenting on how great their day was. This is what makes being a GM an awesome job!


Those questions and answers can be found here.

Adam Kaplan, are you the ice skater, "Adam Kaplan" ? just wondering.

That would be me lol.

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And I wonder what that could have been....

Terpy, who likes asking rhetorical questions he knows the answers to, and who has not asked and will not be asking questions of the park on Facebook, and who seldom asks any park industry related question in an open forum...Often one can learn much more by listening and carefully interpreting both what is and is not said...what is and is not answered...and the careful tactics used to avoid answering that which will not, or in some cases, cannot be answered, for various and sundry reasons. And, oh yeah, yesterday's questions boring? Perhaps, but the answers sure were not. I learned more yesterday than I have in quite some time....

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Just thought I'd check.

Edit: Also:

And, oh yeah, yesterday's questions boring? Perhaps, but the answers sure were not. I learned more yesterday than I have in quite some time....

I went back and looked at the questions/answers to see what my "interpretation" of what could've been learned form the questions/answers is:

-KI is possibly planning nothing major for the 40th anniversary, because they won't start planning that season until the 2011 season is well underway

-KI is supposedly worried about the guest experience (in Boomerang Bay, at least)

-KI won't have separate admission for both parks

I assume you learned more than that from the answers yesterday.

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Q: Adam Kaplan - Greg, it's always great to see you around the park. My question is what has been your favorite memory at Kings Island since June of '06?

A: Adam, this may be the easiest question of the day for me to answer! Robbie Knievel jumping 24 Coke Zero buses in our parking lot on May 24th of 2008 was the beginning of our affair with special events and our attempt to put Kings Island back on the map. This was the day that I realized how awesome the Kings Island staff was and what teamwork is is all about. Everyone pitched in on this day to make it one of the most memorable days in this great park's history.


although from a few days ago, i found the part of this answer that i have put in bold very interesting. i've always thought of Kings Island "being on the map"

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