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OFFICIAL! Son of Beast Will NOT Operate in 2010


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Are we sure that it is even dirt that has been moved around?

If yes, I would have expected to see a dirt pile/ mound. I also don't see a change in the grade/ slope of the area consistant with the moving of land.

It could be dead brown grass due to the hot, humid, dry summer.

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LOL an Intamin Giga? Seriously? I don't see that happening. While the area is perfect for one, They aren't going to 1up Diamondback just yet. Also you gotta figure they also spent a pretty penny on Diamondback, CF isn't going to spend that kinda money on KI anytime in the near future, especially with their financial problems.

I am curious as to what they are doing. If they are planning on removing SOB, than they MUST have some plan for the land. Many have said it, and its true, removing coasters cost money. Most parks would just as rather just leave a Coaster SBNO than spend the money on demolition.

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So I went.

This area has defiantly been "messed" with if you will. And not very long ago. I took a few pictures from the tower and I rode Drop Tower(of course couldn't get pictures from there). But if you ride Drop Tower, you can clearly see that this area is receiving some activity. I also saw two piles of dirt that seemed to be pretty large. Anyway, here are the pictures:



In this one look at the right top side. This is the end of where the new dirt has been laid, and it keeps continuing to the right. Unfortunately, SOB is blocking any visuals from the tower. BUT ride DT. And you will see what I am talking about.

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LOL an Intamin Giga? Seriously? I don't see that happening. While the area is perfect for one, They aren't going to 1up Diamondback just yet. Also you gotta figure they also spent a pretty penny on Diamondback, CF isn't going to spend that kinda money on KI anytime in the near future, especially with their financial problems.

I am curious as to what they are doing. If they are planning on removing SOB, than they MUST have some plan for the land. Many have said it, and its true, removing coasters cost money. Most parks would just as rather just leave a Coaster SBNO than spend the money on demolition.

Millennium Force in 2000, Top Thrill Dragster in 2003? Just sayin'!

The ride is within three yards of two other roller coasters, which would require an extremely controlled demolition. Again, there are parts that would need to be dismantled by hand. And so, pretend that's done - now you've got millions of board feet of wood sitting around. It cannot be burned because of the chemicals with which the wood is treated. There are millions of screws and bolts within the wood. It must be moved. Who will do it? How many vehicles? How many trips? How much gas? How many man hours?

You know how in Roller Coaster Tycoon you can build a piece of path for $10, and when you delete a piece, you get $6 back? That's because it cost $4 to remove it. Son of Beast cannot just "disappear." In fact, if there's a roller coaster on Earth that would be the hardest to remove, Son of Beast is certainly pretty near the top of the list.

I've said before that we simply cannot even begin to fathom the intricacies of the Son of Beast decision. The money that has been spent on it is gone. It just is. So whether it cost $10 million or $30 million so far is irrelevant, because the figures for demolition and, likely, reconstruction have not changed. The thing I have been saying for a while is that, it's very possible that the "Iron Horse" track configuration may cost $12 million dollars (not a real figure, just a placeholder). Alright. That sounds expensive. But consider - demolition may cost $8 million. You must do one or the other eventually. And if it came down to $8 million for removal, $12 million for Iron Horse, you better believe there would be more than one meeting at CFHQ about that...

And that's the reason I (and many others) are so bothered by folks who think it's "funny" to say "BURN IT DOWNNN LOLZ WURLDS BIGGEST BONFIRE." There are those here who do not hide their hatred of Son of Beast; they also do not resort to ignorant, unfunny, tired attempts at being clever.

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I will get pics tomorrow however I think this is prolly nothing and cormaster yes it cost a small fortune to tear a ride down like SOB however while it stands there is a liability that cost the park such as in insurance. I have no clue what that would cost but I am sure it is not cheap.

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... just throwing this out there, the last larger thrill ride (Diamondback) had a holding area back there, maybe we are getting a new thrill ride of some sort (not necessarily a roller coaster), and they are just prepping the area for the attraction to have a holding area.

if this is true, i called it here. lol

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Interesting, to say the least. There's dirt moving and land clearing and it's fresh. Coaster_Junky is right, Diamondback's storage area was there. So that means it could be anything from Demolition teams, new ride there, new ride somewhere else, who knows! I say let's see how this one plays out.....

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