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Backlot Stunt Coaster Trains Being Stripped of Their Theming


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Seriously, 7 pages of over-reaction?

Do I like the change? No

Will my 6 year old be upset as he loves the "Mini Cooper Coaster" (as be calls it)? We'll see

But CF is not tring to ruin the park, is not pulling another GL, etc...

Everyone is entitled to there opinion on what this looks like and how that might impact their enjoyment of the ride, but let's try and maintain some perspective. Spending is going to be minimized because CF is in financial trouble. And don't think that anyone who takes over CF won't be looking at further cost cuts also.

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  On 4/4/2010 at 2:59 PM, KIfan1980 said:

Seriously, 7 pages of over-reaction?

Do I like the change? No

Will my 6 year old be upset as he loves the "Mini Cooper Coaster" (as be calls it)? We'll see

But CF is not tring to ruin the park, is not pulling another GL, etc...

Everyone is entitled to there opinion on what this looks like and how that might impact their enjoyment of the ride, but let's try and maintain some perspective. Spending is going to be minimized because CF is in financial trouble. And don't think that anyone who takes over CF won't be looking at further cost cuts also.

Agreed!!!!!!!!! My biggest thing is, change happens no matter what. Even if Paramount still had the park, something would have changed and a bunch of people wouldn't be happy. Step back, BE THANKFUL that we have Kings Island to go to!!! Yes I don't like some of the changes that have happened with the park since CF took over, but hey, I'm thankful every time I go to KI because I can go have fun, the real reason of going to KI, not some silly decals, theming, etc. Yes, it does add to the overall experience, but it is not the only thing that this park needs to focus on. I'm thankful that when I am a guest, I am treated as one.

Just sayin'

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  On 4/4/2010 at 3:16 PM, DiamondbackCMH said:

Even if Paramount still had the park, something would have changed and a bunch of people wouldn't be happy.

Exactly - so when we're not happy, it's not necessarily a "We hate Cedar Fair!" If Paramount did this, I would be ****ed at Paramount! It doesn't matter who did it, because whoever did is doing really useless, careless, and plain old stupid things to the park. Period.

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Have you seen the trains? Of course it's careless... Look at them! They're rather have repulsive looking trains than to have really cool looking ones. And it's not a matter of paying for the license. Just add on new headlights! And for Heaven's sake, does BMW own the ride to license plates being on cars? If they do, I certainly owe them a hefty sum of money. The fact that they removed the aspects that don't even allude to BMW (doors, headlights, license plates, windshield) certainly makes me feel like they're trying keep it from looking like a car at all.


The front of the Intimidator train now looks more like a car than our perfectly-crafted 3/4 scale MINI Coopers. That says something, doesn't it?

If the point is that they don't want to pay for the BMW license, alright - at least design a vaguely-car-looking train in-house. But if they can't afford it, then why do they still own these theme parks? If they honestly don't have enough money to pay for the license, it's time to let the parks go. What won't they be able to afford next? First some silly, unnecessary rights like this... Then air conditioning... Then employees to sweep the street... I don't know why folks are saying this money they're saving here is going to another roller coaster. Have you forgotten that Cedar Fair will either be sold, or go bankrupt? The chances of us getting a new roller coaster from Cedar Fair are slim to none to say the least. At least, that's how I feel about it.

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To say that Cedar Fair is trying to "Cheapen" , "Ruin" or otherwise make the park look worse is quite possibly the stupidest notion I've heard in quite a while. I can see that in Sandusky:

"Hey, you know what, we're up to our knees in debt."

"Yes sir, we are"

"How about we purposefully make our parks worse?"


"Well, we could install a worn out character at the kids area just because we feel like it. We could also close a popular ride because I don't really feel like having it open. And you know what? Let's take the licensed decals off of the train for our family coaster."


"Certainly not because we HAVE to!"


Come on, guys. It's the same ride. It's not like Cedar Far is trying to kill the park. Do you honestly think they'd do it if they didn't have to?

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You didn't answer my questions. Yes, you answered: "Of course it's careless... Look at them! They're rather have repulsive looking trains than to have really cool looking ones."

But you didn't answer my question whether or not you knew for a fact that changes are careless, useless, etc. What I am getting at, is trying to figure out if you've actually talked to officials at KI or with CF and asked them about the changes and got to the meat and potatoes about this "issue". Because right now you are just speculating and creating an issue that doesn't need to be there.

Another question for you: What is the name of the ride? Back Lot Stunt Coaster. Right? Does the ride manufacturer and name of the ride absolutely call for the trains to look like BMW's? Stunt Coaster---I think of bare minimum vehicles. You're "doing stunts".

What is CF trying to do right now? Be acquired by another company to help take care of their debts, right? CF can't just give up the parks. That's be like saying "well we're no longer in charge and we'll leave the park SBNO." CF will have the park until someone completely acquires it.

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  On 4/4/2010 at 3:40 PM, Beast1979 said:

To say that Cedar Fair is trying to "Cheapen" , "Ruin" or otherwise make the park look worse is quite possibly the stupidest notion I've heard in quite a while. I can see that in Sandusky:

"Hey, you know what, we're up to our knees in debt."

"Yes sir, we are"

"How about we purposefully make our parks worse?"


"Well, we could install a worn out character at the kids area just because we feel like it. We could also close a popular ride because I don't really feel like having it open. And you know what? Let's take the licensed decals off of the train for our family coaster."


"Certainly not because we HAVE to!"


Come on, guys. It's the same ride. It's not like Cedar Far is trying to kill the park. Do you honestly think they'd do it if they didn't have to?

^^ LOL! I agree :)

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And it's another time when I think to myself "Oh I'm sure they're planning on doing something - adding a dragster fin to the cars, putting on headlights, etc." But the fact of the matter is, just like post-Paramount, they've had plenty of time to consider alternatives, knowing full-well that the BMW license was ending. It's just like when they had a full year of planning, and 'Flight Deck,' 'Drop Tower,' etc are still the best we got. They had plenty of time to think of ways to remedy this forthcoming situation, and apparently, didn't take any action.

What a surprise.

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They should have turned BLSC into Intimidator. Most of the original theming didn't work last season, and I wouldn't be surprised if none of it worked this season.

Just remove everything there but the coaster, and plant some grass under it. Put on new trains that look like NASCARs. The stop in the middle of the ride can be themed to a pit stop, or even removed altogether.

Would it really be THAT expensive? They could even sell some of the props, right?

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Except, the Intimidator licensing agreements are through Dale Earnhardt Inc. and not NASCAR. Additionally, both Richmond and Charlotte are home to Sprint Cup races. So the appeal of NASCAR in those cities is slightly higher than what it is in the Cincinnati area. I wouldn`t look for them to retheme Backlot at Kings Island anytime soon.

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Changing anything on a ride is expensive. Even if you are just removing buildings and props, that takes time and money.

I just want to point out that it was probably more expensive to re-fiberglass, repaint, and remove doors, license plates, windshields, etc. then to pay to renew the licensing agreement. Also if they had renewed the license the park probably would have just ignored the ride instead of giving it a new paint job. The park actually paid attention to little old BLSC instead of forgetting about it like they did Flight Deck. It would have been easier for them to renew the license considering that they also had to re-theme an entire kid's area as well this year.

King's Island might have thought that they were changing the ride in a good way. I agree that the new trains are not thrilling or themed but neither are The Racer, Vortex, Beast, Invertigo, Flight Deck, or Flight of Fear trains. Yes they have decals of the name of the ride but even decals are expensive and King's Island has been busy this off season. Give them a chance. Yes themeing is nice to have but I for one feel that the ride is the most important part of that experience.

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They did NOT re-fiberglass the trains as you mentioned. The actual train bodies on Flight of Fear remain the same, and the same colors in fact. They just re-attached them in a different configuration than in past years. The doors and windshields being removed were likely done when the trains were being refurbished over the winter. And the decals likely aren`t that hard to remove, when given the proper tools. I wouldn`t say the park has forgotten about Flight Deck. Yes, it could use a paint job, but they did make modifications to its queue line last fall so that Flight Deck could remain open for the Halloween Haunt, when in 2008, it was closed for Haunt so that part of its line could be used for Club Blood.

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  On 4/4/2010 at 6:29 PM, dback2009 said:

King's Island might have thought that they were changing the ride in a good way. I agree that the new trains are not thrilling or themed but neither are The Racer, Vortex, Beast, Invertigo, Flight Deck, or Flight of Fear trains. Yes they have decals of the name of the ride but even decals are expensive and King's Island has been busy this off season. Give them a chance. Yes themeing is nice to have but I for one feel that the ride is the most important part of that experience.

Those are all unfair comparisons. None of the above (with the exception of FoF, whose trains ARE detailed) are centered around theme; Backlot Stunt Coaster is. Do you honestly think the coaster would be anywhere NEAR as fun if it weren't for all the special theming elements? If so, you're kidding yourself.

And decals are expensive? Headlight stickers and windshields that were installed on the ride by a different company over half a decade ago are expensive? Hmm.

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I wish Italian Job had never left. The whole theme of the ride is gone now. Just a car chase with no story. Now there may not be any type of car, which just makes everything worse. If they had just kept everything the same except for logos, names, and other props from the Italian Job, everything would be great. Possibly one of the best coasters in the park. But no.....they have to ruin it one step at a time, until Cedar Fair looks like fools.

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  On 4/4/2010 at 6:33 PM, CoastersRZ said:

They did NOT re-fiberglass the trains as you mentioned. The actual train bodies on Flight of Fear remain the same, and the same colors in fact. They just re-attached them in a different configuration than in past years. The doors and windshields being removed were likely done when the trains were being refurbished over the winter. And the decals likely aren`t that hard to remove, when given the proper tools....

You mean, of course, Backlot Stunt Coaster.

You owe me a big, big, blue B and M at Cedar Point....

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  On 4/4/2010 at 2:59 PM, KIfan1980 said:

Seriously, 7 pages of over-reaction?

Do I like the change? No

Will my 6 year old be upset as he loves the "Mini Cooper Coaster" (as be calls it)? We'll see

But CF is not tring to ruin the park, is not pulling another GL, etc...

Everyone is entitled to there opinion on what this looks like and how that might impact their enjoyment of the ride, but let's try and maintain some perspective. Spending is going to be minimized because CF is in financial trouble. And don't think that anyone who takes over CF won't be looking at further cost cuts also.

What you are calling over-reaction is merely an opinion, of which we are all entitled. Also, I never said that they were trying to make it like GL, I was saying that's what it reminded me of since Cedar Fair just decided to let it go and crapily rename it's rides like they did ours. Just a friendly response. :D

However, for those of you that say it doesn't matter...imagine sitting down into that ride with some generic trains with a BLSC decal slapped on the front. Would that tie any of the theming and story together? Ummm. No. The decals on the cars, MINI or not, tied the whole thing together. I mean honestly, I'll give them the nickels to buy some generic car-like stickers to put on the cars.

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Just buy a few Cokes this season. That ought to do it...at least based on the pricing seen at Carowinds...$4 for a 20 oz. bottle from a machine, $3.59 for 20 oz. fountain, $4.09 for 32 oz. fountain, $2.59 for a souvenir bottle refill. And, oh, the free ice water cups are now six ounce flimsy plastic cups, at least there...at least they are still free...for now.

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Almost ironically, if our park was Universal's Kings Island, or Disney's Kings Island, food prices would drop, and food quality would increase exponentially. I kid you not. I very much enjoyed my $3.50 cheese, cracker, and meat platter for breakfast at Epcot in January. It was quite large, very fresh, and incredibly delicious. Likewise for my $8.00 (retail price, but "free" with my $20.00 all-you-can-eat-all-day-wristband) pasta & breadsticks, with dessert, at Universal Orlando.

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  On 4/4/2010 at 9:47 PM, goodyellowkorn182 said:

Almost ironically, if our park was Universal's Kings Island, or Disney's Kings Island, food prices would drop, and food quality would increase exponentially. I kid you not. I very much enjoyed my $3.50 cheese, cracker, and meat platter for breakfast at Epcot in January. It was quite large, very fresh, and incredibly delicious. Likewise for my $8.00 (retail price, but "free" with my $20.00 all-you-can-eat-all-day-wristband) pasta & breadsticks at Universal Orlando.

I was extremely happy with just about everything I ate at Disney. The food was a large part of the experience.

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Some of the best ribs I have ever eaten have come from Busch Gardens Tampa, at prices no more than at outside restaurants of comparable quality. The same can be said of Animal Kingdom at Disney World. Holiday World has some very good food, and both first fills and refills of Pepsi, Mountain Dew, other soda, coffee and tea are included in the admission price. And for fair food at low prices (pun intended in the first case), Knoebel's Amusement Resort cannot be beaten...

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Yes, it's true, we pay $11.00 for a slice of dripping-wet pizza and a small fountain beverage while Universal visitors pay less than double that for all-day, all-you-care-to-eat trips through the food service lines including dessert. Disney's food costs less and is much better (both for you and in taste). Busch Gardens & SeaWorld offer higher quality food than most amusement parks for prices still lower than Cedar Fair. But, I'm sure our extra nickels are going towards something good! :rolleyes:

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